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Weapons and Shields

Long Range Weapons
Standard Ballistic
All ballistic weapons fire high caliber physical rounds which are designed to smash and pierce an MS's armor and destroy fortified positions. Ballistic weapons are the easiest and cheapest to maintain but usually cause very little damage compared to other weapons. Also lower level ballistic weapons are some of the lightest long ranged weaponry available.
All balistic weapons use standard bullets as ammo. Bullets can be bought from Romafeller in large crates or bullet packs.

105 mm Rifle
Damage- 16 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D6 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- .25 tons
Cost- $3,000
The standard armanent for the OZ Leo mobile suits. These rifles are designed for mass production meaning the materials they are made from are of low quality. The low quality materials reduces the effectiveness of the 105mm rifle but it still gets the job done, eventualy.

Chain Rifle
Damage- 25 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D6 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- .5 tons
Cost- $4,500
The standard amanent for OZ Aires mobile suits. The chain rifle is basically an enhanced version of the Leos' 105mm rifle. They're made from higher quality materials and have been tweaked for airial combat. This includes an added kick to the rifle to compensate for air resistance and strong winds.

Gatling Gun
Damage- 15 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D10 x10 shots
Ammo- 1000
Weight- 1.0 tons
Cost- $65,000
A beheamoth of a weapon. The first time a gatling gun of this size was seen was in the hands of Gundam Heavyarms. The gatling gun is a set of 8 or more barrels placed together in a circle. It is directly fed by a large ammo feed of armor piercing bullets which runs out quickly during a combat situation. The gattling gun spreads annhialation over a wide area and is useful when fighting numorous enemeys but is let down by its weight.

Twin Gattling
Damage- 15 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D20 x20 shots
Ammo- 2000
Weight- 2.0 tons
Cost- $130,000
The grandaddy of the ballistic weapons. This is the heaviest and most expensive ballistic weapon available for sale. This multi barreled weapon uses the same type of ammunition the normal gattling gun uses but fires it at a much faster and at an improved constant rate.

Standard Energy
Energy weapons fire high powered beams which draws their power from energy packs. The beams these weapons fire are much more effective than standard bullets but cost a little bit more to maintain. Energy weapons are the most commonly seen long ranged weapon on most custom equiped suits because of their power and price. Beam weapons can also have their ammo capacity enhanced through the use of energy packs.
All energy weapons use Recharges as ammo. Thier ammo capacity can also be increased by attaching e-pacs. Both these items can be bought at Romafeller.
Note All energy weapons cause 50% normal damage when fire under or into water.

Laser Cannon
Damage- 50 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D3 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- 0.4 tons
Cost- $5,000
Special- Unafected by Planetary Defensors
Laser Cannons are specially designed weapons that fire a high intensity beam of pure energy. These beams are extremly thin compared to normal beams, they are roughly as wide as a hair's width. This high intensity beam has enough power to smash through the protective field Planetary Defensors' provide but lack the stopping power to destroy a suit. An affective weapon on weak suits that rely on PD's as a defence.

Laser Machine Gun
Damage- 50 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D10 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- 0.8 tons
Cost- $40,000
Special- Unafected by Planetary Defensors
An upgraded laser cannon. The laser cannon has been compacted slightly to the size of standard 105mm rifle but due to the complicated internals the weapon weighs alot more. The Laser Machine Gun fires the same type of lasers as the normal Laser Cannon but it fires the blasts more rapidly. An excelent weapon when fighting suits with PDs.

Beam Rifle
Damage- 40 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D6 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- 0.5
Cost- $8,000
The standard armanent of Space Leo's, Taurus and Maganac mobile suits. The beam rifle is almost identical to the 105 mm rifle except for several structural differences and the use of a different ammo type, energy. The beam rifle fires several blasts of short beams at a time peppering the enemy in a shower of bullets. Beam rifles also come in a "shorty" pistol version, there isn't much difference appart from its actual size.

