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Disclaimer: Mulder, Krycek, Scully and all other X-Files characters who get thrown into this mix do not belong to me. Chris Carter owns 'em. I'm sure he won't mind if I borrow them for a little fun, though.

On a personal aside, this is a little note for my dear husband in case he's still torturing himself in the interest of being 'supportive'. Thank you, honey. I know the subject matter isn't exactly your cup of tea, to put it mildly, but I love you for trying to at least respect the work. Hey, readers, isn't he sweet?

Admission XII
Ever After

By Aries

January 2008

The balmy night breeze smelled of salt and roses. It gently ruffled the dark man’s hair and the abundance of sheer red curtains that made up the walls of his beach front dining room. Red roses and candles filled the room, and in the corner, a man in black tie played a gleaming mahogany Steinway. The man in black sat at an exquisitely set, red-draped table, staring into the flame of one of the candles in front of him. The orange glow danced and flickered in the breeze, holding him entranced until he felt the approach of the one he’d been waiting for. Sable fringed eyes rose, and the bowed lips parted slightly as he watched his new husband, stunning in the pristine white clothing he’d laid out for him, stare in awe at his surroundings.

"How did you... oh my God, Alex, I..."

Alex rose from his seat and met Fox at the other side of the table.

"Are you surprised?"

Fox blew out a soft breath. "Can’t you tell? This is... it’s amazing. When did you do all this?"

"Can’t take credit for any of the actual work. All I really did was give orders and oversee things. You really like it?"

Fox looked around again, taking in the sumptuous decor, committing it to memory.

"It’s..." Fox shook his head. "I’m speechless."

"You?" Alex teased then lifted Fox’s hand to his lips. "Wow. Must’ve turned out better than I thought."

Fox smiled then looked around yet again. "It’s so... elaborate. How was all this happening right under my nose?"

"Are you forgetting, lisa, that I wrote the book on sneaky?"

The older man laughed softly. "Well, you’ll be very happy to know that you’re still in top form." He submitted to a tender kiss and allowed Alex to convey him to their table. He turned to watch the piano player for a short while, then he turned back to Alex, smiling. "I can’t believe you had someone drag a piano down here."

Alex returned the smile and shrugged.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"’Bout an hour or so."

"So, the whole nap thing was a ruse?"

"...Mostly. I did stay in bed with you for a while...watching you sleep." Alex stroked the back of the other man’s hand. "I love to watch you sleep."

One corner of Fox’s mouth slanted upward.

"Then, I got ready and came down here to make sure everything was set."

Smirking, Fox rested his chin in his palm. "You didn’t drive everybody crazy, did you?"

"Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Wouldn’t be the first time," Fox reminded the younger man. "Remember when we got to Joan’s the other day?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

One golden brown eyebrow lifted.

"Okay, never mind."

Fox chuckled then the smile faded from his face, and he gazed into Alex’s eyes. "Thank you," he breathed. "This is breathtaking."

"I was a little nervous about it," Alex admitted. "I didn’t know if you’d think it was too... I don’t know... Days of Our Lives."

"Days of Our..." The smile returned, and Fox broke into laughter. "First of all, what do you know about soap operas, and second, if by that you mean romantically sappy, over the top, it absolutely is, and I love it. And I love you. Just when I think you couldn’t possibly do anything sweeter or more extraordinary, you manage to surprise me."

There was a flicker of some unexplainable... something... in Alex’s eyes, then it was gone. Before Fox could begin to analyze it too closely, Alex diverted his attention.

"Dinner should be here soon. Marie’s been in the kitchen the better part of the day, working on it."

"Yeah? I’m sure it’ll be spectacular."

"In the meantime..." Alex pulled a bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket near his seat. Fox watched him open the bottle and fill two glasses then took one from his husband’s extended hand. Alex leaned forward, his eyes filled with adoration as he held up his glass.

"To... having everything we’ve ever wanted... and never, ever taking a second of it for granted."

Fox nodded and touched his glass to Alex’s. He sipped at the sparkling liquid, his eyes never leaving the younger man’s. A slow smile tilted his lips as he set the glass down. "What is it?" he murmured, noting the intensity of the younger man’s gaze.

"Nothing," Alex whispered. "I just like looking at you."

Fox returned the stare, drowning in the dark green depths of his lover’s eyes. A long silence stretched out between them, and it wasn’t until two men carrying trays had come to stand by the table that the couple turned their attention away from each other. One of the men gave Alex a shallow bow.

"With your permission, sir?"

Alex nodded, and the pair began to serve. As quietly as they had arrived, the men retreated to a corner of the space, remaining alert in case they were needed.

"This smells great," Fox murmured, lifting the lid off of his bowl of conch chowder. He dipped his spoon in and carefully tasted the steaming contents. Alex smiled, watching his eyes drift shut for a moment.


"Oh, yeah. Can we pack Marie up in a suitcase and bring her home with us?"

Alex swallowed what he had just put into his mouth and pouted at his husband.

"You like Marie’s cooking better than mine."

"Nooo, baby, oh, no." Fox grinned at the other man. "But... if we had Marie cooking for us, just think how much time that would leave for... I don’t know..." He gave Alex a sultry stare. "...other things."

The pout turned to a smirk. "Well... when you put it that way, it might not be such a bad idea." He took another spoonful. "This is fantastic."

When the men cleaned their bowls, the servers cleared them away then returned to the house for their dinner. While they waited, Alex poured more champagne, and the two engaged in soft conversation.

"Wonder how Scully is doing with Clyde."

"I’m sure he’s driving her nuts," Fox answered, sipping at his champagne.

"Unless she’s got him closed up in the kitchen while she and Skinner neck on the couch."

Fox burst into laughter. "There’s an image."

Alex grimaced. "Yeah." He shuddered. "Iiiihhhh."

"Don’t be mean," Fox chastised softly. "They’re kind of cute together."

Alex gave his lover a little smile and shrugged. His eyes left Fox, and he nodded past the other man. "Here comes dinner."

Over forty-five minutes later, Fox pushed his plate away and groaned.

"God, that was good. I’ve never had Lobster Thermidor."

"Full?" Alex asked, nodding his thanks to the servers as they cleared the table.

"Why? What’s for dessert?"

"Brandy trifle. But it can wait until a little later if you want."

"Yeah, I think so. I want to be able to enjoy it, and I do think I’m a little too full right now."


Fox looked around and sighed. "I still can’t believe you did all this for me."

Alex gave him a soft smile and said nothing.

"Everything is so.....perfect." Fox breathed. "Right down to the clear, cloudless sky. As I was walking down here, I was noticing all the stars. They’re so bright. It’s beautiful."

"Much as I’d love to take the credit, it’s nature you have to thank for that one."

Fox chuckled. "Nature didn’t dare give Alex Krycek anything less than a perfect night."

"Are you suggesting that I’m a control freak?"

"Suggesting? No. I’m coming right out and saying it."

Alex sneered at the other man. The grimace turned into a smile as he pulled Fox to his feet.

"Come on. Let’s work off some of that food."

Fox cast a sidelong glance at the piano player and wait staff.


"Dancing," Alex whispered as he pulled Fox into his arms and began to sway to the music.

"Oh. Yeah." Fox pressed his cheek lightly to Alex’s and closed his eyes. "I knew that."

"Mmm hmm."

Changing my life... with your love
has been so easy for you
And I’m amazed
Every day
And I’ll need you....

Till all the mountains are valleys
and every ocean is dry
My love.....

I’ll be yours until the sun doesn’t shine
Till time stands still
until the winds don’t blow
When today is just a memory to me
I know.....
I’ll still be loving
I’ll still be loving
I’ll still be loving you

Never before...
did I know
How loving someone could be
Now I can see
You and me
For a lifetime

Until the last moon is rising
you’ll see the love in my eyes
My love....

I’ll be yours until the sun doesn’t shine
Till time stands still
until the winds don’t blow
When today is just a memory to me
I know.....
I’ll still be loving
I’ll still be loving

I’ll be yours until the sun doesn’t shine
Till time stands still
until the winds don’t blow
When today is just a memory to me
I know.....
I’ll still be loving
I’ll still be loving

I’ll still be loving you.
I’ll still be loving... I’ll still be loving you...
I’ll still be loving... I’ll still be loving you...
I’ll still be loving... I’ll still be loving you...

I’ll Still Be Loving You
Restless Heart

Fox swayed in quiet unison with Alex, enjoying the feel of his husband’s body moving so seductively against his. He sighed softly, combing his fingers through the fringe of sable hair at the back of Alex’s head, and the younger man pulled him closer. Eyes slipping closed, Fox allowed himself to drown in the sweetness of the moment. That moment drifted into the next and then the next until desert arrived almost forty five minutes later.

"Are you ready, or should I have it taken back for a while?"

Fox lifted his head from Alex’s shoulder and sighed. "No, we can eat it now."

Alex kissed Fox’s hand and led him back to the table.

"This looks great," Fox said then moaned softly as he ate his first spoonful. "Ohhh, it’s better than it looks. Maybe Marie will tell us how she makes it... unless it’s some secret family recipe, I guess."

"Just hit her with the puppy dog eyes," Alex grinned. "She’ll not only give us the recipe, she’ll volunteer to fly out and make it for us."

"Nah... the only sucker that works on is you."

Alex couldn’t argue with that. He watched Fox as he toyed with his own desert, entranced by the look of sensual bliss on his lover’s face as he enjoyed each spoonful.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?"

One corner of Fox’s mouth slanted upward. "Not in so many words, no."

"But you know."

"I know," Fox whispered.

Alex nodded and continued to stare.

"You haven’t touched your desert," the older man observed in a low, smoky tone. Alex gave him a trace of a smile then lifted his spoon to his mouth.

"Mmm. It is good. Really good."

Fox watched the spoon lower to the table, and a frown etched his forehead.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Guess maybe I’m still full."

Fox studied the other man for a moment then, still frowning, he turned his head.

"Hey. What happened to the music? The piano player on a break?" Silence met his question, and he turned back to face Alex. There was a look on the younger man’s face that immediately troubled him, and Fox reached for his hand, noticing the slight tremble. "Alex? What?"

Alex took a long, difficult breath, and gently pulling his hand from Fox’s, he rose from his chair and walked slowly to the piano. Fox stared in silence as he lowered himself to the bench and shifted around, trying to make himself comfortable. He stared down at the keys for what seemed like an eternity, then he placed his fingers and began to play.

Fox’s lips parted slightly, and he stared in shock. Alex had looked so uncomfortable that day at Joan’s piano that Fox thought he’d never hear him play. He listened to the vaguely familiar melody, but it wasn’t until Alex began to sing the words that he recognized the song.

Fox swallowed against the lump that had formed in his throat, and he blinked several times to clear his vision as he stood up and moved on shaky legs to the piano. He stopped beside Alex, hesitating for several seconds before sitting beside his husband. He stared from Alex’s face to his hands then back up to his face. And he refocused his attention on the music, his heart swelling with emotion deeper than he’d ever thought he could feel.

Christ, he kept doing it. Every time Fox thought he couldn’t possibly fall deeper in love with the man...

Alex finished playing and sat with his fingers still resting on the keyboard, his heart thundering in his chest, and when Fox’s hand covered his, he lifted his eyes to a misty, amber-flecked gaze. He lifted his other hand and tenderly brushed the dampness away.

"How..." Fox stopped, took a breath and started again. "When did you..."

When he didn’t continue, Alex answered softly.

"I bought a keyboard and hid it at Scully’s. I practiced there while you were at work."

Fox stared at Alex, then a smile lit his face, and he let out a breath of a laugh. The laugh ended on a sob, and his eyes welled up again. The smile remained.

"I love you."

Alex laced his fingers through Fox’s hair and covered the older man’s lips in a gentle kiss. When he released Fox’s mouth, he coaxed the golden-brown head down to his shoulder.

"Was it okay? I was kind of nervous."

"I know," Fox whispered, nuzzling the curve of Alex’s shoulder. "But it was wonderful. And it was sweet." He lifted his head and gazed at the younger man. "And you never, ever stop amazing me."

Both men went quiet for a moment, then Fox spoke up again.

"W-was this a one shot deal, or are you considering starting to play again...? I mean, I know how you felt about it, and I understand completely if you don’t. You didn’t even have to do this."

Alex shook his head. "I enjoyed the piano... you know, when my father wasn’t dictating to me what to play and how to play it. But, I’m not thirteen. He can’t ruin it for me anymore. I won’t let him."

Fox smiled and rested his head against the other man’s. "I’m glad."

"So, it really didn’t suck?"

"Alex, do you suck at anything you do?"

"I can think of several things I’ve screwed up in my life, yeah."

