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The Dark Angels Sanctuary

Sunday, 14 September 2003

wow....It's been a long time! Sorry! Nothing much happening. I'm in a huge fight with Ali. (she's my ex's best friend)So that means she's bein a bitch and wasting her energy only to have me ignore her.I can't WAIT until, because my birthday is on the fourth. Two because FFX-2 is comingout on the second. (I think) Three, LORD OF THE RINGS COMES OUT IN DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does weird fan girl scream* Much hot bishy goodness! ^^ Orlando and Billy........*swoons* And the cool spider chick!!!! I forgot what the hell her name is...I can't wait to see how good she looks! She'd better look cool, like the Ents! Or the Uruk Hai (spelling)
News on my Halloween costume: Not much going on with it, buti have a pair of black boots like Yuna's, only they have these shoe lace type things going up the back. my bad. They're leather(fake leather duh.)and of course, black. I have two different poles to chose from of her staff, I might get a bigger(taller) size though. Today my Aunt is going to take me shopping around for some supplies to make the costume. I'm even going to have my hair cut and styled like Yuna's! my mom said she MIGHT get me some colored contacts to wear so that I have one blue eye and one green eye, like Yuna, instead of having just two brown eyes like myself.
I got a new pair of glasses yesterday....*gag* but the dau before that, I got Final Fantasy 8!!!!! *grabs Squall and hugs* I just met Selphie in the game and she is sooooo cute! She's one of my favorite characters already!!!!!!! (Seifer's an asshole!!!!!! He cut Squalls face in half!!! Not really, but whatever.....) I'm soooo happy! I went to the mall with Kristen, Melody, Arin and Ria yesterday, which was fun. We spent most of our time in Spencers and Hot Topic. In Spencers we bought a Ouija board and contacted some spirits, which was awesome! We went to the balcony of Lakewood mall and used it. Then some guy came up to us and said "Do you know what you're playing with? You're opening doors for the spirits." and we just lookedat him and said, "yeah. We know. We've done stuff much worse than use a fuckin' Ouija board before. We know what we're doing." So he put out is cigarette and left. Then we all yelled "SMOKER!!!!!" after him. It was funny. We started pretending to cough a whole lot and he left really fast.
That's all for right now. Later.

Posted by anime5/randompics at 12:47 PM PDT
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