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It's been a couple of days, but now I have two new reviews: for the Fushigi Yuugi anime and manga. That should be all for a while.

Another of Kyle's reviews added--for the Kingdom Hearts manga. This means the number of reviews on this site has doubled in four days...sad. ^^;

Another boring Sunday morning, another review! This time it's for the Angel Sanctuary manga. I also changed the poll to reflect something site-related.

Wow...we've been kind of productive. ^^; Kyle wrote a new Hellsing anime review and a new Fullmetal Alchemist anime review. I added a review for the Earthian anime. THEN I added an "about us" and a "thank you" page. Also, I added a poll and a new, working guestbook to the bottom of this page. Please sign the guestbook...^^; I'd like to know who visits this website.

Uh...happy new year? ^^;; I decided to reincarnate my site and to celebrate its rebirth...a new review from a new reviewer! ^^ This one is for the Hellsing manga. I hope he continues to contribute in the future! And as always, please send me reviews. I'm desperate. Send them here. Please, please, PLEASE send me a review. If you're confused about what to include, just email me here and I will be happy to give you guidelines!

Don't hit me! ::hides:: Well, since new volumes of Vampire Game and Fruits Basket are out, I added them to their respective pages. I also added a review for the Angel Sanctuary anime.

Wow, I'm a horrible person., well, I haven't actually...gotten anymore reviews done yet...I kind of don't feel like it yet, since I'm reading a bunch of books I checked out from the library, plus my brother's copy of The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide...

Just wanted to let you all know I'm not dead or slacking...not REALLY, anyway. I just borrowed a bunch of manga from Katy, so I'll have to finish that before writing anymore reviews...I also have to rewatch some stuff that I forget about mostly. Yeah.

The Fruits Basket manga review is up. Go ahead and check it out if you want. Next will probably be the Angel Sanctuary anime, so that I keep the anime/manga ratio even. Again, if you'd like to submit your own review, send them here. I'll accept anything, even series I am currently working on or have already finished. After all, everyone appreciates a second opinion, right? Oh, and please tell other people about this site and tell them to please help. There's so much anime and manga out there, and there is no way I can get to it all myself.

Happy Independence Day (unless you live outside the US..then...oops?)! Have many hours of sparkler-lighting, barbecuing, picnkicking, and firework-watching merriment! Okay, enough of that. I'm working on a few reviews all at once but probably won't finish them today. My dad is off work tomorrow and will probably have my brother and I working all day so I won't get much done tomorrow, either, unless I do some stuff last at night. Oh, and yesterday I was at a party and didn't get back until late. Alright, well, don't be surprised if nothing gets updated majorly until Thursday (I'm getting my learner's permit Wednesday...hopefully). I bought the tenth volume of Fruits Basket today, so I'll be working mainly on the review for the Fruits Basket manga today. It might be up soon. Check back periodically. I'm sorry to keep typing like this! I'll update again later if I add anything, I promise!

New review added for Vampire Game.

I put a page up for things I am currently working on. I'll do more tomorrow. Or maybe later...I'm not sure yet.

I got a Totoro and a Crescent Moon review up.

6/29/05 (later)-
I got my first review up! ^^ Whoo-hoo! Check it out here! It's on the Fruits Basket anime. I got more done tonight than I thought I would. So I have the homepage, anime reviews page, manga reviews page, and the review for the Fruits Basket anime up now. I think that's enough for one day. The day's almost over now, anyway.

Hello, my name is Ami. This is an anime/manga reviews site. I know it's bad right now, but I've just started. I'll have the homepage up in a little while. Until then...check out my deadjournal. It's boring, but not as boring as staring at this screen for hours. ^^

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