"Well, okay," Fox admitted. "But trust me when I tell you, you didn’t screw this up."

"Would you tell me the truth if I had?"

"... No. But wouldn’t you be able to tell if I was lying?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay, then. Shut up and play another song."

Alex played two more. And when he was through, Fox moved up against him and wrapped his arms around him. "Damn," he breathed in the other man’s ear. "Can I be your groupie?"

"Sure," Alex moaned, shaking off the shivers that the vibrations from Fox’s voice had caused. "You gonna sit waving a lighter back and forth in the living room?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of ripping my clothes off and throwing ‘em at you."

"I think I like your idea better." Alex said, brushing his mouth over Fox’s before initiating a long, tender kiss. When they finally separated, Alex took his hand. "Wanna take a walk?"

Smiling, Fox nodded and let Alex pull him up and lead him onto the beach. Hand in hand they walked slowly, silently, choosing to let the rhythmic swish of the ocean make the only sound. For more than fifteen minutes they walked that way until Fox came to a stop and stared out into the water. Alex moved to his side and followed his gaze.

"You see something?"

"No. Well... yeah."

Alex gave him a confused smile.

"I see us. The last time we were here. So close to losing everything." He turned to face the other man. "And I see us now. Having more than I could ever have dreamed of having."

"I know," Alex murmured, moving behind Fox and wrapping the older man in his arms. He rested his head on Fox’s shoulder and closed his eyes. "...I know, moy lisa."

Fox tilted his head and nuzzled Alex’s hair then returned his attention to the ocean.

"Tonight’s been beyond perfect. I don’t know how to express to you..." He shook his head. "I don’t..."

Alex tightened his hold on the other. "You don’t have to try. But..." He lifted his head and kissed the back of Fox’s neck. "...the night’s not over yet."

Fox’s eyes drifted shut as Alex continued to kiss and tease the sensitive area below his hairline. The arms wrapped around him slowly loosened, and hands, gentle as the breeze that ruffled Fox’s hair, wandered over his torso, caressing his silk-covered chest. The soft moan was not lost on him, and he let his tongue dance over the spot he’d just kissed. Fox shuddered and moaned again, the response encouraging Alex to take the seduction further. Slowly, he undid the first button of Fox’s shirt, and moved to the side of the other man’s neck, kissing a leisurely trail up to the stubbled jaw. Another button followed, then one more before Alex’s hand slipped inside to stroke the warm flesh. The moans turned to faintly labored gasps, and Alex’s mouth was at his ear, speaking in that sandpaper and honey tone that never failed to turn Fox’s insides to molten liquid.

"Come with me, beautiful Fox."

It took Fox a moment to find his voice. "Come... come with you where?"

"I’m taking you to bed."

Eyes still closed, a seductive smile curved Fox’s lips. "Yeah?"

"Mmm hmm." Pulling away, Alex took his hand and led him down the beach.

"Uh..." Fox looked from Alex to the direction from which they had come. "Aren’t we going the wrong way?"

Alex kissed his lover’s hand and gave him a trace of a smile as they continued along the same path. A few minutes later they came to a familiar shelter of rocks, and Fox sighed, shaking his head.

"You’re really too much."

Alex shrugged. "I thought it’d be nice to sleep on the beach."

"In a bed," Fox replied, looking at the red silk-draped king-sized bed.

"Can’t have my sweet Fox getting sand in important places. Now, where were we?"

"You were unbuttoning my shirt," Fox reminded him helpfully.

"Mmmm, yeah." Alex approached, stopping when their bodies were practically touching. He lifted one hand to Fox’s chest and ran his knuckles lightly up and down. He lifted his gaze to his husband’s, all traces of humor gone. "I wish I could tell you what you do to me. Just a word." He leaned in and grazed Fox’s mouth with his own. "A touch."

Fox’s lashes fluttered down over his eyes, and a harsh breath escaped as he took Alex’s mouth in a hungry kiss. They separated long seconds later, and Alex continued what he had earlier started, undoing the rest of Fox’s shirt. The warm night air caressed his bare skin as Alex slowly pulled the shirt from his body and let it float down to the end of the bed. Then his hands went to the white pants, working at the fastenings. When he had them undone, he sank to his knees in the sand and looked up through veiled lashes at Fox. Slowly, carefully, he pulled his lover’s pants down, stopping when they were pooled on the ground at Fox’s feet.

Fox took long, steadying breaths, his gaze fixed on Alex’s as the younger man rubbed his face against his newly freed cock. His breath caught then turned erratic as Alex’s lips parted and took him in, pausing several more times than Fox thought was really necessary, to tease him. When Alex finally made it to the base, he withdrew the same way, drawing a few frustrated whimpers from his lover. He kissed the crown of the very flushed organ before he finished undressing Fox, then he rose to his feet.

"Come lie down, lisa."

Fox took Alex’s outstretched hand and let him lead the way to the side of the bed. When he’d made himself comfortable against the stack of pillows, Alex backed away. Leaning against the post at the foot of the bed, he focused an adoring gaze on his husband. Fox stared back, his heart and his cock pounding in unison as he waited for something to happen. But Alex remained where he was; watching. Fox sucked his lower lip into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully on it as Alex continued to hold his gaze. The silence stretched on, minute after minute, then Alex raised one hand to his shirt, undoing the buttons at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Fox watched as each new inch of skin was exposed, and he fought back the urge to crawl to Alex and assist. His eyes left Alex’s face only long enough to watch the younger man finally pull his shirt off and drop it down on top of his, then they went back up to the shadowed eyes, still intently watching him.

"There are times," Alex murmured, "like now, that I still wonder if this is real."

Fox gave him a curious tilt of his head. "Still?"

Alex nodded. "I wonder if it isn’t just some cruel joke." The softness of his tone did nothing to mask the emotion in it. "And sooner or later it’ll all be gone and the universe will get its big laugh."

Fox stared.

"Tell me it’s not a joke, Fox... tell me."

"It’s not a joke," Fox whispered. "This life is yours. I’m yours. Always." Silence met his declaration. "Alexei... come and take me."

Sable lashes drifted downward then rose again, and Alex removed the remainder of his clothing then slowly advanced. He sat on the bed, leaning over his lover, their faces just inches apart. Staring. Then Alex’s eyes closed, and his mouth brushed Fox’s. Then a kiss... soft and sweet and utterly heart melting. When he finally pulled back, Alex looked down and smiled at the hard to miss erection bobbing between them. Gently, he grazed the length of it with the back of his hand, and Fox let out a sound than was something of a cross between a moan and a sigh. Alex watched his hand move slowly up and down the long shaft, then he looked up into dark eyes, heavy with passion.

"I love you, lisa." He moved closer until they were less than a breath apart. "I don’t know how to tell you how much."

Another kiss followed, and Fox slid down onto his back, pulling Alex on top of him. For as long as either man could stand it, they took turns driving each other to the edge of madness then pulling back. The third and final time that Alex rolled Fox beneath him, the other man pressed urgently against him.

"Alex... baby, I... please."

Alex kissed the side of Fox’s neck then moved to his collarbone and lower until he was close enough to drag his tongue over one rigid nipple.

Fox arched into the moist caress, groaning his pleasure as his fingers dug into Alex’s shoulders.

"No more... Alex... no more teasing."

"Just a little more," Alex insisted, moving to gently lap at the other nipple as his fingers grazed the velvety surface of his husband’s erection. "Please?"

"Nooo," Fox breathed without much conviction even as his traitorous body begged for more.

Alex released the nipple and moved downward, licking and nipping at the heated flesh until his cheek brushed the deeply flushed head of his lover’s cock. Fox gasped, his hips bucking slightly, and Alex lifted a sultry gaze to his face.

"Just a little more," he whispered, letting his tongue circle the tip.

Fox’s eyes rolled upward, his lashes dropping over them, and he gathered up fistfuls of sheet in an effort hold himself together. He was close. Alex knew it, yet he pushed just a bit more. He sucked half of Fox’s length into his mouth, pulling a harsh sob from the older man. Releasing the sheet, Fox’s fingers plunged into his hair, trying to hold his head as he began to buck erratically, but Alex pulled away before he could find release.

"God... Alex, please," Fox panted. "No... no more..."

"No, baby," Alex crooned, kissing the swollen shaft gently before releasing it and sliding back up to face Fox. "No more teasing."

"Promise... please. I can’t. I... I can’t..."

"I know, lisa," Alex crooned reaching under a pillow and withdrawing a tube of lubricant. He kissed the other man’s chin, then the tip of his nose. "Will you put some on me?" He unscrewed the cap and squeezed a generous amount of lube into Fox’s proffered hand, then he shifted to allow his husband to apply it. His lashes drooped, and a low, soft moan rolled in his throat as Fox gently and thoroughly stroked it on. A long, sweet kiss, and Alex positioned himself then pushed home. He stopped then, allowing his respiration and Fox’s to regulate, and he looked down into eyes overflowing with adoration.

"Everything I could ever want in a hundred lifetimes is right here in your eyes," he whispered, stroking Fox’s hair. "My beautiful Fox. I can’t stop telling you how much I love you."

Unable to speak, Fox slid his fingers up through Alex’s hair and pulled him down for a long, tender kiss. Their lips parted, and Alex began to move slowly, pushing into Fox with considerable gentleness. Golden brown eyelashes fluttered closed then opened again, and Fox looked up into the glittering gaze of his husband. His hand left Alex’s hair and, joining with the other one, stroked slowly down his back, stopping at the valley just above his rear then moving back upward. His lips parted on a long, soft sigh as Alex sank into him as deeply as he could, and he dug his fingers into the younger man’s shoulders, gasping his name.

"Right there?" Alex asked on a shaky breath, and Fox nodded. He hit the same spot and was rewarded with a low, mewling sob. He smiled, gasping as deep pleasure vibrated through his body, and his fingers gently circled the other man’s cock.

Whimpering softly, Fox squirmed beneath his lover, asking without words for him to move faster. But Alex was in no rush.

"Easy, love," he crooned, teasing the long shaft with light strokes as he thrust into Fox at a leisurely pace. Gleaming pools of black held Fox’s gaze as Alex continued to move so gently inside him. "Not until the sun comes up," he whispered, and Fox sighed in answer. He took the lush mouth sweetly, muffling a breathy moan as he established a lazy rhythm.

The sun moved to the horizon slowly, creeping above the thin clouds, painting them in shades of red and lavender. The occasional cry of a seabird joined the roar of the ocean, heralding the coming day, and as promised, Alex gave Fox what they had both waited all night for.

A loud sob broke from Fox’s constricted throat as the teasing touches turned demanding, and Alex increased the speed and strength of his thrusts. His eyes rolled upward, lashes fluttering madly over them, but Alex’s voice, breathless and pleading, brought him back.

"Lisa... look... look at me... please. Wanna see... you..."

Fox struggled to open his eyes, and he fixed a heavy-lidded stare on the other man. Alex stared back, losing himself in the hypnotic green and gold gaze as he rocked against his husband.

"So... s-so beautiful... moy lisa... I love you so much."

A harsh moan pushed past Fox’s lips, and he reached up, tangling his fingers in Alex’s hair, pulling him into a searing kiss. He bucked repeatedly, whimpering into Alex’s mouth, and the younger man growled in answer, deepening the kiss as he moved with more urgency. The shattering conclusion came in an instant, catching both men up in its shimmering intensity. One found release, roaring as the storm struck, then the other, his furious response taking over where the other’s left off. Gasping for breath, Alex collapsed onto Fox’s chest. Long seconds later, he was wrapped in a weak embrace, and Fox nuzzled his perspiration dampened hair.

"You’ve given me a night I’ll never forget."

Alex lifted his head, his watery gaze searching his lover’s face.

"I was about to say the same thing."

"What... Alex, you’ve done it all. I haven’t..."

"You’ve given me everything," Alex interrupted, emotion saturating his soft tone. "Everything, Fox; do you really not realize that?"

Closing his eyes, Fox pulled Alex as tightly to him as his sapped strength would allow. The two lay in silence for several minutes then Alex shifted and moved to Fox’s side, stroking the older man’s chest as they watched the sun come up. When it shone brightly in the early morning sky, he laid his head on Fox’s shoulder, and they slept.

"Clyde, I’m not kidding. Get your hairy butt in here right now!"

The ringing phone interrupted Scully as she was about to yell for the fourth time at the dog.


"Nice greeting."

"I’m gonna kill your son, Mulder."

A soft laugh met her declaration.

"I should’ve known your tone had something to do with Clyde. What’s he doing?

"It’s what he’s not doing."

"Okay, what isn’t he doing?"

"I’m trying to get him in the house so I can go out, but he’s too busy patrolling the far end of the yard."

