Dark Musashi Rocket - Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm

Dark Musashi Rocket

Just who is this mysterious creature that built and owns this Realm? I am your lovely charming villainous hostess, Dark Musashi Rocket! My "earth" name shall not be revealed(but my TRUE identity is Dark Musashi, hehe). As of now(2002) I am 17 and still a Pokémon fan since the animé came out in America. Well, I am mainly a Team Rocket fan and always have been. I am also an active member of the infamous Rocket Troop - MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :) *clears throat* Although I do love many other animés now, I will never forget one of the ones that started it all. And of course the best villains of all time, our very own Musashi/Jessie and Kojiro/James! Here's a little about this crazed Rocket member!

Dark Musashi's...

Favorite animés?
Besides Pokémon, I am into MANY other animés which include Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Ball Z, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Tekken, Yugi-oh, Escaflowne, Fushigi Yuugi, Ranma 1/2, Street Fighter, Tenchi(a little), Cardcaptor Sakura, Slayers, Soulhunters, Magic Knight Rayearth, and my favorite and first animé, Sailor Moon.(Pkmn was my second.) There are more but I cannot think of them all.

Least favorite animé?
Digimon! I hate it!!! The resemblance to Pokémon is incredibly obvious. It is what I would call a total rip-off.

POV on animé?
I believe it is very important that people do not judge animés by their American dubbed versions. To consider yourself a true fan of an animé, you must have seen or at least known something about the original version. The reason? Dubbed versions 1. usually have bad voice acting and 2. are usually extremely edited. Most are changed in some ways and are invariably better in their original forms. For example, several episodes of Pokémon were either censored or cut completely from American television because the target audience in America was supposed to be kids. Much of the dialogue was also changed. This is why most people think Pokémon is for little kids, when in actuality it was meant for all ages. Sailor Moon was completely destroyed when it was dubbed, I am not even going to get started on that one. Did you know that "Cardcaptors" is actually called Cardcaptor Sakura? My point? Japanese is better. Also read manga versions if possible, they are always good!

Other stuff?
Dark Musashi is a major, major video game girl! I am OBSESSED with Zelda and have been since the SNES version, A Link To The Past, came into my precious possession. I also love Final Fantasy. FFX's ending was so sad *sniff*! I like the Metal Gear Solid games and I even liked Dark Cloud aside from the repetitious dungeons. Besides the RPG's I like fighting and action games. I own a Gameboy Color, a PS2, N64, Nintendo Gamecube, SNES, and am hoping to get a Gameboy Advance soon. I love to work out and train in the martial arts. And no, *not* crappy useless Tae Kwon Doe, REAL karate!!! So I am not lazy or out of shape by any means. I also like comics and stuff.

So there you have it, a look into the life of the great Dark Musashi! Please enjoy your stay at Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm!

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