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The Dark Angels Sanctuary

Friday, 5 September 2003

Has anyone else noticed that summer can be incredibly boring? I have. Anyway, I promised more stuff today, so I'd better get started.
Yesterday, I broke up with my boy friend, whom I've wanted to break up with for a LOOOOOOOONG time.Praise be to God!(I'm not much of a relious person. So ya know)But, he is being totally childish about it. Okay, get this. Last night. One o clock in the morning. The phone rings. When my dad picks up, they hang up. This goes on for like an hour non stop. Every minute the phone would ring. So finally we just unplugged the phone, because it was diturbing our sleep. How do I know it was him? Well, it may sound stupid to you, but I found it very offensive.
I have an interest in ghosts, the REAL kind. He played off this by pretending to BE a ghost who came on the phone with us. This "Ghost" said that she could only come on the telephone with people if the two are in love. Well, I thought to myself, I don't love this freak. He looks and acts like a toad! (Inside joke)So I just let that slide by. Then the "ghost" says that the only way to get rid of some evil ghosts (that he was also pretending to be)was for us to kiss. For THREE MINUTES. Well, we did that(I was clueless at this point) and it was disgusting! He kept opening and closing his mouth and drooling! I felt like I wanted to wash my face and brush my teeth for hours!!!! Then the "ghost" says that the evil ones aren't gone and he has to, either kiss my lips for ten minutes, or kiss the scar from when I tried to commit suicide for one. Well, little problem. That scar is on my frikin BOOB people! NU UH!!!! Not gonna happen! That's when I started to figure.....I called up my best friend, Kristen (since first grade. We're both going into 8th now.) and she called Paul with three way and we talked to "Samantha" and the evil "ghosts" for a while then hung up. I was about to go get something to drink and Kristen calls me back. She brought up something very interesting. ALL the "ghosts" sound the same. They all sounded like they could have been faked by Paul. So a couple days ago, I got a CALL from one of these ghosts, Samantha. I thought they couldn't USE phones? What ever, so she said that my ortho was a ghost named Rachelle who has been "trying to kill me". ortho is a guy. Then she said another friend of mine, Athena is pregnant with a ghosts baby. COME ON!!! Whatever! So last night, I called him and told him off. Of course he denied it. Duh, he denied it. So I hung up. He had always called my friends bitches and stuff. He swore too much. I didn't like him anyway. I like being single cause then you can flirt!^^
Some more less strange news, I'm going to be Yuna from Final Fantasy Ten for Halloween. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to help my Aunt make it from scratch. She is an expert when it comes to homemade stuff. She can do everything! I'll post some pics when its done. Well, I'll try to anyway.
School starts on Monday for me. All girls private school. Oh well. The girls are really nice and the teachers are cool. Besides, we get to do a bunch of cool stuff, like Halloween sleepovers, (I'll wear my Yuna costume.)and beach parties and a Science camp up in the mountains! They have really awesome stuff there. You get to do a ropes course thats up to SIXTY FEET OFF THE GROUND!!!! It's sooo cool. I went last year. It's through Pali Adventures, if anyone is interested.
I guess thats all for now. Updates later.Buh Bye

Posted by anime5/randompics at 9:16 AM PDT
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