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Scarlet Studios Interview ©

Yes, we're so lonely we have to ask people to interview us.

<center>Interview Section: </h2>


Unlike most pages who simply monologue, Mr. Han and myself have decided to form a page for the soul purpose of interviews. For the time being, people don't seem to be overly interested in our endeavors, but we're certain our art will evoke quite a positive reaction. So come on, ask us questions!! Anyone...? Please??? The members of Scarlet STudios will place the dates when they will currently be on in the chat channel below.

No Interviews/FAQ dates set at this time.

Mr. Han's Interview Session:

Information on member

  • Jason Han(x-master)/16/M Most common characters include Val Mies, Cloud Mies, and Han-Solo. Can be contacted through

  • Ok, anyone who wants to know anything about me, this is the time to ask away. Iam kinda known to be cool one minute and annoyingly (is that a word?) crazy the next. Yes, we are lonely (~_^) wink wink, any chicks out there?. Yes, i look exactly like the profile. Yes, we draw alot (or at least Kevin does). Yes, this site is not that good (it's called lazyness). Yes, we know we at Scarlet Studios are talented and my suggestion is "if you ask stupid questions, you will recieve stupid answers". So dont say or ask dumb shit. As most of you know, iam 16 years of age but did u also know that i was not accepted into the art program in my school? I mean come on, it doesn't take a genious to see that my art is decent. There were people who werent even half as good as me drawing stick figures who got excepted for god sakes! Just thinking about it pisses me off! Now my sole purpose of drawing is to make a successful art studio and make alot of money to get back at them and ruin OCHSA (Orange County High School of Arts) and possibly support the hungry children of American (puhahhaha)! When i get famous, i plan to buy them out and ruin them from the ground up! Muhahahaha <~ Evil laughter!
  • My favorite Anime (although we dislike the style of anime) is Cowboy Bebop.

    Information on member

  • Kevin Page(Magus)/18/M Most common characters include *Scarlet* and Studio members. Can be contacted through
  • "Almighty" Magus' Interview Session:

    It's me, Magus. I'm here and sexy as ever. Everyone knows I'm the cutest dude in California (or in the world in my humble opinion). Of you detest, I must retort. Afterall, my mom said so. And if she said so, it must be true. What? All moms say their kids are cute? Surely you jest! I mean, mother's intuition lends itself truth, justice, and the American way! Right? No? So I'm ugly? Oh mother! Why? WHY!?! Why mother? Why must you have embelished the truth so as to establish a false sense of confidence. I feel so used. Perhaps that explains why I haven't had a date since I was...10 (I didn't say anything). Our site has an anti-stupid gun that eliminates ignorant people. So, for the love of god, don't ask stupid questions.

    Mr. (ex- Almighty) GOuki's interview Session:

    Information on member

  • Chris K(Gouki)/19/M Most common characters include Aki
    Can be contacted through

  • Yup, Gouki is also included in this limited time interview offer so Jump on the chance to ask him anything! And yes ladies, this man is Single, he's 19, and he is a college man! what more can you ask for? Mr. Gouki is also one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and very talented. So shower him with your praise but skimp on your dirty dislikes of Pity!

    Ask Away~

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    Your email address: (e.g.:

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