I really have no clue as to where to start with this topic. Okay here I go anyways.
Name: Travis Reynolds
Age: 19
Alias(s): Kalyptic(13,13xxx), Carrionos, Stryker
Appearance: 6'5" tall, light-medium build. I'm pretty thin to look at but very wiry as well. I have a lot of muscle on me for the size of my body. I have dark-brown air that kinda curls down over the front in heavy locks. My eyes are an aqua-marine color. Oh yeah...I'm white...not that that really should matter. I weight about 170Lbs.
Background: I have a fairly dark and messed up history. My father left when I was just over one year old. I have had a number of my close friends die right in front of me. I've been beat up physically and mentally my entire life, until lately... I am now in college and out on my own. Life is looking up and I am getting somewhere with it. I am currently taking a course to ecome a computer sservice technician with A+ certification. I am also teaching myself some more web-programming languages. Other Junk: I like alternative and heavy music. Favorite color is Black, followed closely by Blue. I am engaged to be married....that's about it for now.