"Why’s he doing that?"

"Your neighbor has someone trimming his big maple. Clyde can see him up in the tree."

"Ah. He’s been that way ever since that whole Saint James thing. He’s not barking and making a nuisance of himself, is he?"

"No, he just keeps pacing and watching. I’ve tried threats, bribes... nothing works."

"You’re going to have to go out there with the leash and bring him in."

"Fabulous. I just put my shoes on; now I have to change them."


"Or the heels’ll sink into the ground."

"High heels?" Fox grinned into the phone. "You got a date, Scully?"

"She has a date?" Alex asked, drying himself as he walked naked into the room.

Scully heard him.

"No, it is not a date."

"We’ll be the judges of that. Who’re you going out with?"

"Alex, give Mulder the phone back."

"Answer my question, first."

"None of your damn business."

"That’s no answer."

"It’s all the answer you’re going to get."

"It’s Skinner, isn’t it?"

"No, it isn’t."

"You’re full of shit. It is too him. Aww, isn’t that sweet?"


"Where’re you going?"

"You don’t give up, do you?"

"Nope. So?"

Heavy sigh. "Dinner. ‘Kay?"



"Skinner is not taking you to a steakhouse."

"Why not?"

"You don’t impress a date with a steak joint where there are screaming kids, and your waiter wears more pins than an Olympics groupie."

"Told you it wasn’t a date."

"What’s Skinner’s number?"

"What... Alex, put Mulder on."

"I’ll just get it from Fox."

"Krycek, I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t put Mulder on right now."

"Here; she’s getting violent."

"Why’re you getting violent, Scully?"

"Your husband is sticking his nose into my business."

"Yeah... no, it’s in the other compartment. Yeah, there."

"Are you talking to me or him?"

"Sorry. He just wanted to know where my cell phone was."

"Your... Mulder, he’d better not be looking for Skinner’s number!"

"Scully, don’t you think you should call him Walter? I mean, you are dating the man."

"I’m not dating him!"

"You’re going to dinner with him. You don’t call that a date?"

"No, I call it two hungry people going out to get a bite."

"Mmm hmm. You always wear heels when you go out to get a bite with Alex and me... at a steakhouse..."

"You’re just as bad as he is. Is this why you called? To harass me?"

"Actually, no. Just wanted to check in, see how things were going."

"Things are fine. How are things there? Did you have a nice night?"

"Nice doesn’t begin to describe it. I’ll tell you about it when we get home. Don’t want you to be late for your..."

"Don’t say it."


"Goodbye, Mulder. And you’d better keep Alex away from the phone, you hear me?"

Fox looked up at Alex, who had moved to the veranda, and was making hand gestures at the phone he was speaking into. He stifled a smirk, sure that Scully would detect it in his tone.

"Yeah, uh... okay. Talk to you later." He hung up and sauntered out to the veranda, where Alex was still talking.

"Just admit it! You’ll feel better if you do." Alex heaved a loud sigh. "You’re just as stubborn as Scully, you know that? ... Oh, please, Skinner, we saw you staring all cow eyed at her at our reception. ... You were dancing! No, it doesn’t always mean anything, but in this case it does. ... Maybe so, but we’re not stupid or blind."

Fox came up behind the younger man and wound his arms around him. He nuzzled the back of Alex’s neck then laid his head on his shoulder. Alex reached back and stroked his hair while he continued to grill Skinner.

"So, let’s review. What are you going to do when you hang up with me? ... Try. You’d be surprised sometimes how last minute you can get a reservation. And where are you going to stop before you get to our house? Hey, listen, if you knew what you were doing, I wouldn’t have to spend my time coaching you when I could be ripping Fox’s clothes off."

Fox chuckled at the growl he heard on the other end of the phone.

"Which reminds me... have you kissed her yet?"

The growling got louder. Fox snatched the phone away and pulled it to his ear as Alex turned to face him.

"Hey, Walt. Yeah... yeah, I know. But... well, you have to admit that he’s got a point. No, no, I understand, but, you know, well, Scully’s our best friend and..." He lost his train of thought as Alex began to nibble on his ear. "...And we just want..." Alex went to work on his shirt, undoing the buttons slowly. "Thought you were gonna rip... huh? No. No, I... uh... w-we just want her to be happy. And uh... shit. Huh? No. I uh..."

"I’m ripping his clothes off!" Alex sang before Fox could clamp his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. He wrestled it away and began to spit out instructions. "Make reservations at someplace nice, get her some flowers, and when you kiss her goodnight, you’d better slip in at least a little bit of tongue. Now... my husband’s only half naked, and I got work to do, so... goodnight."

"Oh, my God," Fox moaned as Alex tossed the phone down and backed him into the bedroom. "I can’t believe you just did that."

"Yeah?" Alex smirked, reaching for Fox’s pants. "Well, if you couldn’t believe that, wait till you try and wrap your mind around this..."

"Hi. Oh. Uh..." Scully eyed the bouquet held in the hand of the man standing on the doorstep. "How nice... for me?"

Skinner gave her a small shrug. "Yeah, well, I... there was a vendor right outside my building, and I thought... you know, maybe you’d like some flowers." He looked suddenly more nervous than he already was. "You’re not allergic, are you?"

"No! Oh, no. I..." Scully reached out to take the offered bouquet. "Come in." She stepped aside and nodded toward the kitchen. "I’ll go put these in water."

Skinner stepped into the house and walked slowly into the living room. He watched Scully disappear around a corner then moved across the room to look out into the backyard from the glass doors. A soft snuffling told him he wasn’t alone. Turning around, he was greeted by the house’s four-legged resident.

"Hello, Clyde."

The dog looked up at him, tail wagging slowly from side to side.

"You remember me?"

The dog continued to stare.

"I hope you remember me." He held his hand out for the dog to smell. Tail still swinging lazily, Clyde sniffed for a moment then nudged at Skinner’s hand until it rested on his head. He gently scratched behind one ear, relieved that the animal apparently approved of his presence.

"Okay, I’m ready... Clyde, leave him alone now; we gotta go."

The dog wheeled around and trotted up to his sitter, whining and wagging.

"No, no. Not we as in you and me."

More whining.

"You’ll get over it. Now, get lost and behave yourself until I get back."

As the couple approached the car, Skinner started toward the driver’s side then came to an abrupt halt. Quickly, he backtracked and opened Scully’s door. The gesture seemed to rattle Scully, but she gave the man a nod of thanks and seated herself. She watched Skinner come around and drop into the driver’s seat, and when he turned to meet her gaze, she gave him a nervous smile and looked away quickly. He forced himself to take a long, slow breath, then he started the car and pulled away from the curb.

Twenty minutes and not a whole lot of conversation later, they pulled up in front of a very upscale restaurant.

"Wh... I thought we were..."

"I heard about this place at work," Skinner interrupted. "I thought maybe you might like to give it a try." He was a lousy liar.

I’m going to kill Alex dead. The minute he and Mulder step off the plane, he is friggin toast.

"I’m sorry," Skinner said, breaking into her murderous thoughts. "I... I guess I should have checked with you before I went and made the reservations."

"No. No, it’s fine. I’ve actually been wanting to try this place."

Relieved, Skinner got out of the car and handed his keys to the valet. Scully met him on the sidewalk, and they entered the building. She looked around while Skinner spoke to the host, and within ten minutes, they were seated at their table. And what started out as a slow, uncomfortable evening began to get easier by the time the main meal was cleared away. The stiffness softened, and conversation started to flow. Nothing overly personal was discussed, but enough that by the time they started back for home, each felt as though they knew the other just a bit better.

Skinner pulled up to the house and put the car in park but left the motor running. He looked around the quiet neighborhood then risked a glance at Scully. When he caught her gaze, he looked away quickly.

"I uh... I had a nice evening."

"Me too. The food was excellent."

More silence.

"...Would you like to come in for a bit? Maybe have a drink or something?"

Or something?? Oh, God, how did that sound to him?

Skinner’s jaw moved back and forth while his mind raced.

Was she just asking to be nice? Should he take her up on the offer? If he did, would she think that he expected something? Maybe he should decline. But if he did that, would she be insulted? Disappointed? Oh, God.

"Thank you for the offer. It’s very kind of you. You’ve probably got something better to do."

"All I have to do is walk Clyde, then it’s nothing but a night of TV watching. B-but if you’ve got something else..."

"No," Skinner answered quickly. "No, I..." He stopped, staring mesmerized by the blue gaze. "...Uh... I’d like to have a drink."

Scully gave him a nod and a smile. "Okay, then."

A high pitched whine sounded from inside the house as Clyde pranced back and forth, waiting for Scully to open the door. He jumped up, howling happily, and knocked her back into Skinner.

"Get off me, you moose!"

Dropping to the floor, he greeted Skinner with a wag and a quick, appraising sniff, then he looked expectantly toward the door. When Skinner shut it behind him, Clyde whined a bit more then looked up at Scully.

"Sorry, kid, just us."

"He’s looking for Mulder and Krycek?"

"I think so. He does it every time I walk in. You miss your dads?" She asked the dog, watching his head cock from side to side. "Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon. Then one of them is going to die," she muttered, incurring a curious glance from Skinner.

"What was that?"

"N-nothing. Clyde, you wanna go for your walk now?"

The dog leapt around, yapping madly.

"Well, go get your leash."

Clyde continued to bark.

"Go get it, you dope!"

Trotting into the kitchen, the dog returned with the leash in his mouth, growling happily.

"Smart, isn’t he?"

"Yet, he still behaves like a dumb puppy most of the time." Scully shook her head as she attached the leash to Clyde’s collar. "Actually, Alex trained him to do all sorts of stuff." She scratched the broad head. "He drives me nuts, but he’s a good dog for the most part."

They walked for nearly half an hour, Skinner admiring the neatly kept houses and sprawling lawns.

"Nice neighborhood. Living in the city, you forget that there are places like this nearby."

"Yeah. The guys really lucked out. It’s quiet, beautiful... the neighbors are great... everybody knows everybody. I miss this kind of living."

"When did you live in the suburbs?"

"After my father retired from the Navy. I got to enjoy it for a few years before going off to the Academy. How about you? Have you always been a city boy?"

"No, I...Sharon and I lived in the ‘burbs until..." Skinner shrugged. "You know."


Silence prevailed on the walk back, and after Scully gave Clyde some water, she poured a couple of glasses of wine and joined Skinner in the living room. Sitting down at the other end of the sofa, she kicked off her shoes with a small grunt.

"Should have changed out of these before we went walking."

Skinner gave himself a mental slap to chase away the image in his head of him lifting her feet into his lap and massaging them.

"So, have you heard from Mulder and Krycek?"

Scully took a sip before answering. "Yeah, I’ve talked to them. They’re having a great time, of course."

Skinner looked around the house then back at Scully. "I never would have imagined."


"That they’d end up where they are today."

Scully looked down and smiled. "I know."

"I never... thought that two men could be so..."

"In love with each other?" Scully asked, finishing Skinner’s thought.

"Yeah, I... I guess." He looked up at her. "They really are, aren’t they?"

"Yes, they really are."

Skinner shook his head. "Guess anything’s possible then, isn’t it?"

"Guess so."

Conversation continued for an hour or so then Skinner announced that he thought it was time to leave.

"Oh. Okay." Scully rose and followed her guest to the door with Clyde trailing in their wake. They stopped at the porch, and Scully smiled up at him. "Thank you again for the flowers and dinner. I had a nice night."

Skinner nodded, looking everywhere but at Scully.

"Yeah. It was very nice... Thank you for the wine and the conversation. It was nice to have company for dinner for a change."

Scully laughed softly. "I know. If Mulder and Alex don’t invite me over here to eat, I can usually be found in front of my TV with a bowl of cereal or something."

"Oh. You... you don’t cook?"

"Not that I can’t, it’s just... I hate cooking for one, you know?"

"I understand. I don’t much cook for myself, either."

"Can you cook?"

"Just the basics."

"Well... maybe you’d like to take your chances with my cooking sometime?"

Skinner’s mouth opened, but nothing came out for several seconds. Then, finally a response.

"I... I’d like that."

"Great. Sometime after Mulder and Alex get back?"


Scully gave him a hint of a smile. "Well..."

Skinner stared for an uncomfortable moment then inhaled quickly. "All right then." He exhaled. "Guess I’ll say goodnight."

Same smile stuck to her face, Scully nodded. "’Night."

Another brief hesitation, and Skinner made his way down the steps and strode to his car. He opened the door then looked up to find Scully still standing on the porch. He raised his hand in a quick wave, then he disappeared inside the car. Scully watched him drive away then slowly moved back into the house. Leaning against the closed door, she reviewed the night in her mind.