Beam Gun
Damage- 200 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 shot
Ammo- 100
Weight- 0.35
Cost- $12,000
The standard armanent of Virgo mobile dolls. Beam guns are usualy close to the size of a normal cannon but come in many variaties. The mercuriusis equiped with a "shorty" beam gun while Virgos suits usualy have a built in beam guns. Beam guns fire high intensity beams that melt away titanium and even gundanium a matter of seconds but due to the severe amount of heat generated by these beams they can only be fired every few seconds to allow sufficient ammount of time for the weapon to cool.

Beam Machine Gun
Damage- 100 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 D10 shots
Ammo- 100
Weight- 0.8
Cost- $29,000
A weapon first seen in the hands of Gundam Sandrock. This is a mobile suits' equivalent or a MAC-10. The beam machine gun is small and compact meaning it doesn't hinder a mobile suits movement but despite its size it weighs about the same of a laser machine gun. The beam machine gun is known to run out of ammo quickly but it is a popular weapon for custom armanents due to its deveasting effects to minor mobile suits.

Beam Cannon
Damage- 500 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 shot
Ammo- 10
Weight- 1.0
Cost- $45,000
Special- Overcharged shot. If the cannon has full ammo you can use all ammo in one single powerful blast that causes 1,000 damage.
The standard armanent of a Virgo II. The beam cannon is a heavy piece of machinery that is the upgraded version of the standard beam gun. The beam cannon was a wide nozzel and a long barrel alowing heat to be efficently dispersed in a short amount of time. The beam cannon also houses its own small generator which takes in a huge quanity of energy and turns it into a constant penetrating beam. This small generator is terribly unieficient making the weapon heavy and reduces the ammount of ammo available for the cannon. Not a very popular choice with most players but it still gets the job done and its overcharge blast could be usefull at times.

Enhanced Beam Cannon
Damage- 1,000 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 Shot
Ammo- 10
Weight- 1.0
Cost- $85,000
Special- Wide arc. Every shot the cannon fires roll a D6 to see how many suits you catch in the blast. Roll a NNTH for each suit caught.
Overcharged shot. If the cannon has full ammo you can use all ammo in one single powerful blast that causes 2,000 damage.
First seen with the Vayaete. As the name surgests this is the upgraded version of the beam cannon. The generator from the beam cannon has been thouroughly enhanced by increasing its energy comsumption effeciency and its ability to quickly disperse heat through a complex venting system. The ammo capacity is still as small as the old beam cannon but power has been improved two fold and the width and range of the beam have been extended. This means several suits can be caught in the same beam at a single time. This makes the EBC an excelent weapon when fighting powerful multiple suits but the EBC's effectivness drops when fighting just one suit.

Mega Cannon
Damage- 2,000 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 Shot
Ammo- 10
Weight- 1.5
Cost- $185,000
Special- Wide Arc. Every shot the cannon fires roll a D10 to see how many suits you catch in the blast. Roll a NNTH for each suit caught.
A toned down version of Fortress Barge's and Libra's cannon designed to fit on a mobile suit. The Mega Cannon is a weapon of mass destruction, outmatched by only one other weapon, the twin buster rifle. The modified mega cannon is larger compared to the Enhanced Beam Cannon, is twice as effective and only a little bit heavier than its counterpart. Its only flaw is that the due to the huge generator needed for its use the Mega Cannon is very expensive to purchase and maintain. Mega Cannon's are a rare sight on the battlefield and those who see one usualy dont last long enough to speak about it.

Dober Gun/Rifle
Damage- 1,000 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 d3 shots
Ammo- 30
Weight- 1.0
Cost- $90,000
A weapon popularised by the ever so noble Tallgeese I and II. The dober guns are long barreled rifles which are usualy fitted to a mobile suits arm slot in the shoulder to allow a suit to easily swing its arm out and have the dober rifle's end point out in the desired direction. The dober rifle is made of some of the best materials that Romafeller can use and is a weapon of high performance. The weapon drains only a small amount of energy from the generator of a mobile suit expanding the ammo capacity of an e-pac extending it's life longer than a normal energy cannon. The extended life expectancy of a dober rifle's ammo makes it a perfect weapon for duels and small skirmishes for which it is designed for. The rifle fires several short blasts of energy that peirce titanium with general ease which makes the dober rifle an absolute must for attacking dug in enemy positions. The ultimate duelists long ranged weapon!

