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February 09
February 07
February 04
February 03
January 30

Contact Leaders
Got permission from a couple of the leaders about doin the webpage, and it's a huge hobby of mine. So, hopefully, the site'll be up shortly looking at least semi-decent. My goal is to be finished by February 10th at the latest, let's hope that happens.

Looking around for a decent background to use, but I couldn't find one, so I created the one you see before you. The simple little gif file isn't anything special, but I like it, and it'll do (since the actual webpage will be black anyway).

Began the compilation of a bit of javascript... planning on implementing it a bit later when I get the members and interview them. Plan on seeing it up a little later. Began working on the masthead for the webpage, it was lookin kinda crappy.

Obtained the members list from the leaders and started to compile them onto the members page. Made a few graphics in my free time, hopefully going to get a bit more done later.

Started putting up the new site. Hopefully it will replace the existing one, and I (Kental) will be able to update it regularly. After finishing illustrating about ten pictures, I've started to work on the content. I will be stealing some info from the existing ESF website (made by Garric, I think.)

Added the Information page for people that will be seeking to join. As it's going now, I'm right on schedule to be finished by the 10th, but many things could change that.

Site's up and running. Quite a few changes have been made in the last few days. Added the e-mails of all the leaders on the left navigational bar, as well as a bunch of interviews of the players, and even some pictures. Adding biographies for all members currently interviewed, and fixed a few javascript errors. Overall, I think the site's running smoothly, and Goten will be making it the default ESF site soon.

Added a few more interviews and biography's, as well as Goten's. In the interview we had, he didn't say anything specific, but hinted at some rather large changes coming in the future. Nothing to do but wait and see, neh?