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The results of my anti-bush election poll

Who do you plan to vote for in the November elections?

224 Total votes
John Kerry 173
George W. Bush 16
Libertarian Canidate 14
Ralph Nader 8
Other 5
Not voting 5
Undecided 2
Green Canidate 1

The comments...

Random says: Bush is revolting!

Yo i just walk to the city and yea go kerry!!

The evidence of bushes stupidity is astounding

bush is a (insert anti-Bush words here) son of a (Insert anti-Bush word here) who has caused alot of wrongful deaths and maybe someone who could actually speak right would be better in office what a (insert anti-Bush words here)

some one could please take a gun and just maybe kill bush it would be nice

i don't know it seems like bush is just a (insert anti-Bush words here) who needs to get off chenys (insert word here)

Bush is against equality, freedom, separation of church and state.. I could go on.. f*ck him.

Bush sucks a donkey (insert word here). Check out his story at

!@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush !@#$ bush

Bush is an idiot

There is no god


Get that lying, cheating, greedy, blood-thirsty, war-mongering, plutocratic, dim-witted bully out of office for the sake of national security and world peace. Then prosecute his criminal rear!

You misspelled "voting"

I am depressed.

If only our elections could have turned out like this poll... -Random

What do you have against President Bush? If you actually had an argument against him this would be interesting but all you have is your opinion and not evidence to back it up.

Okay...... now, how the hell is this supposed to help get this animal - Bush, out of office?

There's plently of evidence, just look at all the lazy-rear work he's doing this past four years.

Bush and all his cronies would like to thank you for the keys to the Treasury! What's a little deficit gonna do? Your all just jealous YOU don't get to raid the world's BIGGEST cookie jar!

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