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What is Islam?
Daily Du'as
Prophecies of the Bible
Questions and Answers
Following the steps of Jesus (a.s.)
What is a true religion?
Chronology of Prophet Muhammad (swa)

Prophesies from the Bible

Following the steps of Jesus (a.s.)

Through out history, Muslims and Christians have debated about Jesus (a.s.). In United States as well as other countries, so many Christian organizations have dedicated all their efforts to convert Muslims into Christianity, and recently we were exposed to some of this groups and their tactics, the majority that are less honest, e.g. During one of our Da’wah programs, someone altered one of our pamphlets (a forty pages one). Someone altered it by writing that this pamphlet was, “……. The Qur’an is a Book full of lies with enough credibility to show something as true” (Astaghfir’Allah).

Now tell me, What kind of fanatic would write such thing like this? To defame Islam, because we learn through the chaplain of one Catholic Church facility, that the one to be blamed, was one, who was in charge of maintaining the religious services of this facility. Being that his efforts to convert Muslims into Christianity had failed, so in other words, these are the tactics that they have to adopt in order to accomplish what they want.

1. The way that Jesus (a.s.) and some previous prophets used to pray.

Let’s compare this to the Muslims way of pray.

Every Muslim takes off his shoe before going inside to the Masjid, because this is consider a holly ground, and we don’t want to carry in dirt from the street, being this our place of worship.

“But when he came to the fire,

he was called, O Moses!

Verily I am thy lord!

Therefore put off thy shoes:

Thou Are in the Valley of Tuwa.

Qur’an 20:11-12.”

And he said, Draw not nigh hither:

put off thy shoes from off your feet,

for the place whereon thou standest

is holy ground. Exodus 3:5

Before praying every Muslim performs wuzu (ablution), washing their faces, hands and feet.

O ye who believe!

When you prepare for prayers,

Wash your faces, and hands

(and arms) to the elbows;

Rub your heads (with water);

and (wash) your feet

To the ankles. Qur’an 5:6

And Moses and Aaron

and his sons washed their

Hands and their feet thereat.

When they went into the tent

of the congregation,

And when they came near

unto the altar, they

Washed; as the Lord

commanded Moses. Exodus 40:31-32.

All Muslims pray during specified hours, in direction to the Qibla (The Kaabah in Mecca) as commanded by Allah (s.w.a.).

Turn then thy face to the

Sacred Mosque. Wherever you

are turn in that direction ,

the people of the book know well

that, that is the truth from

their Lord. Qur’an 2:144

When Daniel….went into

his house, and his windows

Being open in his chamber

toward Jerusalem , he

Kneeled upon his knees

three time a day. Daniel 6:10

Whenever the time of prayer comes, every Muslim stands up, they bow down, and they prostrate them selves in obedience to Allah, touching their foreheads to the ground.

O ye who believe!

bow down, prostrate yourselves,

and adore your Lord; and do good;

that ye may prosper. Qur’an 22:77.

And he (Jesus) went a little further,

and fell on his face, and prayed ,

saying….. Mathew 26:39

And Joshua fell on his face

to the earth, and did worshiped ………

Joshua 5:14

And (Elijah) he cast himself

down upon the earth, and put

his face between his knees…

I Kings 19:42

And Moses and Aaron

went from the presence of the

Assembly unto the door of the

tabernacle of the congregation,

and they fell upon their faces:…..

Numbers 20:6


And Abram fell on his face:

And God talked to him …. Genesis 17:3


2. Regarding Fasting.

According to the Bible, Jesus (a.s.) fasted for 40 days and forty nights.

This is very similar to the fasting in Ramadhan, the fasting month of the Muslims. During this month, all Muslims fast during the day hours for about 29 or 30 days according to the lunar calendar. Many Christians of our times fast for only a day or so, and this is abastaining only from certain things, Why? It could be replaced with any thing else very easy.

But the most important things, are the instructions given in the Old Testament regarding fasting. Keep on mind that the fasting month of the Muslims, is the ninth month from the lunar calendar, which is the traditional calendar used by Muslims and Jewish.

And it came to pass in the

fifth year of Jehoiakim

The son of Josiah King of Judah.

In the ninth month, that they

proclaimed a fast before the

Lord to all the people in Jerusalem….

Jeremiah 36:9

3. Greetings.

Even simple things like greetings, we find that Muslims are the ones who follow Jesus (a.s.) closer than any Christian on this days. The Muslims greet each other saying: “Asalamu Alaykum” which means, peace be unto you.

And as they spake thus,

Jesus himself stood in the

Midst of them, and said unto

them, peace be unto

You…… Luke 24:36

So what can be clearer than this?

These are some examples on how Muslims follow Jesus (a.s.) closer, as well as the other prophets.

The Holly Qur’an instruct every Muslim to follow the messengers of Allah. They all came from the same creator, with the same message, to worship only the creator and nobody else. They teached us on how to serve Allah with their own examples.

Therefore, Muslims are closer on following the steps of Jesus (a.s.), even on keeping their beards. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) has teached us on how to follow the real truth, if we would be following the Christians way, than we would be moving away from the teachings of Jesus (a.s.).

Maybe after reading this some Christians can consider observing Muslims more closely, so they can also learn on how to follow the prophets of Allah properly.

This was translated from spanish to english by Khaleel Ahmad, it was previously written in english but no where to be found the original, if any mistakes are done please forgive me I’m just trying to run the voice of Islam, Insha’allah.


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