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~RP characters page~


name: Tanner Zyphre

description: He has black hair, green eyes, and an

austrailian accent. He's very quiet, and very calm.

magic: He has the power of vines and wind.

RPed by: gamingfreak_o

name: Pheonix Wildfire

description: She has black hair, red eyes, and a

northern american accent. She's very energetic, and hard to control.

magic: she can control fire, and smoke.

RPed by: unicron_flyer2006

name: Lynx Radica

decription: She has blonde hair, and green eyes. She has a north

american accent, and she's very overly hyper adn energetic.

magic: controls wind, storms, and natural disasters

RPed by: lynxradica200713

name: Dante

Description: He has black hair with blue tips. He is always on his toes

ready for a good fight. He always wears black, and has a north

american accent.

Element: his powers eat you from the inside out, and can absorb any

light. He can also control dragons.

RPed by: malesamusaran101


Hair:Brown with blond streaks


Element: Fate/Star

Other:Sara is a very active person that hardly ever stops.She grew up in Germany and then moved to the states where she didn’t realy like it. Sara moved into a giant house with her parents before they were murdered. Since she was old enough to take care of herself Sara, refused to be adopted by foster parents.She wears a necklace that is made of black beads and some metal in-between.If you mess with Sara your just asking to go not home but to the hospital. Oh and a few more things. Sara hates people that bug her, are just plain annoying or ignore her.Sara is also a bit of a loner.

RPed by: Cindie201

Name:Nén Celumë

Gender: Female

Eys: an uncanny crystal blue

Hair: light blue

Personality: very quiet, but always have a happy face on although she is always in her own little world and her mind easliy wanders.

Powers: Nen controls water by summoning, moving, heating, or cooling. She tends to get a primonition when someing great is about to happen weather it is good or bad. She's 10 years old.

RPed by: wisperingquill

We need more people to make RP characters! Neomail me with your stats, (as seen above) and I'll put you in the webpage! -unicron_flyer2006

The lightning hit the tree, breaking it in half on contact with a loud rip. Pheonix looked around, not knowing what to do. SHe looked over at a small brick house over to her left, across the large field, now flooded. She ran as fast as she could across, knowing she could get hit by lightning at any given moment. She fell onto the door, making it burst open with the force of her weight. She looked up from the ground, around the dry yet quaint room. There was a fireplace at the end of the room, and she walked over to it silently. There was a small bark from outside, and she looked out the window to see a black wolf pawing at the door. She thought for a minute, and let the wolf in. The wolf jumped over to the fire, shaking his fur off, and spraying water everywhere. Phoenix laughed, protecting her face from the water droplets. The wolf looked at her with red eyes, and panted happily, wagging its bushy tail. There was a soft murmer from the other room. The wolf looked up, and barked, prancing over to the door, and going through it. Pheonix stood up, and looked at the man in front of her.

"What are you doing here young one?" He said, his voice deep and raspy. Pheonix did her best to look presentable.

"I was outside in the storm. I came in for shelter, because I have no home. I was... hoping I could stay here for a while." She said, hoping he would agree. He nodded, and sat down in the large chair in front of the fire, petting the wolf on the head.

"You have red eyes. Did you know that?"

"Yes." Pheonix lowered her head. Her eyes had made her be rediculed in the orphanage when she was younger. She looked back up. "What about them?"

"There's magic in those eyes. I can see it."

"Magic? But there's no such thing as-" She was cut off by a quick swipe of his hand.

"There's no such thing as infinity, and yet some people use it daily. Yes, there is magic. And you have some. You are one of the keepers of the fire element. There are six elements; Fire, Water, Vine, Fate, Dark, Lightning. But there is a time when all elements will be in danger. Only one can save us then."


"Yes, us. I'm one keeper of the Fate. I know what will happen, if we do not find the one who will save us. But there are people out to kill all magic users. You must be careful of those people. Now. I'll teach you how to use her magic, but you have to promise me one thing."


"Find other magic users. Find as many as you can. That way, the chance of them being the keeper of all the elements is greater."