Buster Rifle
Damage- 1,500 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 Shot
Ammo- 3
Weight- 1.0
Cost- $100,000
Special- Wide arc. Every shot the rifle fires roll a D6 to see how many suits you catch in the blast. Roll a NNTH for each suit caught.
Wing Gundam's signature weapon. A weapon created for mass destruction for operation meteor. The buster rifle is a anti-suit weapon created to take out heavily armored mobile suits but also proves very usefull against ships, planes, space ports, colonys, heck practicaly anything that can be aimed at. The buster rifle can be set to fire beams of variable width and length dependant on the situation making the rifle simple to use. The only problem with a buster rifle is its tendancy to guzzle up energy very quickly reducing an e-pac's like to nothing more but a few shots, for some though...a few shots is all they need. Usefull for mass destruction and scaring the hell out of someone.

Twin Buster Rifle
Damage- 3,000 per shot
Shots- Fires 1 Shot
Ammo- 5 each seperate rifle
Weight- 2.0
Cost- $200,000
Special- Split Mode. The rifle can be split into two seperate Buster rifles. The two rifles ave the same stats as a normal buster rifle just with 5 ammo each.
Wide Arc. Every shot the rifle fires roll a D10 to see how many suits you ctach in the blast,. Roll a NNTH for each suit caught.
Wing Zero's signature weapon. The ultimate long ranged weapon just leading ahead of the Mega Cannon. After realising a few flaws in the design of the buster rifle the new Twin Buster Rifle beacame Gundam 01's main armanent. Consisting of two buster rifles locked together in a complex but simple to handle locking system the twin buster rifle fires with the double the destructive power. The intense beam of energy created by a buster rifle has been estimated to be roughly 50% more powerful than a mega cannon but again the flaw of the old single buser rifle still exists in the new design. The twin rifle can only squeeze off about 5 twin blasts but can manage to fire 5 shots each rifle

Short Range Melee Weapons
Weapons made purley for close combat between mobile suits. There are two types of close combat weapons, energy and physical. There are more energy weapons than physical so seperating them would serve very little perpose. Close combat weapons use no ammo therefore are a must for any pilot. Close combat battles are very exciting and the added melee bonus to weapons make them perfect for hard to hit enemys.
Special- Melee Bonus. All Melee weapons recive an added +2 to all rolls for NNTH to reflect the ease of hitting a target at such a close range.

Millitary Knife
Damage- 200 per hit
Shots- Swing once per round
Ammo- None
Weight- 0.25
Cost- $15,000
A long serrated titanium blade roughly the size of a Leo's arm. Millitary Knifes are incredibly cheap to produce due to the fact they can be made from gundanium, titanium or even recycled materials. Knifes are mass produced by Romafeller due to their high demand for battles. Knives are held in the hands and on their own can slice through Leo and Aires mobile suits in a single swipe. The perfect weapon for beginners.

Beam Saber
Dmaage- 500 per hit
Shots- Swing once per round
Ammo- None
Weight- 0.25
Cost- $35,000
Beam Sabers start off life as a small cyclindrical objects made out of metal or other resilliant materials. Energy is either gathered from an internal generator found inside the cylinder of from a mains wire attached to the mobile suit's own generator. As soon as enough energy is gathered it emerges from the cylinder in the shape of a blade. A beam saber carves through most suits ease and it can also be easily carried in recharge racks, inside arms and even behind shields. One of the main close combat weapons used by players.


Most images found on this website and most anime titles and films are copyright by their relative owners
Gundam RPG rules were created by the moderators of the RPG (Luke, Erik, James etc)
Everything else is (Includes Webdesign and stuff) probablly copyright ME(Deya) or the rest of the D&D Crew
Enough with the legal stuff you people prolly don't give a damn...