Dinner with her boss. Drinks. Conversation. An invitation for a second dinner.

A date. Dammit, Mulder and Alex were right.

She sighed loudly and shut off the lights before heading for the stairs.

"I’m still going to kill them."

Alex rolled over and stared at the still form beside him. A weary smile formed on his lips, and he reached across the very short distance to stroke the damp, golden brown hair. He looked beyond Fox’s immobile form to the clock, and a thought came to him. Grinning, he reached for the phone.

"For the love of..." Scully opened one eye and looked at her cell phone. She groaned and answered.

"You sound like you’re still asleep."

"I was."

"Oh." The amused voice continued. "Are you alone?"

"Yes, Alex, I’m alone."


"Why the hell are you harassing me at this hour of the morning?"

"Thought I’d check in before I went to sleep."

"Went to... it’s six thirty."

"I know."

"You just get in from somewhere?"

"No. We’ve been in all night. So... how was your date?"

"Fine. And I just want you to know, Krycek, that you’re a dead man."


"What. You know exactly what I’m talking about!"

Soft snicker. "How was dinner?"

"Listen, Alex. You keep your nose out of my dinner plans!"

"Why? You enjoyed wherever you went much better than Outback, didn’t you?"

Exasperated sigh. "It was very nice."

"No need to thank me."

"I got your thank you."

"You’re wound too tight, Scully. You know what you need?"

"Don’t. Say it."

"Okay, but you know. Did he kiss you goodnight?"


"Did you kiss him?"

"Jesus, no!"

"What? It wouldn’t make you a slut, you know."

"I’m going to kill you... Where the hell’s Mulder?"

"He’s right here. You getting together again, at least?"

"You know, Alex, I really don’t know why it is you think that my social life is any of your business. Because... now, this is going to shock you... it’s not."

"I’ll take that rant as a yes."

"God. I’ve had it with you. Put Mulder on."


"I thought you said he was right there?"

"He is."

"Then why can’t you put him on the phone? God, you haven’t got him tied up or anything, have you?"

Alex smirked. "Not any more."


"No, he’s unconscious."

"He’s sleeping through all this talking?"

"No, when I said unconscious, I meant unconscious. Like in comatose. Knocked out. Down for the count."

"Dare I ask?"

"Only if you want the answer to keep you up tonight."

"Oh, my God."

A lewd chuckle met her sighed response. "Listen, before you and Skinner hit the sheets, call me. I’ll give you a few hints."

"We are not hitting the sheets, Alex."

"Well. Not today."

"Not at all."

Alex sifted his fingers through Fox’s hair. "Mmm hmm." He leaned in and kissed the other man’s forehead then his mouth. It twitched slightly then settled into a relaxed pout. "Uh... Scully..." He smirked as he traced the outline of his husband’s sleeping cock through the light sheet. "I gotta go now."

"What, did he come to?"

"No, I told you, he’s out."

"Well, you can’t have sex with an unconscious man, so, what’re you..."

"Why not?"

Scully’s shocked silence came through loud and clear.

Alex answered it in that smoke and velvet tone she knew all too well. "Bye, Scully."

Before she could respond, the line went dead.

One of the two bodies in the enormous bed shifted and turned, coming in contact with the other. A soft moan rose from the crumpled sheets, and Fox snuggled closer to Alex’s warmth. He went still for a moment or two, then one eye opened to find the room in shadow. The other lid lifted, and he turned his head to find the clock.

Seven forty-five. Had to be p.m. If it was morning, it would have been much lighter. He glanced back at his husband. Damn, they slept the entire day away. He shifted again and smiled at the pleasurable ache in his... well, just about everywhere. Alex had really done a number on him last night... and this morning. He remembered seeing five something sometime before Alex rode him to his third or fourth howling orgasm. Then, nothing. Blackness until just a moment ago. He winced as he stretched then turned fully onto his side to observe the slumbering man.

Years later, and it still amazed him that as ferocious as Alex could be in bed, he still looked so angelic in sleep.

Fox smiled and raised a hand to the stubbled cheek and stroked it gently. A soft sigh whispered over his hand, and Alex turned his face into the caress. Alex went still for a short while, then he moaned and his lips parted, allowing his tongue to inch out and graze his lover’s palm.

"You awake?"

No answer.


Still nothing.

"C’mon, Alex, you lick my hand then pretend like you’re sleeping. I’m a little turned on, now."

No answer.

"If you think I won’t fuck you while you’re sleeping, you’re sadly mistaken."

That got a smile. "Why not? I did."

Fox frowned. "What d’you mean?"

Sable lashes lifted. "This morning. Around six-thirty. I was talking to Scully and touching you. I wanted to go again, but you were out."


And nothing.

"You did not."

"Okay, I didn’t."

Fox grunted in disbelief. "Y-you’re full of shit. How could you have... and I didn’t wake up?"

Alex just shrugged.

Fox stared. "Have you no scruples?"

Alex looked past Fox as if in deep thought. "Uhhhh... no."

Fox shook his head. "You know, I was just thinking how sweet and innocent you look while you’re sleeping."



"Did you not just threaten to fuck me while I was asleep?"

"I just said it to get a reaction out of you because I knew you were awake."

"Oh, okay. So, you’d never really do it."

"’Course not."


"I wouldn’t," Fox insisted with as much indignation as he could muster. "I can’t even believe you’d think that I... Wait a minute. You talked to Scully?"

Alex smirked. "Yeah."

"Who called who?"

"I called her to see how the date that wasn’t a date went."

"What’d she say?"

"Besides continuing to deny that it was a date? Not much. Dinner was nice. Nothing happened."

"You didn’t really think anything would, did you?"

"Guess not. I’m kind of glad in a way."


"If they did do anything, we’d have to find out what piece of furniture they did it on so we could burn it."

Fox tapped Alex’s forehead with the tips of his fingers. "Don’t be mean."

Alex smirked and pulled Fox into his arms. "Hungry?" he asked, brushing a soft kiss into the older man’s hair.


"How ‘bout we go downstairs and see if Marie left us anything to eat?"

"’Kay," Fox answered, but he made no move to get up.

Alex waited a while then nudged him. "Well?"

"Oh, you mean like right now?"

"Yeah, that’s what I was kind of thinking."

Still, Fox remained where he was.

"I thought you were starving?"



"I’m still tired."

"How can you go from turned on to starving to tired all in the matter of a few minutes?"

Fox smiled and shrugged.

Alex sighed. "So, let me guess. You want me to go and bring something up."

"I didn’t say that."

"You didn’t have to." He pushed against Fox and tried to get up. "Move, you pain in my ass."

Grinning, Fox rolled away and allowed Alex to push himself off of the bed. "I love you," he called softly as he watched the younger man pick up a robe and head toward the bathroom. Alex tossed him a look as he passed through the doorway.

"Damn right, you do. And after I’ve fed you, you’re going to show me how much."

Fox assumed a lazy sprawl, looking at Alex, who had turned and was now leaning against the doorframe.

"What, I didn’t show you enough all last night?"

"If I remember correctly, I did most of the work."

"Because you wanted to," Fox argued.

"Oh. Kinda like I want to go get your lazy ass some food right now."

"Just like that."

Alex shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom. When he came out some ten minutes later, he found Fox in the same position, dozing.

"You’d better not be asleep when I get back."

His warning had little effect, only garnering a disinterested ‘hmmph’.

"Pain in the ass," he whispered under his breath and made his way down to the kitchen. Less than twenty-five minutes later, he was back with a large tray, loaded down with offerings left by Marie.

And Fox was asleep.

Muttering to himself, Alex put the tray down and dropped to the edge of the bed. Figuring that the motion would rouse Fox, he waited for a moment before lightly bouncing up and down on the mattress. Fox frowned and groaned softly, turning onto his side and facing away from the other man.

"Oh, bullshit. Fox..." Alex nudged his shoulder. "Fox." A tap at the back of his head. "Wake the hell up. I didn’t haul all this food up here to eat it by myself."

With a longer groan, Fox turned back to face the other man. "All right, all right. I’m awake." He struggled into a sitting position, and rubbing at one eye, he investigated the contents of the tray.

"You ready to eat, now?"

"Yeah," Fox sighed, again finding his hunger. Alex lifted the tray from its resting place and set it down over the other man’s legs. He immediately dove in, picking at this and that. "Mmm. This is good."

Alex watched as Fox ate with gusto.

"Uh... gonna save some for me?"

"Better hurry up," was Fox’s only reply.

Hopping over to his side of the bed, Alex began to eat. "She left enough food down there to feed a small village," he said around a mouthful of succulent chicken. He glanced over at Fox, who had yet to come up for air. "Or one hungry Fox."

Fox smirked at his husband. "Gotta replace all those calories you made me burn off."

"You didn’t do anything," Alex reminded him.

"I might not have moved much, but I’ll bet I still sweated off a few pounds... not to mention the fact that my heart rate must have been through the roof for how long? That burns calories, dear."

Alex’s top lip curled up. "Dear."

Fox gave him a serene smile and continued to eat. When the food was gone, Alex set the tray aside and looked into half closed eyes.

"I suppose you’re tired again."

Fox shrugged and gave him a sheepish grin. "’M full"

"So, you’re saying I need to let you sleep it off now."

"Unless you want to go at right now and have me throw up all over you."

One corner of Alex’s mouth slanted upward, and he shook his head. "Yeah. Maybe not. Go back to sleep, dammit."

Fox slid down, nestling into the pillows. "What’re you going to do?"

"Get rid of this tray... come back..." Alex flicked at an exposed nipple. "Watch you sleep and think of all the ways you’re going to make this up to me."

Fox drew a deep breath and let it out slowly as his eyes drifted shut. "You do that."

Grimacing, Alex rolled off of the bed and reached for the tray. He stopped for a moment, looking down into his lover’s relaxed features, and an uncontrollable smile curved his lips. "What a humongous pain in my ass you are," he mumbled then turned and exited the room. Moving through the dark house, he made his way to the kitchen and unloaded his burden. Putting everything into the dishwasher, he made the trek back to the bedroom, where he found Fox again soundly asleep. The desire to wake him was strong, but Alex checked the urge, instead shedding his robe in favor of a pair of gauzy white pants. He checked on Fox once more, leaning in to dust the older man’s hair with a kiss, then he left the house, picking his way down to the beach.

It was windy tonight. The warm gusts tossed his hair in several directions at once as he walked slowly along the water’s edge with a million thoughts rolling through his mind. Thoughts that came to him with less and less frequency, but tonight, here in this place, alone with himself, his consciousness was filled to overflowing.

The loss of his mother... far sooner than he was equipped to deal with it... the crippling hurt of his father’s rejection soon after, and the terrible, damning choices he’d made as a result, at least in part.

Blood on his hands. Spilled in rivers at his feet. The violence, the lies. The hell he’d lived in and created for so many more...

He stopped and looked out at the rolling black water.

Babushka. The one who’d loved him so unconditionally. Who’d protected and taken care of him. Who’d made him feel as though he was someone special. The sadness he would have seen in that ancient face had she lived to see what he had initially become closed his eyes. She’d been the one person in the world he’d never wanted to hurt or disappoint. His eyes opened, and he searched the dark horizon. Now there was another. Another he’d sooner die than hurt. Asleep, in the house not more than fifty yards away. He wondered now, as he had so many times before, if his grandmother was watching. If she could see how happy he was. He thought maybe she could. It comforted him to think that she could.

He stood a while longer, staring, motionless, then he moved on, walking farther and farther away from the house, consumed by his thoughts.

At the end of next week they’d be heading back home. To a changed life. Because they’d be going back as a married couple, yes, but that wasn’t exactly life altering. They still lived in the same house, had the same routine, same friends. The huge change was that he now had his family back. A family that accepted him and welcomed him back with open arms.

Most of his family.

He didn’t much care whether or not Victor accepted him, but if he was being completely honest with himself, he would admit that it did hurt that his father still apparently harbored so much resentment toward him.

He stopped, finding the flattest of a group of rocks, and he seated himself. Digging his toes into the warm, sugary sand, he sighed heavily.

Fox woke to an empty bed. He blinked several times then looked at the clock.

Twelve-thirty. About three hours after he’d fallen asleep. He frowned, listening for any sound but the room was silent.


Getting no answer, he called once more.

Still, nothing.

He turned the bedside lamp on and looked around. The robe that Alex had been wearing earlier was draped over the back of a chair, but that was the only thing different in the room. He slid out of bed and padded silently to the bathroom. It was empty. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of pants and, slipping quickly into them, he left the room in search of his missing husband.

"Alex?" he called as he made his way to the stairs and started down.

