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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the FAQ page. I will post and answer questions for the Bat-Pig, should the need arise.

Does T.K. suspect? Nah!
Here's the answer to the most common question asked about the mystery of the Bat-Pig. Does T.K. suspect??? See for yourself!

As you can see, if anyone even looks at this page...I got sick of looking at the horribly done color scheme on the above pic, so I just tossed it into paint, hit the spin cycle, and viola! This is what I came out with. Instant color fix.

Who is Bat-Pig?
Duh! It's Patamon of course! If you don't believe me check it out here!

How old is Bat-Pig?
How should I know?! The Bat-Pig never reveals his age!

Does T.K. know about this?
Um...did you not see the picture above!?

Who are you?
I'm the webmistress of course! I help the Bat-Pig maintain the Bat-Pig Cave, a.k.a. this site. ^_^

How come the Bat-Pig is never here when I visit?
Maybe because he's out saving the known universe is all!!! Sheesh, it's not like he's supposed to appear on your time!

How come you are so rude!?
Because I can be! *laughs evilly*

Does Bat-Pig have a sidekick?
Yes! It is now official! Bat-Pig's sidekick...chosen by*drum roll please* GATOMON!!!

Can I be Bat-Pig's sidekick?
NO! Bat-Pig's sidekick can only be a digimon. And now he already has one! hehe. Gato-Girl!

But, WHY!?
Because Bat-Pig already has a human partner, T.K. So he doesn't need another one.

Why on Earth did you create this site!?
I created this site on a whim. I had never seen anything like it on the web and figured somebody ought to have a bat-pig site. I mean, it's one of the most popular cliche's from the Digimon series, so why not turn it into a spoof?

How often do you update?
Because of my lack of free time, I try and update as much as possible, or as frequently depending on the poll. However, I seem to be leaning towards updating once a month, which sadly, is all I really have time for.

Will you draw me a picture/comic?
Sure! I'd be happy to. I don't get very many requests, but I'm pretty good about them. I only ask that you specify what you want me to draw...(i.e. characters, scenarios, etc.)

Is Patamon your favorite digimon?
Oddly enough, though the site is pretty much dedicated to him, I'm not a big Patamon fan. My fav has always been Gabumon/Garurumon/MetalGarurumon/WereGarurumon. Of course Gatomon, Gomamon, and Veemon also have a place on my favorites list, and Patamon is in there somewhere as well. Oh yes, and I mustn't forget my newfound appreciation for Wizardmon! ^_^ Thanks in part to Kyer.

Got any more questions? Email the Bat-Pig.

Well, that's all the questions I'm going to answer for now. Till next time!

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