
          Ooh!  Look!  The episodes!  Just what you've all been waiting for, I'm sure…  ^-^;;;  Anyway, read and enjoy!

         Episode 1   Just what it sounds like - our very first episode…  ^-^v  It's still my favorite, for some reason.  Rating:  PG-13.  It's
    not super-violent and it doesn't have a ton of swearing or anything, but this just isn't a kids' story.

         Episode 2   We get to learn more about Satsuki and a teensy bit more about Kai…  *at Ryuujin-san*  -.-!!!  Do more in the RP!
    Oh, and they all get a present…  ^-^  Rating:  PG-13, same reasons as above.

         Episode 3   The first part of a three-part episode - don't give me that evil look, we didn't WANT to make a multipart RP!  But
    we just couldn't seem to find a good stopping place before one or more of us had to leave…  It ended up working out rather well,
    actually, but this and the next part are still the least cohesive episodes, in my opinion.  This ep also features the entrance of Giga-san's
    character - no, I won't tell you who it is, just read the story!  Rating:  PG-13.

         Episode 4   The second part of the three-parter… it's pretty short, though, I'm not sure why.  That's just how things go sometimes,
    I guess…  @.@  I didn't do a lot, but since I was also involved in a different RP at the time, I didn't mind.  Rating:  PG-13.

         Episode 5   Wai wai!  We finally finished this story arc!  vv^-^vv  I like this part better than the other two, probably because I got
    to bring Tetsuya back in - what can I say?  I wuv Tetsuya…  *huggles her little Tetsuya plushie*  I got to do a little more than in the
    last part, too, which was nice.  I don't want to do EVERYTHING in these RPs, but I can't stand letting other people spend too long at
    the reins of storytelling power…  ^-^;;;  Rating:  PG-13.

         Episode 6   I'm so proud of this episode - it took us a while to get going, but once we did, it went GREAT.  I'm especially proud of
    Ryuujin for doing more in the story; he actually played another character besides Kai (while Chiiru-chan and I handled as many as three
    or four charas apiece… heh…  ^-^;;;  We're overachievers, I know).  I didn't want to have ANOTHER multipart episode, but the twist
    ending Chiiru-chan did was so cool, I decided it was a good idea.  Yes, you have to find out what the twist ending is yourself.  Oh, and
    an R rating on this one, for the language.  I read way too much Stephen King…

         Episode 7   The second part of the storyline, continued from ep 6…  Not QUITE as well-done as the first part, but still a good ep
    overall.  I got to play Suzuki, which made editing SO much more fun.  ^-^v  Rating:  PG-13.

         Episode 8   >.<  NOT our best roleplay - we were all a little off, I think, except for Ryuujin (good job, Ryuujin-san!  *holds up sign
    saying "We love you, Ryuujin!"*).  It's not really bad - it just isn't very cohesive, either.  And things were just weird.  *sighs*  Even
    bringing in Tetsuya-san didn't help much…  I was hoping to leave him out for another episode, but the pressure was a little too much.
    Rating:  PG-13.

         Episode 9   YES!  *punches air*  We FINALLY got around to doing episode 9!  *does a happy chibi victory dance*  Wai wai WAI!
    Wai wai WAI!  We're so special, yes we are...  Anyway, now that it's up, you should probably go read it...  ^-^;;;  Rating:  PG-13 as usual.

          Episode 10   Wai!  Another episode at last!  (It's actually been done for a while now, but I'm a lazy bum who's been neglecting my
    updates shamelessly…  ^-^;;;)  Anyway, no Tetsuya or Sakura, but lots of Sailor Bob - and a new character, too!  ^-^v  Rating:  PG-13.

           Episode 11   Thrill as Giga-san takes over the story-telling reins!  Marvel at the new spiffy plot twists!  And of course, be absolutely
    AMAZED I got off my lazy butt and edited this and posted it only three or four weeks after we did it!  ^-^;;;  Rating:  PG-13.

           Episode 12   Yay!  I finally got around to posting this even though it's been done for weeks!  Wai wai wai!  ^-^  Be grateful for small
    favors, that's my motto.  Anyway, it's the second part of the ep begun above - and I'm pretty sure it has THE longest recap of any episode
    ever in the history of both TV and RPing…  Rating:  PG-13.

             Episode 13   Much happy cuteness, much not so happy action and so on.  Cool ep.  Read it.

             Well, that's all we have for now!  Remember to check back later for updates, and don't forget to send us feedback!  My email address
    is hokutochan@hotmail.com; I promise to forward whatever you write to the others.  Well, mata ne!


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