More silence greeted him. He checked the entire first floor and, determining that Alex was not in the house, he made his way to the front door. Pulling it open, he scanned the area, calling Alex’s name again. The lack of an answer made him more nervous than he would later admit to, and he started out toward the beach. His eyes strained to see in the darkness as he walked. His heart pounded harder with every step, but he continued on, telling himself that it was a long shoreline, and Alex could have gone pretty far.

"Alex!" He cursed softly to himself, knowing that his voice probably wouldn’t carry that far over the constant roar of the ocean. The overcast sky didn’t help matters either, making it very difficult to see more than a few feet in front of him.

Fifteen minutes seemed like fifteen hours, but finally he saw something up ahead. White. Stationary but moving. Sort of flapping. Squinting, he picked up the pace. Relief flooded his insides as the outline of a body became more visible.

Alex. Sitting quietly. Staring. Fox started to feel anxious again. He slowed his approach, studying the pensive profile.

Something filtered through Alex’s thoughts. A presence. Approaching from his right.


His head snapped around, and he watched as Fox closed the distance between them. Looking up into dark eyes, he smiled.

"What’re you doing up?"

Fox shrugged. "I just... I woke up and you weren’t there."

"What time is it?"

"Almost one."

"Really? Wow. Sorry. Guess I lost track of time."

Fox nodded. "...You okay?"

"Yeah," Alex said softly, reaching out to stroke Fox’s arm. "When I came back up, you were out. I really wasn’t tired, so I thought some air might make me sleepy. I guess my mind started going, and..."

Fox sat down next to him. "Anything you want to share?"

A trace of a smile curved Alex’s lips, and he leaned his head on Fox’s shoulder for a moment. "Just... stuff, you know?"



"Good stuff, bad stuff..." Yes, he knew he was pushing, but Alex knew that there was no way he’d just let a one word answer go. Not when he’d been out walking and thinking about ‘stuff’ for three hours.

"All kinds of stuff. Family. My life... you know... before." He frowned, looking out at the water. "So much... all the terrible stuff that should send me to the worst part of hell when I die." He laughed softly. "Probably will. But until then... there’s this. How did this happen to someone like me?"

Fox stared, saying nothing.

Alex lifted his hands and let them drop to his thighs. "How did I go from stealing and killing and a hundred other despicable things to waking up every morning next to a man who’s got more right than anyone to want to see me die in every painful way imaginable?"

Fox’s only answer was to lift a hand and tenderly stroke the other man’s jaw.

"Instead, you gave me things..." He blew out a long sigh. "...things that I could never have hoped to have. Saturday morning lawn mowing. Movies and microwave popcorn at two in the morning. A house and a dog. Friends. Love. An ever after."

Fox’s hand went from Alex’s face to his hair, combing slowly through the dark strands. The younger man turned to look at him.

"You touch me, Fox, and I... my world is all right. You hold me and I’m safe. I’m home."

Fox swallowed against the lump that had formed in his throat and let Alex go on.

"I was thinking about the night I got caught in that explosion they’d set up for me. When I went to Scully’s to ask her to warn you. I was so scared that they may have gotten to you already. I was in so much pain, I... but I had to make it to Scully. If anything had happened to you, I..." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don’t remember anything after she opened her door. I don’t remember what I said or what I did. And the next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes. And you were there. I never expected that you’d ever want to lay eyes on me after..." He opened his eyes and looked at Fox. "That’s why I went to Scully in the first place. When you’d admitted to her that I was the one that you’d been with that night, I just about broke apart. You’d just screwed yourself over royally... because of me. And then you went and made it worse by saying you were going to take me back to your place to take care of me..." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I can’t tell you how much that fucked me up.

"Later that day, when you got to your knees in front of me and told me that you couldn’t deny what you felt any more... that was it. From that second on, I was yours. And I knew that I could never be who I’d been before. Even if five minutes later you’d come to your senses and told me to get the hell out and never come back, I would have been all done."

Fox held his husband’s gaze. "Done?"

Alex answered in that gravelly, emotion drenched tone that Fox knew so well.

"With the consortium. With that life. With just... life in general. My existence, Fox, up until that night we’d spent together, had basically been a living death. Being with you revived feelings in me that I hadn’t thought I was capable of anymore. If you’d have decided that you didn’t want anything more to do with me, the very next time that someone tried to kill me, I would have made sure that they’d succeeded."

Ever curious, Fox asked why he would have waited for someone else to do the job.

"I wouldn’t want to take the chance of you having any thoughts that I’d offed myself over you. I’d never want that on your conscience. But if someone had killed me, you could have just chalked it up to one of those live by sword, die by sword things, and that’d be that."

"That wouldn’t have been that, though," Fox replied. "I might not have been as sure as you about what I was feeling exactly, but I was definitely on my way. I’d told you that I couldn’t stop thinking about you... what you’d done to me. And I don’t just mean the blow job. You did things..." He tapped his chest. " here... things that no one had ever done. You made me start to think about a life other than the one I’d been living. No one before you had ever stood a chance of doing that. You thought it wouldn’t have affected me if someone had killed you? You’d have been wrong. And I would have been alone for the rest of my life."

Alex didn’t attempt to argue the point. "Well," he said instead, "everything happens for a reason. Who the hell would’ve guessed that this was the reason, though, huh?"

A soft smile lit Fox’s face.


The two stared at each other in silence or a while, then Alex reached out to stroke Fox’s hair away from his face. The wind stubbornly blew it back.

"You also said you were thinking about your family."

Alex broke eye contact and looked back at the water.

"I can’t believe they want me back." Deep breath. "Most of them, anyway. And I can pretend all I want that it doesn’t bother me, but... umm.... m-but..."

"Of course it does," Fox murmured, laying a hand on Alex’s bare back. He stroked it slowly, lightly. "I understand that hurt."

Alex nodded. "I know. We sure drew the short straw when it came to parents, huh?"

Fox kissed Alex’s temple and rested his cheek against his lover’s. "It’s okay. We have each other." He turned Alex’s face to his. "Whoever else might come in and out of our lives, that much will never change."

"I love you, lisa." Alex began to frown. "As hard as I’ve tried to find a way to tell you how much, I can’t...I don’t know how."

Fox reached out, skimming one knuckle down Alex’s cheek then across his mouth.

"You know how. You tell me every day, in one way or another, and I know. I’ve been sure about a lot of things in my life, but never more sure than I am about that." He smirked. "Okay, there’ve been a few times lately that, you know, uh..." He mumbled the rest. Alex laughed softly. "But after I’ve finished being an idiot, I come right back to that same unswerving knowledge. That undeniable fact." He grinned. "You adore me."

Alex returned the smile. "I do."

"In spite of the fact that I’m the biggest pain in the ass you’ll ever know?"

"Yeah, in spite of that." His humor was returning. "I must be out of my friggin’ mind."

Fox nodded then moved closer. "That goes without saying." His hand made a lazy path down Alex’s chest, pausing to circle one flat nipple then dropped lower, skimming a gauze-covered thigh. "You’re completely insane." He kissed Alex’s ear then moaned into it. "I love that about you."

Alex’s eyes rolled upward as his lashes drooped heavily. His chest rose and fell on a soft breath as Fox continued to tease the sensitive interior of his ear. The older man’s hand rose higher to skim the column of flesh that lengthened and lifted against his pants. "Sorry," he whispered. "Am I distracting you?"

Eyes still closed, Alex nodded.

"Want me to leave you alone so you can go on thinking about stuff?"

The sable head shook then turned, and Alex opened his eyes, his hazy gaze focusing on Fox’s mouth.

"Don’t wanna think any more."


Another almost indiscernible shake of his head, and Alex lifted his hand, drawing one finger across Fox’s lower lip before gently slipping it inside. Fox sucked delicately for a moment before Alex withdrew his finger and engaged him in an achingly tender kiss.

Fox sighed softly, threading his fingers through Alex’s hair. The hand still in his lap squeezed gently, earning a throaty groan from the younger man. Alex pulled back a fraction and teased Fox’s lower lip with his tongue then sank into another soft kiss as he pulled his husband with him off of the rock. They landed on the sand, Alex rolling onto his back and pulling Fox down on top of him. He pushed upward, pressing his already rigid erection against Fox’s. "Baby," he whispered against the plush mouth. "Krasivy lisa... I..." He stopped for a sweet, hungry kiss. "... need... I need you."

It was all he needed to say. Fox took over, initiating the next kiss. Their tongues met, stroking, teasing, and then Fox backed away, drawing a soft whine from the other man. He dusted Alex’s nose then his chin with feather light kisses then moved lower.

Alex arched his neck, baring his throat to his lover’s warm mouth. His fingers clenched, digging into Fox’s shoulders, and a long gasp escaped his parted lips as Fox’s teeth slowly scraped along the fragile skin. The soft caress of the older man’s tongue sent a shiver through him, and he whimpered his name.


Fox gave no answer except to gently sink his teeth into the exposed flesh. Alex’s mouth fell open, and a gurgling cry rolled in his throat. It was a harmless act; it brought no pain, but arousal was so intense, every sensation was amplified tenfold. Alex arched again, grinding his hips against his husband’s.

"You’re so hard," Fox whispered, the rough, smoky tone in his voice sending shudders through the younger man. He licked the spot he’d just released then nuzzled Alex’s chest. "I want to feel you in my mouth."

Alex’s eyes rolled back, and his lashes fluttered closed over them as he squirmed at Fox’s words. "Yes," he hissed. "Oh, God, please."

Cheek resting against Alex’s chest, Fox looked up into passion etched features, and he smiled softly. "So beautiful." He brushed the backs of his fingers against Alex’s face, then he slowly began to lick a trail down to one erect nipple. His tongue circled the brown peak, tightening it further while his hand swept downward and fluttered over his husband’s gauze-covered cock.

Alex was saying something. Some breathless words, carried away from Fox’s ears on a gust of wind. His fingers combed restlessly through Fox’s hair, and he writhed beneath the other man’s touch.

"Easy," Fox murmured, sliding downward. He kissed and licked the quivering flesh, stopping at the elastic waistband of Alex’s pants. He nuzzled the sprinkling of dark hair, letting it tickle his lips before continuing on.

Alex’s fingers tightened in Fox’s hair, his chest heaving with each labored breath as he felt his lover’s mouth on him through the thin material of his pants. His cock pulsed against it, begging to be engulfed in its moist warmth, and Fox took as much of him inside as the white gauze would allow. He sucked gently, his hands burrowing between Alex’s rear and the sand. He squeezed both cheeks as he lifted Alex more tightly against his mouth, and the younger man sobbed his name.

"Fox... baby... can’t... I can’t hold it..."

The wind had let up enough for Fox to hear Alex’s last words, and he pulled away, earning a frustrated groan. He shushed the younger man and reached for the waistband of his pants, pulling them down and off. Alex squirmed impatiently, waiting for the warmth to envelop him, and when it did only a few seconds later, he bucked once then stiffened for a moment, a silent scream forming on his lips. When his hips fell back to the ground, Fox followed, sucking with a gentle insistence. Alex gulped in a breath of air, and then the sound came, broken and desperate. He clawed at the sand as he thrust again and again into Fox’s mouth, and his eyes fixed a glazed stare on the cloud scattered sky. The few stars that he could see blurred and faded to blackness as his climax struck him. His hoarse cries carried on the wind, then they died, and he lay shuddering in the warm salty breeze.

Fox licked and nuzzled the slowly subsiding erection, and when he was through, he laid his cheek on his lover’s thigh and closed his eyes. It was some time before Alex’s erratic breathing calmed, and he was able to gather his wits. When he did, he looked down at the golden brown head resting on his leg, and a hint of a smile tilted the corners of his mouth. He sighed softly, lifting a hand to pet the silky strands.

"I love you."

The wind had picked up again, and his words went unheard. He curled his fingers in Fox’s hair and tugged gently, gaining his husband’s attention. Fox lifted his head and looked up into glittering, dark eyes. The two stared at each other for long moments then Fox slid upward, stopping when they were face to face. He shared a deep kiss with Alex, letting the younger man taste himself, then he laid his head on his shoulder. Alex wrapped him in a snug embrace, kissing the top of his head, and he closed his eyes, purring happily.

"You’re not gonna fall asleep, are you?"

Fox opened his eyes a fraction.

"Why? Do you want to go in, now?"

"No. I was just wondering about your condition."

"My condition?"

One of Alex’s hands drifted down to the front of Fox’s pants and caressed the impressive bulge there.

"Oh," Fox whispered. "That condition."

Alex smirked. "Yeah."

"What about it?"

"You gonna go to sleep like that, or would you prefer me to do something about it first?"

Fox smiled and squirmed in Alex’s arms.

"Make me wait for it."

Alex chuckled softly. "How long?"

