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You All Want To Be Me
Wednesday, 1 December 2004
Mood:  lucky
I'm pregnant. I'm currently at about 10 weeks. If it's a girl I want to name her Vivica. Maybe Anne for the middle name. I really have no clue what I want to name it if it's a boy.
I'm going to do the baby's room in fishies. I'm really excited.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 2:45 AM EST
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Thursday, 25 November 2004
Guys and Toilet Paper
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Roseanne
Why is that guys use waaaaay more toilet paper than girls?!

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 1:10 AM EST
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Saturday, 25 September 2004
Jim's Mom Has Got It Going On
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Coneheads on Comedy Central
I'm reading The Da Vinci Code. Good book. Third shift is good for reading.

My cat needs a bath.

I can't stop yawning, but I just promised Mike that I would help him with the yard.

I bought a new comforter online the other day. Go me.

My fish is giving me evil looks.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 1:13 PM EDT
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Friday, 24 September 2004

Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The TV
Mike is snoring.
He snores too loud.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 4:53 PM EDT
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Saturday, 7 August 2004
If I Was Alone...
If I didn't have Mikey I could see myself as one of those people who moves every few years and totally reinvents themself in a new place

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 6:52 AM EDT
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Monday, 2 August 2004
Usher Eats Poop
They have an Usher Mastercard out now! For only ten dollars you too can have an Usher Mastercard.

Mikey got a kitty! He was helping his mom move her friend's mom and she has lots of cats. Well, this one all black one was wild. His mom's friend said she would feed it but it would growl and hiss at her the whole time and wouldn't go near her. Mike's mom called him over and he came right up to her. So, Mikey brought him home cos he wanted an all black kitty. You wouldn't know he was wild. He keeps following me around. If he is asleep he's never far away from me, right now he's laying on my desk. I was watching TV on my bed and he was curled up on the bed. He was laying on my lap for awhile, but he has really sharp claws and was kneading my leg. Mike said he slept on his pillow when he slept before work. I dunno if the kitty has a name or not. He loves to be pet though.

I need to clean. I shall work on that tomorrow.

I haven't gone to bed, it's 5:30am. I worked 11pm-7am the other night/morning, slept for like four hours and worked 3pm-11pm and I haven't slept yet.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 5:17 AM EDT
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Sunday, 1 August 2004
All Of You Suck
Stupid people. No, I cannot sell you beer at 3am. We can't sell it after 1. Don't get mad at me, our license says so. I didn't make it that way.

You all suck at life.
The trucker came in and popped popcorn, like he always does early in the morning. He made Shell smell like popcorn and I want some. Maybe I'll go upstairs and see if we have some still.
This cough sucks. Mike's little brother and sister are evil for passing it around. I swear they stand there at the fridge with the door open and cough on all of the food.
I have to be back at work in 7 hours. Yay. I just got out of there an hour ago. However, I have tomorrow off so I shall be working on this site some more and you will see vast improvement, or at least I hope you will. That is, whenever I bother to drag myself out of bed, which will probably be sometime waaaay later in the day. Or, I will be up all night anyways.
Me thinks attempting sleep would be wise now.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 7:45 AM EDT
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Saturday, 31 July 2004
*taps microphone only to make it squeal* *walks away*
Since Kim ran away I will introduce her, this her new blog. She will write whatever random things come to mind or happen in her life in this space. She says she also commands you to read it and everything else that may appear on her site. She also commands you to write pen fifteen on your hand so that you can join her club instantly! Permanent marker works well, though a tattoo needle is ideal.

Posted by apes2/pen15club at 7:17 PM EDT
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