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JediTrio2.jpg (14813 bytes)

This page is designed to showcase the costumes that I have created for friends, family and myself. All of the costumes were based off commercially available patters purchased at Wal-Mart. Good luck!

Kal Joren - Traditional Jedi Robes 

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This is my most current incarnation of my Jedi costume. I did this to make my costume more fitting with the prequel trilogy costumes. My padawan's costume uses the same basic format and includes the Jedi Gear playset that was distributed by Hasbro toys after the release of The Phantom Menace. Alas, he has now outgrown this costume and has started pestering me to make him a new one. A Jedi Master's job is never done!!

The Padawan - He has grown in the Force!



Curtis Carkoon - Does this guy have the same tailor as Master Skywalker?

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Curtis wears the black hooded cloak and brown vest similar to Luke's in ROTJ. He also wears a pair of black pants, black mock turtle neck, black gloves and a pair of black riding boots. He wears a regular belt beneath the sash that holds the belt clip for his lightsaber.

Darth Ra - The formidable villain in black!

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Ra wears a black traditional Jedi robe and a gray vest. He also wears a regular belt under his sash to hold the belt clip for his lightsaber. A pair of black pants, black mock turtleneck, and black boots complete the costume for this Dark Jedi.

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