Fox nipped at the younger man’s shoulder then dragged his tongue across the same spot.

"Until it hurts."

" or me?"

Fox tapped Alex’s forehead with the tips of his fingers, earning himself an amused giggle. "So... you want to stay out here or go back to the house?" he asked.

"Let’s go back to the house," Alex answered, "so I can wash the sand off of you."

Fox lifted his head and growled down at the other. "And tease me mercilessly?"

"Careful what you ask for," Alex warned softly.

"Why?" Fox rubbed up against him, and he grabbed a handful of hair, pulling the older man’s head back to an almost uncomfortable angle.

"Because you might get it."

Fox’s respiration turned uneven. "I wouldn’t ask for it if I didn’t want it."

"No," Alex murmured. "No, I suppose you wouldn’t." His free hand traveled down to Fox’s ass and kneaded it gently. "How much do you want it?"


"Hmm. Really?" Alex delivered a sudden, hard slap to the cheek he’d just been squeezing. Fox yelped then shivered, rubbing himself more frantically against his husband. Alex moaned, feeling a faint twinge in his crotch. He rolled Fox underneath him, pinning him to the ground with his hands.

"I’ll do anything you want," Fox gasped, arching upward trying to make contact with the other man’s body.

He meant it. And that knowledge made Alex hard again faster than should have been possible. He lightly traced the length of his husband’s cock with one finger. It jumped beneath his touch, and Fox groaned softly.

"Take these off." Alex released Fox long enough for the older man to do as he said, then he was back, engaging him in a breath stealing kiss. He lifted the discarded pants and drew them slowly over Fox’s chest and abdomen then back up, gently teasing one nipple. The kiss muffled a soft whimper then a louder one as Alex grasped the nipple and pulled. He broke the kiss and nipped at Fox’s lower lip. "You like that, lisa?" he asked sweetly.

Fox nodded, thrusting rhythmically into the air.

"Gorgeous slut." Alex bit down on the soft flesh again, a bit harder. It got the reaction he anticipated. It made him smile. "C’mon," he whispered, kissing Fox’s chin then gathering their discarded clothing and rising to his feet. Fox remained on his back for a moment, staring at Alex’s naked form, then he rose. Alex took his hand and led him in the direction of the house. When they reached the property, Alex steered him toward the outside shower and turned the water on.

Fox got in, shivering as the cool water touched his overheated skin. Alex stepped in behind him and spun him around so that they were face to face. He smoothed Fox’s soaked hair away from his face then brushed his mouth against the other man’s but would not submit to the kiss that Fox sought. "On your knees," he rumbled, and Fox did as he was told, kneeling in the small enclosure. "Hands behind your back." Again, Fox followed orders and trembled, waiting for whatever Alex had in mind. He didn’t wait long.

Alex took one step forward and grasped his cock at the base. A brief sob escaped Fox’s throat as he opened his mouth and took Alex’s entire length at once. Alex speared both hands through his hair, clutching at the golden brown strands, and he started to pump steadily. Fox groaned around the presence invading his mouth, sending delicious vibrations along the velvety shaft.

"God... damn," Alex rasped through gritted teeth, his eyes snapping shut. He thrust harder, continuing to hold Fox’s head still. Fox’s unsatisfied erection throbbed in the excitement of the moment, and his desperate cries carried Alex, more quickly than he’d intended, toward a screaming orgasm.

"Shhhhhit. Baby... oh, God baby..."

Fox took the increasingly violent thrusts, feeling the tip of Alex’s cock batter his throat, and then the explosion came. He swallowed greedily, then Alex fell back against the wall of the shower, slipping out of his mouth. He remained where he was, hands clasped behind his back, water continuing to pound him, and he watched his husband slowly recover.

Alex moaned softly and opened his eyes. He gave Fox a weary smile when he realized that the other man hadn’t moved from his position on the floor. He reached out to stroke the stubbled jaw then pulled Fox to his feet. "It hurt yet?" he asked, the words vibrating in Fox’s ear.

Fox clung to his lover, shuddering. He nodded and buried his face in the curve of Alex’s shoulder.

"You ready?"

Another nod.

"...I’m not."

Fox lifted his head and fixed a wide-eyed gaze on the other.

"Careful what you ask for," Alex hissed then pulled Fox out of the shower. Hastily, he dried first Fox then himself, then he took the older man’s hand and led him into the house and up to their bedroom. "Lie down," he instructed softly as he rounded the foot of the bed and headed for the closet. Fox pulled himself back against the pillows and watched as Alex fished around in a bag he’d pulled down from the shelf, and he groaned when the younger man turned to him, holding his favorite little torture device and a fat black vibrator. He slid up on the bed and caressed Fox’s cheek with the vibrator then rubbed it over his lips. Fox’s mouth opened on the heavy sigh, and he allowed Alex to push the object inside.

"I’ve told you thousands of times," Alex murmured as he lazily thrust the vibrator in and out, "but if there was ever a mouth that was made to do this, it’s yours."

Fox’s eyes fluttered closed, and his hips lifted off the bed in offering. He moaned around his mouthful, and Alex rewarded him with a gentle pull on his cock. He removed his hand immediately, and Fox whined as the vibrator was also taken away.

"Easy, lisa." Alex opened the drawer beside the bed and withdrew the second tube of lubrication they’d used since arriving on the island. He applied some gel... just enough to get the vibrator in, but not enough to make it an easy ride, and he began to push it into Fox’s ass. Fox’s head snapped to the side, and he gritted his teeth even as he pushed against the thing insinuating itself into his body. The moment it was all the way in, Alex picked up the small harness and strapped it in place on his cock. "How’s that?" he asked, knowing damn well how it was.

All Fox could manage was a pained whimper.

"You pissed at me yet?"

Still, no discernible answer.

The younger man smirked and took hold of the vibrator, withdrawing it slowly before turning it on low. He teased at the entrance for a bit, making Fox sob and shudder, then pushed in again, a little less gently than the first time. Little pinpricks of sweat appeared on Fox’s forehead, and he pulled the sheets away from the mattress as his frustration grew. Alex angled the vibrator to hit the spot he knew would drive Fox over the edge, and he increased its speed, smiling as Fox’s head lifted off the pillow, and he howled.

"Alex, please!"


Alex teased him mercilessly, randomly changing the intensity of the vibrations and the speed and strength of his thrusts several times, and when he was sure that Fox had reached the very frayed end of his rope, he withdrew the vibrator and removed the cock strap. He draped himself over the trembling man and looked down into tormented eyes. His tongue slithered out and lightly skimmed Fox’s lower lip.

"Now, I’m ready."

Fox drew one sharp, unsteady breath and let it out in a low growl as he rolled, slamming Alex down into the mattress. Fingers curled tightly in Alex’s hair, held the younger man’s head down, and Fox attacked his mouth with feral lust. His other hand groped for the lube that Alex had set down on the table beside the bed, and just as he found it, Alex’s hand stopped him. He broke the kiss and looked down into nearly black eyes. Alex said nothing, but Fox got the message clearly. He let the tube go then hooked his hands under his husband’s knees and pulled them up. Alex took it from there, wrapping his legs around Fox’s waist as his arms went around his neck. Quickly, Fox positioned himself and pushed. Without benefit of lube, his entry wasn’t an easy one, and Alex grunted at the discomfort it caused. But it was what he wanted, and he’d intentionally driven Fox past the point of gentleness to get it.

Fox had worked half his length inside, and now that he had enough leverage, he gritted his teeth and drove in the rest of the way in one brutal thrust. Initial pain, and the tidal wave of pleasure it brought, washed over Alex and carried him to the edge of a spectacular explosion. Fox wrapped his hand around his lover’s cock and milked it quickly as he pounded into him, and Alex blew, filling the air with his frantic cries of completion. Fox followed in an instant, his harsh roars echoing in his head. It went on forever it seemed, and then everything stopped. He collapsed onto Alex’s chest, and the younger man wrapped him in his arms. Soft, satisfied purrs rumbled in his ear, and his sweat drenched back tingled as a gentle hand drifted up and down its length. When he could breathe normally again, he lifted his head and trained a soft gaze on the one beneath him.

"You okay?"

Eyes as green as emeralds and overflowing with love stared up at him.

"Of course." Alex cleared his throat but still sounded hoarse when he spoke again. "How ‘bout you?"

Fox gave him a sweet smile. "Weak. Exhausted... happier than anyone has a right to be."

Alex combed his fingers through Fox’s hair. "You have every right." He lifted his head and bestowed a single kiss on his lover’s mouth. He settled back on the pillow, and Fox stared down at him, saying nothing. He stared back, letting several seconds pass before he spoke.

"What’re you thinking?"

"That maybe... this is it."

Alex’s eyebrows drew down into a frown. "It?"

"Yeah. Our ever after."

Alex remained silent, waiting for Fox to explain.

"I just... I have this feeling, this..." Fox shook his head. "This thought that maybe all the trouble... all the tragedy and bad stuff might finally be behind us." His expression turned hopeful. "You think?"

"I..." Alex laughed softly. "I don’t know. You sure you’re not just over-romanticizing?"

"Is that a word?"

"I don’t know, Mr. Thesaurus; is it? Anyway, what I mean is, we just got married; we’re here, where our lives together really began... on our honeymoon..." He smiled and shrugged. "Everything right now is perfect... How realistic is it to think that it’ll be that way from here on out?"

"I don’t know," Fox sighed. "One can hope."

"Yeah." He tapped the underside of Fox’s chin with one curled finger. "Don’t count on it, though." His smile faded a bit. "I wish I could make it all perfect for you, though, lisa. I wish with all my heart that I could make your world absolutely perfect."

"You’re in it, Alexei." Fox traced the outline of Alex’s lower lip with his finger. "You are it. And it’s perfect."

The two shared a long, tender kiss, and Fox dropped his head to Alex’s shoulder. They lay quietly, each basking in the comfort and warmth of the other, and soon Fox was soundly asleep. Alex closed his eyes, listening to his deep, even breaths, and he tightened his grip on the older man, holding him as thought he’d never let go. He kissed the top of the golden brown head and let himself finally sleep.

"Can I get it, Mummy?"

"Okay, go ahead." Maria dropped down on the arm of her sofa, watching as her daughter picked up the ringing phone.

"H’llo?" A big smile lit her face. "Hi, Uncle Alex! Are you done being on your honeymoon? Oh. Are you gonna come see me when you get back? Okay... you did? What’d you get me?"

Maria rolled her eyes. "Raiza..."

"He said he got me something," the little girl informed her mother. "I just wanna know what it is." She returned her attention back to the caller. "It is? Okay, I like surprises... uh huh... uh huh... Where’s Uncle Fox? Can I talk to him? ‘Kay... Hi Uncle Fox! Are you having fun on your honeymoon?"

Maria scratched her head and looked away, smirking.

"...Uncle Alex said you have a surprise for me... uh huh." Raiza looked up at Maria. "Mummy, we have to work something out."

"Huh?" Maria shook her head. "Raiza, give me the phone." The child started to hand the receiver to her mother then quickly pulled it back to her ear. "I’m gonna give Mummy the phone now, so you can work it out, ‘kay? Bye... say bye to Uncle Alex for me."

Maria took the phone and sank down to the seat cushion. "Fox?"

"Yeah, hi! How’s it goin’?"

"Great! How are you guys? Having a good time, I’m sure."

"Oh, yeah. Hard to believe it’s almost over already."

"You know the saying."

"Yeah. We’d love to stay longer, but Scully’s about had it with Clyde, so..."

"Yeah, I talked to her the other day. She had just come in from being dragged around the park."

Fox chuckled softly.

"So... what’s all this ‘working it out’ business?"

"Oh. I told Raiza that we’d have to work something out with you, so we can get Raiza’s gift to her."

"Ah. Well, thanks. She’s going to drive me nuts now, until she sees you guys."

Fox grinned. "Okay, well, we promise we won’t drag our feet about it."

"I’d appreciate that."

"No problem. Well, I’ll let you talk to your cousin now. We’ve got about half an hour before we have to leave for dinner."

"All right. Take care, Fox. Talk to you soon... Hey, Alex! How are you?"

"Great! We’ve had the best time. The weather’s been gorgeous... it’s only rained twice, and it’s been at night, so we’ve been able to get outside every day."

"Awesome. Have you been beach bums the whole time, or have you got some activities in?"

"We’ve spent some time on the beach just about every day, but we’ve been to town on a couple of shopping trips, hit a couple of clubs, gone out to dinner, went horseback riding..."

"You ride?"

"I’ve been on a horse a few times in the past several years but never for pleasure, y’know? This was... well, let’s just say it was one of those things that sappy novels are made of."

"Ooooh. Romantic, huh?"

