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Arg! I have so few pictures of Tiger's Eye! ... It's just that so few people really appreciate how cool he really is. Well anyway, on with the pictures... I'll try to find more... If you have any please send them in... *picks up a calico cat and starts to pet it as she moves out of the way*

Tiger's Eye

  *waterfall of drool cascades onto keyboard* look how big it is...

lookies!! now how can you resist that????

tiger's eye in his motorcycle getup 

  an extremely HOT pic of Tiger!! me like!! *faints*

  *gasp* another extremely hot pic of Tiger-sama! Wai!!!

nice picture of him bowing

a standard picture of Tiger's Eye that you find everywhere

a picture of Tiger I found somewhere...

I think this is when he first appears

this is one of my favorites! he looks so freaked out!^_^

Hawk's Eye

All right so I think the other guys should get some credit too... they are cool... *swoons*

hey i have to say this is a really cute manga pic... lookit his coat!!

looking very surprised

looking upset here

now he looks scared...well with Fish glomping onto him who wouldn't be?

I like this one. He looks so...evil

Fish Eye

not a great picture.. but for all you fish eye lovers out there, this is for you...

so I really like this one, ok? he looks so kawaii!



extremely CUTE angel pics of tiger and fish!!! the ultimate kawaii!!!!*

  cool side view of the boys (first appearence, eh?)

Fish looks like he's either choking or um... i dunno. ^^;;

now, now, don't crowd boys

manga pic




*arigato for the picture!!!



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