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Those 1000 words have never been spoken...

So far away, I'm sending them to you wherever you are...

Suspended on shining wings...

stay tuned!

Welcome to Stolen Melody, a shrine dedicated to the beautiful heroine of FFX-2, Yuna!



I've decided I no longer have the will or patience to keep updating Stolen Melody. While I am very proud of what I accomplished with my website, I don't think there is much more I could do without completely butchering it. My apologies for this neglect, but I just don't have the ambition to continue or even complete Stolen Melody.

So... Even though I didn't get many hits or end up doing everything that I wanted to do with it, this is the official closure of Stolen Melody! But I'm leaving everything as it is, so I can still come back when I want to look over things, maybe get some inspiration to start up a different website in the future.

Arigatou, minna! Sayonara!! ^_^


Oooh look, an update! How rare! Well, not really an update so much as re-hashing some info and letting people know that Stolen Melody is still active.

I am Going to change the MP3 back to 'Morning Glow', seeing as it kind of suits the site more than 'Getsuimeifuuei' does. Maybe I'll try to get some other stuff up and running... but I doubt it. I simply don't have the spare time or brain-space to keep updating regularly. So, don't despair, anonymous floaters into my site... I'm not shutting down my site, but I shaln't expect to be updating reguarly from now on (except for changing the mp3 around).

In the meantime, check out my LJ :Atashi wa yabureru or head on over to Gaia Online, for some good old fashioned random-ness. ^_^

Jaa maat, minna-san!


I've gotten a live journal, hence why I haven't been blogging in Stolen Melody anymore. I have very little motivation to do anything to this site anymore, so if you want, check out my LJ: Atashi wa yabureru.


Happy Birthday Rae-chan... !!!

Not much to report... been absorbing myself in games and anime, trying to escape from the real world as only I know how. Man I hate these American drama series...


Hooray, I am officially on welfare! Money from the government, whoo! I have motivation now to go out and get a REAL job o_0. I wanna work with kitties and puppies and other animals! I'm so sick of people sometimes, they shit me. So depraved, so jaded... much like myself, lol.

Much good news in my little world:
- POCKY!!!! I found a shop that sells my beloved pocky! And for only $1.09 a box!!! The shop is only walking distance as well, oh joy of joys!
- I finally found a copy of Soul Reaver: Defiance , which I have been searching for for more than a year. It's on PC platform, but oh well. It shall be in my possession with my first payment, heh heh.

Damn this Strawberry Pocky is good stuff! I'm almost out of stock too, so I think I'll need to make another trip down to the shops... this time I'll try to buy 10 or so boxes, so I don't run out so quickly again. ^_^


It's a new year, so Stolen Melody is re-open! Well, it was never closed, I just decided to have a break for a while. ^_^ But it's time to start a new, ne? I want to work on a new layout (with some help from my girls, hopefully!) and some other ideas I have been throwing around in my head which might be fun to work on. We'll see how motivated I am when the time comes, heh heh.

Jaa matta! ^_^

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Important Dates/Announcements:

- Let's face it, I haven't updated this section down here in more than six months. We all know about the FFX-2 music releases, so let's use this space for more informative subjects/matters, ne?

Layla has closed down her site, but I hope it's not too long before she starts her next one. Thank you for all your help, Layla!

One of my best friends is Rae-chan... check out her LJ for more information on a disturbed soul like myself. ^_^

You can often find me Gaia Online, an anime roleplaying community and interactive hangout. My username is Taile, come and say hi! ^_^

Song of the moment:


Click here to download.