"Oh, yeah. Just the two of us, riding along the shore." Alex blew out an audible sigh. "We made a lot of good memories."

"I’m sure you did. I hope you took some pictures... you know, of the stuff you could take family friendly pictures of.

Alex laughed. "Yeah, we did take a few shots. We’ll show them to you when we see you."

"Cool. I’m so happy for you, Alex. I can’t imagine what it must be like to know that you’ll be spending the rest of your life with your one true love."

"I never thought I’d know," Alex murmured as he watched Fox tucking his shirt into his pants. "But it happened. And if it can happen for me, believe me; it can happen for you."

Maria smiled into the phone. "Well... maybe. Anyway, you should go. Enjoy your dinner. Enjoy your last few days, and give me a call when you get home, okay?"

"Will do. Tell..." He paused then resumed. "...tell everyone we said hi and we’ll talk to them soon."

"I will. Bye, Alex."

Alex hung up and smiled at Fox as he made his way over to the bed. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Fox held out his hand, grasping Alex’s and pulling the younger man to his feet. They walked hand in hand to the door.

"So, I was sorting through all the stuff we bought while you were in the shower," Alex said. "I’m thinking we need to go out tomorrow and buy another bag."

"We bought two, yesterday," Fox threw back. "You don’t think that’s enough?"

"I really don’t think so," Alex said, descending the stairs and leading Fox to the garage. "We did a lot of shopping." He grinned. "Who the hell would’ve though we’d have so many people to buy souvenirs for?" He opened the car door for his husband, and once Fox was comfortably seated, he got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

"Good thing you insisted on doing the private plane thing again," Fox sighed, "or else we’d be waiting an eternity at the baggage carousel."

"See?" Alex wagged a finger at him. "Never argue with me."

"Yeah. Okay."

Alex nodded. "That’ll happen, right?" He backed out of the garage and roared away from the house.

"I wasn’t sure I’d go for French cuisine, but this really is very good. What’d the waiter call it?"

"I couldn’t repeat it if I tried. But I believe the translation was salmon and spinach... something or other." Scully looked over her glass of wine at her dinner companion. "You sure you like it? I’d hate to think that you’re not enjoying your meal... especially at such a high end place." She smiled. "You really didn’t have to do this."

"No, it... it’s good to broaden my horizons. I don’t realize it sometimes, but I don’t tend to stray much outside of my comfort zone. It’s okay to be boring if I’m by myself, but..."

"I don’t think you’re boring," Scully interrupted. "And don’t let anyone talk you into thinking that you are."

Skinner smoothed the fringe of hair at the back of his head then picked up his fork. "You know, don’t you?"


Skinner stared uneasily as he jabbed at his food.

Scully sighed. "Sorry about that. I know Alex can be a bit of a pest sometimes. I told him to lay off, but he listens to me about as well as his dog does."

"It’s okay. He’s, uh... he’s very opinionated, isn’t he?"

"If you only knew."

"As stubborn and single minded as Mulder can be, it’s amazing that they get along at all."

"They go at it sometimes, depending on what it is, but Alex is so ridiculously sappy over Mulder, he just gives in to him most of the time."

Skinner shook his head. "I know I’ve said it before, and I’m sure that given enough time I’ll get used to it, but... it’s a lot to try and wrap my mind around."

Scully smiled and bit into a piece of bread.

"So, what time are they coming in tomorrow?"

"Eleven fifteen. Mulder told me I’d better pick them up in his car. Apparently they’re coming back with a lot more baggage than they left with. They better have brought me something really nice for having had to put up with that beast of theirs for two weeks."

Dinner lasted for another forty-five minutes then the pair left the restaurant and headed back to Fox and Alex’s house.

"You want to come in for a drink?" Scully asked, looking from the house to the driver.

"I uh... you wouldn’t rather just go to bed?" Skinner’s eyes grew wide as he realized what the question must have sounded like. "I mean, you’ve had a long day," he added quickly. "I know you were in the office early."

"Yes, but I’m okay. It’s only a little after seven." Scully backpedaled a bit, not wanting Skinner to think that she was pushing. "But, you know, if you’d rather just go home..."

"No, n-no, I’ll... you have to walk the dog, don’t you?"

"Mmm." Scully looked back to the house. "He probably knows that I’m out here... He’s probably sitting at the door waiting to tackle me as soon as I walk in." She shook her head.

Skinner displayed a trace of a smile. "I’ll walk with you."

Scully returned the smile, a little more brightly. "’Kay."

The two exited the car and walked up to the house. Scully fished the key out of her purse and stuck it in the lock. An excited whining began on the other side of the door.

"Clyde, if you jump me when I open this door, so help me, your fathers are going to come home and find you hanging by your tail out their bedroom window!"

The lone inhabitants of the beach sat in silence, watching the sun slip beneath the horizon. When it was gone, Fox rose to his feet and pushed his pants, the only article of clothing that he wore, down and off. He held his hand out to Alex, and when he pulled his husband up beside him, he slipped his hands inside the waistband of his pants and removed them as well. He hooked his index finger around the younger man’s and led him into the ocean. They swam together in silence, circling each other, touching and kissing, and nearly forty minutes later, they headed back to shore, lying together in the wet sand.

Alex lay beneath Fox, submitting to the tenderest of kisses. The sea ebbed and flowed around him in a lazy rhythm, washing up to the middle of his back before retreating, and his hands moved just as slowly, gently caressing his lover as he was seduced into another kiss.

Tonight was their last night on the island. Two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye, and by midday tomorrow they’d be home. A soft smile curved Alex’s lips. He loved it here and could well spend the rest of his life making love on the beach with Fox, but the thought of home flooded his heart with warmth. Clyde’s joyful if sloppy greetings, birds chirping around the feeders in the garden he and Fox had planted themselves, shoveling out the driveway after a winter storm... sitting on the front porch after dinner with a beer, enjoying watching the neighborhood kids run from yard to yard playing... lying awake at night after Fox had gone to sleep, head on his lover’s chest, listening to the steady, comforting beat of his heart...

Fox’s lips slid away from Alex’s, traveling over his stubbled cheek and moving to his ear, teasing it lightly and causing a small ripple of shivers to pass through his body. He moved on, tasting every inch of skin in his mouth’s path. Alex’s jaw, his convulsing throat, the curve of his shoulder were given loving attention before Fox lifted his head and looked down into his love’s sparkling eyes. His fingers traced the arch of one dark eyebrow then wafted down over the curve of his cheek. His lips parted as if to speak, but no sound came out. Instead, he lowered his head, indulging in another long kiss.

Alex wove his fingers through Fox’s hair, welcoming his husband’s tongue into his open mouth. A soft moan escaped his throat, and Fox instinctively answered with a deeper, commanding tone that sent Alex’s already unsteady respiration into a ragged pattern. The kiss deepened further, and Fox’s hips bore down, grinding gently against the younger man. Alex’s cock jumped in the tight space between them, and he pushed back.

Fox dragged himself away from his lover’s mouth. Panting heavily, Alex tried to coax him back. He obliged the softly whimpered plea for just moment, then he caught the other man’s lower lip between his teeth and gently pulled. He let go then moved on, kissing and licking the wet, salty skin of Alex’s chest. Pausing on one nipple, he flicked at the hard nub with the tip of his tongue, and a clipped sob sounded above his head. He lavished the same attention on the other nipple then continued on his downward path.

Alex’s head rolled back and forth in the sand, his breath coming in short pants, then he sucked it in and held it as Fox reached his cock and swallowed it down to its base. He trembled as shockwaves of pleasure overtook him, but before he could reach the point of no return, Fox pulled away and worked his way back up until he was again covering the full length of Alex’s body. Another bone melting kiss and he began to push his cock between the muscular cheeks of his husband’s ass. He’d dropped a new tube of lubricant in his pocket before they left the house, but his pants were at least twenty feet away, and he knew there was no way Alex was going to wait for him to retrieve it.

Fox thrust a bit more, as gently as he could. A soft, sobbing breath escaped Alex, and he hugged Fox tightly to him. Entry wasn’t as rough as the last time they’d made love without lube; the water constantly washing over the lower part of his body was of some help, but not enough that Fox didn’t have to work for it. Alex felt every centimeter of his lover pushing inside him, and it was incredible. When Fox was completely buried, he lay softly gasping against the younger man’s shoulder, then he lifted his head, and holding Alex in a heavy lidded stare, he began to move carefully.

Alex’s breaths came in audible puffs, and he fought to keep his eyes on Fox, but his attempt failed when the other man wrapped his hand around his cock and began to stroke it. His eyes snapped shut, and a loud, gurgling moan rolled in his throat. Fox shuddered, feeling Alex’s pleasure as keenly as his own. He withdrew slowly, feeling Alex’s muscles constrict around him, then he sank back down. His hand barely skimmed the surface of Alex’s cock; he knew that anything firmer would send the younger man over the edge, and he didn’t want it over so quickly... not that he wasn’t in the same precarious condition. Holding it together by sheer will, he continued to thrust cautiously.

The ocean began to roll in with a bit more force, climbing higher on the sand. A wave crashed over the two writhing together on the beach, soaking them both and driving their excitement up a notch. Alex’s fingers dug into Fox’s back as he arched beneath the older man, his moans turning to frantic, choked sobs. Fox responded, rocking against him, wedging his already fully embedded cock deeper inside. The hand between them squeezed harder, and Alex began to buck uncontrollably. It couldn’t be stopped now. Restraint was lost, tumbling beyond his grasp, and Fox gave in to it. He gritted his teeth and pushed them both over the edge. He came hard and long, and Alex followed immediately. Their frenzied cries of completion joined the thunder of the waves, then faltered and died, leaving both men weak and gasping for breath. Several minutes passed before Fox was able to move. Gently, he pulled out and fell to the wet sand beside Alex, coaxing the younger man to roll on top of him. He met his lover’s weary gaze then pulled him down for one last kiss before the two rose slowly to their feet. Arms around each other, they stood together on the shore, staring out at the sea for a while, then Fox retrieved their clothing, took Alex’s hand, and the two walked slowly back to the house.

The bedroom door inched open, and a pair of brown eyes peeked inside the room. The woman in the guest bed remained soundly asleep until a cool, damp nose burrowed under the sheet and touched her arm.

Scully’s eyes snapped open, and she skittered to the middle of the bed. She blinked rapidly, trying to gain focus, and when she did, she cursed softly under her breath.

"Don’t do that! You scared the crap out of me, dammit!"

Clyde lowered the front half of his body to the floor and stuck his tail end in the air, yapping at her.

She whipped the sheet back and swung her legs off the other side of the mattress. "Can’t say I’m going to miss this," she muttered, stomping around the end of the bed. "And bring that back here!"

Clyde trotted to the other side of the room with one of her slippers in his mouth, growling.

"I swear to God," she said, pointing at him. "Next time they take you with them, or they sit their asses home."

The dog trotted out of the room, and Scully followed, wearing only one slipper.

"Clyde, get back here with that!"

"You really didn’t have to do this, Marie. It’s so early."

"Now, how could I let you leave without a nice breakfast?" the housekeeper clucked as she set Alex’s dish in front of him. "Now, eat, boy."

Alex shook his head and dug into his heaping plate.

"You sure we can’t lure you away from here?" Fox asked, giving the woman a sweet, pleading smile.

"If I didn’t have so much family here, you might have been able to." The woman rested her hands on her ample hips. "So, I suppose I’ll just have to adopt you, and then you’ll feel obligated to come back to see me more often than once every four or five years."

"Yeah," Alex said, adequately repentant. "We promise we won’t stay away so long. Maybe we can make it a point to come back once a year," he offered, looking to Fox.

Fox grinned at the suggestion. "Every anniversary?"

"If you want."

Fox nodded, clearly taken with the idea. Alex gave him an indulgent smile then returned to his breakfast. When they finished nearly half an hour later, Marie began to clear the dishes away.

"God, I’m so full." Alex pushed himself away from the table. "Listen, babe, I’m gonna go up and make sure we didn’t forget anything. I’ll be back in a minute, ‘kay?"

"Okay." Fox lifted his half full glass of juice to his lips then set it down before he could take a sip, laughing as Alex rose from his seat with a harsh groan.

Marie watched him leave the room and waited a few seconds before turning to Fox.

"He’s been through somethin’ bad, hasn’t he?"

Fox was taken aback. "Uh... s-since we were here the first time... yeah. How did you know?"

"You’ve taken good care of each other. You’re both happy now. That’s clear. But I can see it in him. Just like I could see it in you the first time you came here. Everything that happens to us in our lives stays with us. It becomes part of us; like fingerprints, child. It’s there in him."

