Sick Vegeta, Nurse Bulma - Written by Vegeta-Saiyajin-no-ouji

Chapter 1

It was a calm and peaceful night at Capsule Corp H.Q. Vegeta, the Baka no Ouji had gone to sleep earlier tonight after a strenous training session and Bulma’s parents were away on another of their four-month buisiness trips around the globe, promoting the ever growing C.C. empire. ‘Great. Four months with Vegeta.’ She thought as she plopped down onto her bed. She turned her head and looked at her little alarm clock on her bedside table. “1:00am!! Wow! I’m beat. 5 hours straight in the lab. Jeez. I’ve broken my record of 4 now.” She exclaimed. “Bulma Briefs, co-president of the C.C. empire has manage to get in a nights work done in record time all because HE didn’t interrupt my scientific workings. Hmmm…that’s odd. Usually he’s all like “WOMAN! WHERE’S MY LUNCH!!!” or “WOMAN! THAT BLASTED MACHINE’S BROKEN AGAIN! FIX IT!” She giggled at her impression of the egotistical saiyan. “Come to think of it, he did seem a bit off it at lunch. Didn’t even put up much of a fight in our verbal-sparring session today. As I understand he likes them as much as I do.” ‘WOW! Did I just say that? I was actually looking forward to staying in his mightiness’s prescence’ Bulma’s thoughts were laced with sarcasm. ‘Could I actually like Vegeta?’ She then closed her eyes and thought back on the day’s events with the Saiyajin no Ouji.



Bulma was standing in the large Capsule Corp kitchen making enough food for a small army whereas in reality it was for only one man. Well, saiyan. Bulma had her head in the refrigerator looking for some more ingredients for the 200 odd sandwiches she was making, when a tiny squeak was made by the door, signaling the entrance of Vegeta. Of course, Bulma was humming loudly so she didn’t hear him come in. Vegeta sat down in his usual place at the end of the table rather tiredly and quietly. The complete opposite of his usual demeanor. Normally he’d slam the door open loudly, and proceed to scream as loud as he could for the ‘stupid woman to get her arse into the kitchen and make him some food.’ Now what Bulma didn’t know was that Vegeta was a great cook. Not as good as ChiChi, but a hell of a lot better than Bulma. But what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her right?

Vegeta laid his head down on his well muscled arms. His tired eyes unconsiously found the seat of the aqua-haired womans pants. He had been toying with the idea of making her his mate for some time now. He just didn’t know the right way to approach her. Especially after her recent break-up with her weakling boyfriend, Yamchop or whatever his name was. Bulmas’s rear end wiggled as she found what she was looking for. She pulled her head out of the refrigerator and turned around with an armload of foodstuffs.

“EEEEK!!!” She squealed when she saw Vegeta staring at her from behind the table. Bulma nearly dropped the food all over he floor if Vegeta hadn’t caught it. ‘Now’s my chance.’ Thought Vegeta as he saw some of the food drop toward the floor and Bulma’s new shoes. He raced toward the food and grabbed it. The things he wasn’t able to catch with his hands he let fall towards his feet and balanced them on the top of his foot. By this time Bulma had regained her composure and was thankful Vegeta had decided to give her a hand. “Phew! Thank’s Veggie-kun. Here, let me help you with those.” ‘VEGGIE-KUN!! What in Kami’s name possesed me to say that?! Oh well. What’s said is said. No changing that.’

‘Why that woman. How dare she call me that. No one calls the Saiyajin no Ouji that degrading name. I’ll show her…..wait. If I’m going to mark her as my own, I suppose I could let that one slide.’ “Woman. Take this crap and make my dinner”

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