Banner by Rich Mitchell

Welcome to my homepage!

Hello and welcome to my home page!I am redoing all of my pages. Please be patient with me. Soon I will have them finished and ready for viewing. While you are here, feel free to look around. Thank you for coming and have a wonderful day! =0)

"Prayer is less about changing the world
than it is about changing ourselves."
Celestial Angel

Celestial Angel
By Jon William Brown

Thought for the Day

Link to Jesus
Help Stop Pornography
Jesus View
Don't Drink and Drive
This site is a member of National Group Rides And Designated Drivers' "Link Around the World" to help spread the word about the dangers of drunken driving. You too can show your concern by adding a link onto your web site and JOINING!
Click on the banner for more information on how you can help in the fight against
drunk drivers.
This sight was created by Mary Besse *ChaceAngel*
on 8-98 and was updated 8-2001 (still in progress )

* Special thanks to Rich Mitchell @ Mitchell Web Designs for the site banner*


2 Angels

Forgive and you shall be forgiven

Courtsey of Backgrounds Etc.

Each picture was taken from the internet , so I saw them as shareware unless otherwise stated. If I violate any copyrights Please send me a note and I will remove them or give credit where credit is due and please except my apology!
To my page " about me " 
All about my kids !  *Grin*
Banner exchange Page 
( leave your link and banner )
The man's domain 
( the manly page )
  My best friend
Meet my rent-a-kids and their families
Angels ,Angels,  and more Angels !
Family Christian links
 * My page of Poems *
 " A friends poem" ( revised )
 * Awards this site has recieved *
 * Awards I have given *
 * Webrings and gifts page *
All children in Gods creation are special !!
( save our children, poems, links and more )
Depression and how it affects our lives

*Please visit my guest book on your way out!
I will return the favor*

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