"I don’t want it to be." Fox drew a long breath. "It was bad, Marie. It was long, and it was scary as hell, and there were a few times where I really wasn’t sure that he’d make it back."

"He made it, darlin’, because of you. For you." The woman smiled and ran her fingers through Fox’s hair. "I’ve met a lot of people over the years. Never, darlin’, never have I felt such deep emotion between a couple."

"Your intuition is amazing, Marie." Fox took the woman’s hand in his. "Can you predict the future too?"

"It doesn’t take any special insight to see your future, Fox. You and Alex will always be together. After all you’ve been through, it would be nice to think that it’ll be smooth goin’ from here on in, but only the man upstairs knows that for sure. You just hold tight to each other, and everything else will take care of itself."

Fox smiled up at the housekeeper and gently squeezed her hand. "Thank you." He rose from his chair and gave her a heartfelt hug. "Thank you."

"Should I leave you two alone?"

Fox released Marie and turned to face his grinning husband.

"Yeah, can you give us a few more minutes?"

Alex walked into the room, flicking the back of Fox’s head, then he approached Marie for a hug of his own.

"We need to get going. Thanks Marie, for putting up with us the last couple of weeks."

"My pleasure, child. Please come back and see us again soon."

"We will. Take care of yourself."

Fox got in one more hug then took Alex’s hand and made their way through the house with Marie a few steps behind. They stepped out the front door and stopped to look around.

"I’ll miss it," Fox murmured, and Alex wound an arm around him, kissing his temple.

"I know. We’ll be back, though."

Waving goodbye to Marie, they got into the limousine and headed for the airport and home.

"Never again, you two hear me?"

"You haven’t seen us for two weeks," Fox complained as he and Alex reached his partner. "What kind of greeting is that?"

"Sorry. Hi." She pointed at Fox. "Never again!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Alex asked, giving the redhead a hug.

"You will never go away again for any length of time and leave me with your son."

"Aww, c’mon, he wasn’t that bad," Fox said, taking his turn with a bear hug.

"Oh, you don’t think so?"

Fox grinned down at her. "We brought you a nice present."

"It’d better be a spectacular present," Scully muttered, then she punched Alex in the arm.


"Don’t think I forgot about what you did."

"Me?" Alex smirked, rubbing his arm.

"Yes, you." Scully moved closer, speaking to him through gritted teeth. "I can’t kick your ass here in the airport, but wait until later."

The three made their way to Fox’s car, followed by two porters and all their bags.

"So... how was it?"

Fox gave Scully a soft smile. "Words can’t describe it. We took some pictures, but only the garden variety stuff. All the real romantic stuff’ll just live in our memories, I guess."

Alex lowered his gaze to the ground and suppressed a grin.

"Well, I wanna hear all about it."

"All about it?"

"Okay, well, maybe not all."

"We’ll edit it for content and get back to you," Alex said, tipping the porters and taking the keys from Scully. They loaded the car then drove out of the airport lot. Once they hit the highway, Scully tapped the back of Fox’s head.

"Okay, Mulder. Give me some details, here; I’m dying to know. It’s been a few years. Has the house changed any?"

"Yeah, I guess they did some renovations a couple of years ago. It’s beautiful. Not that it wasn’t before, but, you know... Marie’s still there."

"She was sweet."

"Yeah." Fox smiled. "Very motherly. Uh... what else? Oh. They added a stable."

"Cool. Did you get to go riding?"

"Yeah. That was really nice. We had dinner on the beach our second night there. I really wish we had pictures of that." Fox shook his head, eyes glowing. "It was... amazing, Scully," he said in hushed reverence. Alex glanced over at him, and he reached across to the driver’s side to stroke the back of the sable head.

Scully looked from one man to the other. "Okay... well... describe it!"

Fox kept his gaze on Alex’s profile while he spoke.

"He had this... room created. Red sheer curtains. This elaborately set table. Champagne. Red roses. Candles. Waiters... a piano player."

"A piano player. You had a piano brought down to the beach, Alex?"

Alex shrugged and kept his eyes on the road as he switched lanes.

Fox looked to his partner in the back seat, grinning. "Marie made this awesome dinner. You would have loved it." He looked back at Alex, and his tone softened. "Then we danced. And after dessert, my husband sat down at the piano and played for me." He reached for Alex’s hand and drew it to his lips before Alex lovingly skimmed his stubbled cheek with his knuckles.

"How absolutely, disgustingly romantic."

"Yeah," Fox whispered, closing his eyes as Alex’s thumb rasped across his lower lip. He opened his eyes and focused a hazy gaze on the woman. "Then we made love all night in a big, beautiful bed that he also had brought down there and went to sleep when the sun came up."

"A bed." Scully shook her head. "A bed."

"Mmm hmm."

"God," she whispered then blew out a heavy breath. "So, your secret’s out now, huh, Alex?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"Great. So, now can you get that keyboard out of my apartment?"

"Sure," Alex nodded then went quiet again.

Scully continued to grill the men until they reached home and pulled into the garage. The moment they exited the car, excited yapping could be heard from within the house.

‘Clyde! We’re home!" Alex called, working the dog into a bigger frenzy.

"Oh, yeah, get him going," Fox said while he pulled two bags out of the trunk. "Now you can be first through the door."

Alex grabbed two bags, Scully took one, and Alex opened the door that joined the house to the garage. He was immediately knocked back into Fox by the howling dog and washed with sloppy kisses.

"All right, all right!" Alex shouted above the din. Clyde leapt from one man to the other, treating Fox to the same frantic welcome.

"Well, at least he’s not tackling me," Scully said, relieved as she walked past the scene.

"He missed us," Alex laughed as Clyde bounded off then came right back, shaking his stuffed bear for all it was worth. He grabbed one of the bear’s legs and played tug of war with the Shepherd for a few seconds then released it and vigorously scratched his chest. "Right?" he asked in that tone he used that never failed to give Fox a chuckle. "He missed his daddies?"

"Brother," Scully muttered then clapped her hands. "Come on, let’s go. Get the rest of your bags. I want my present."

"So impatient." Alex released the dog and straightened up. They brought the rest of the luggage in and dug out Scully’s elegantly wrapped gift. Alex handed it to her and dropped down into the nearest chair, pulling Fox onto his lap. "Hope you like it."

Smiling, Scully pulled the wrapping apart and opened the flat, blue velvet box. The smile fell from her face, and her hand went up to her mouth.

"Oh, my God," she breathed. "Oh, guys." She pulled the diamond and sapphire bracelet from its bed and held it up. "It’s... God, it’s gorgeous!"

Grinning, Fox rose from Alex’s lap and took the bracelet from his partner, securing it around her wrist. She held it up again, and her eyes turned misty.

"I can’t... I can’t believe you did this."

"We wanted to find a way to tell you how much you mean to us," Fox said. "You’ve been our friend, our sister, our biggest ally almost from the beginning."

Scully’s eyes went from Fox to Alex, who had just come to squat in front of her.

"We love you, Scully." One corner of his mouth slanted upward. "Why else do you think we aggravate you so much? I mean, aside from it being fun?"

Scully shook her head and threw her arms around both men. "I love you jerks," she sniffed. "And I’m still going to kick your ass, Krycek."

Alex broke into boisterous laughter. "Hey. Wanna see what we got Skinner?"

"God. Do I?"

Alex lay listening to the crickets chirping outside the bedroom window. He drew a deep breath and let it out slowly as one hand glided over the crisp sheets. He closed his eyes and smiled a lazy smile, and he waited for his Fox to come to bed. The partially open door swung into the room, and Fox shuffled in, removing his robe and letting it drop at the foot of the bed. Tan and gloriously naked, he crawled up on the bed and lowered himself to the mattress. He lay on his side, head propped up one hand as the other drifted over the hard planes of his husband’s abdomen.

"All locked up."

Alex nodded, staring up into the other man’s face.

"We’re home," Fox whispered.

"Mmm hmm." Alex reached up and rubbed the backs of his fingers over the heavily stubbled cheek. "Our first night at home as married people."

"Yeah." Fox’s eyes remained fixed on the other man as his hand continued to move up and down. "How about another first?"

Alex flashed a brief smile before reaching up and pulling Fox down into a slow, seductive kiss. That kiss led to another and another still, each one more passionate than the next. When he finally had Fox whimpering for more, Alex rolled, pinning his husband beneath him. For the next hour they made love, ending it with Fox sitting astride Alex, rocking against him.

Fingers of one hand tangled in Fox’s hair while the other stroked his cock, Alex held the older man’s glazed eyes, and he grated breathless words of encouragement.

"That’s it. That’s... oh God... harder... yeah... beautiful Fox... my beautiful F..." His head snapped back, eyes closed tightly, and his mouth fell open on a harsh groan as he came. His hand tightened reflexively around his lover’s cock, and the action triggered Fox’s own orgasm. The older man bucked uncontrollably for several seconds, sobbing Alex’s name, then he collapsed against his husband. Long moments passed as they stayed locked together, chests heaving, then they slowly relaxed, and Fox purred contentedly against Alex’s shoulder as the younger man lovingly caressed his back.

"Tired, baby?" Alex asked softly, and Fox nodded and lifted his head.

"Wiped out," the older man whispered, nuzzling the hand that cupped his cheek. "Been a long day."

Alex gently pushed Fox off of him and coaxed him down to the mattress, then he rose and walked in silence to the bathroom. Fox heard water running, and a couple of minutes later, Alex came back into the bedroom with a damp cloth. Carefully, he washed his weary lover then disposed of the cloth and climbed back into bed, wrapping himself around Fox, who was just beginning to drift into sleep. He kissed Fox’s jaw, then he closed his eyes. A voice, soft and sluggish, made him smile.

"First night asleep in our bed as married people."

"How long are we going to do this?"

"While, probably," Fox mumbled.

Alex tightened his hold on the other man, still smirking as sleep began to settle in and fog his brain.

"Thought so."


the next weekend


Alex set the last of the packages in the bag and zipped it up. Packing done, he walked away from the bed and moved to the windows, staring out into the yard.

Fox walked in and headed in the direction of the bathroom, talking.

"Oh yeah, we’re dead men."

When he got no answer, he turned around. He found Alex right away and came to stand behind him. Hands lifting to the younger man’s shoulders, Fox massaged them gently.


Alex’s mouth slanted into a slight smile, but he continued to gaze out the window.

"We could’ve mailed this stuff, y’know, if being so close to your father freaks you out."

Alex sucked in a long, painful breath and let it out.

"I’m not going to let being in the same town as him keep me from seeing the rest of my family."

Fox turned his husband around leaned in so that their foreheads were touching.

"You sure?"

Alex blew out a soft laugh.


Fox cupped the back of his head, and dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"But we’re going anyway?"

"We already promised Raiza. I don’t want to disappoint her."

"I know, but..."

"I’ll be okay," Alex broke in. "Really."

Fox studied the other man for several seconds before nodding and engaging him in a brief but tender kiss. "Just remember to lean on me if you have to."

"I know." Alex wrapped Fox in a snug embrace.

"It’ll be all right," Fox assured him as he stroked his back.

Alex took a deep breath and let it out quickly. "Okay. Let’s go."

They grabbed up their bags and headed for the stairs.

"So, why are we dead men?"

"Are we taking Clyde with us?"

"No, but it’s not our fault that there are no pet friendly hotels in the area."

"Yeah, Scully doesn’t really care what our reasons are. All she knows is that less than a week later, she’s babysitting again."

The men stopped in the living room to say goodbye to Clyde, then they proceeded out to the car. Fox set the bags in the trunk while Alex called Scully.

"Hey, it’s me. We’re leaving. I know! But it’s only for the weekend; we’ll be back Sunday night. Uh huh. He’s had breakfast, he’s been out, so he’ll be good until you get here later. ‘Kay. Thanks, Scully... Yeah, yeah... Bye." Alex hung up and smirked at Fox. "She said she would have killed you the other day when you told her about this, but she wanted us to die together."

"Great." Fox knocked twice on the trunk of the car and pointed to the passenger’s side. "Let’s go before we miss our flight."

Alex paused for a moment then nodded, offering Fox a tight smile. Fox waited until Alex opened the passenger’s side door, then he walked to the driver’s side and got in. "Last chance," he offered, putting the key in the ignition.

Alex looked to his lover, drumming his fingertips on the armrest. He held the other man’s gaze for a while, and Fox thought that he might actually change his mind.

"No. N-no. Let’s go."

Fox reached out to brush the underside of Alex’s chin, then he started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. Once on the road, he sneaked a quick glance at the younger man.

Quiet. Pensive expression. Ohhh, yeah.

Fox got the distinct feeling that this was going to be an eventful weekend.

And not necessarily in a good way.

end of chapter XII




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