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A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will loose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbows will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
if you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come come




Sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale

"But it just arrived from the palace"
"I'll read it. There'll be a ball.
In honor of his highness ...the prince.
Every eligible maiden should attend."


" ...a royal ball.
But After all, I supposed it will be dull and
...and boring and completely...
...completely wonderful."



"I can't believe now anymore.
There's nothing left to believe in.



Oh Nah! You don't really mean that.
If you've lost all your faith
I couldn't be here and here I am!"

"Oh! It's a beautiful dress.
It's like a dream...a wonderful dream come true."


"It's getting late.
Hurry up my dear. The ball can't wait.
Have a good time.
You're on your way."


"But your messiah, in matters of love..."
"love? just a boy meeting a girl under the right condition.
So, we're arranging the condition."



"There she stands...the girl of his dream.
Who is she or where she came, he knows not nor does he cares
but his heart tells him, she is destined to be his bride"


"So this is love, Mmmmmm
So this is love
So this is what makes life divine
I'm all aglow, Mmmmmm
And now I know
The key to all heaven is mine

My heart has wings, Mmmmmm
And I can fly So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of
So this is love"




"....and they lived happily ever after"


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Enjoy our ONCE UPON A TIME pages and bring out once again the child in you.....

Beauty and the Beast page

Cinderella page

Mulan page

Little Mermaid page

Sleeping Beauty page

Snow White page

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This page is in no way endorsed by the Disney Company. All movies,musics and characters are Copyright of Disney ©.