Obsessions List - Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm My Adoptions~Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm

You Know You're Obsessed With Team Rocket When...

  • When you get mad at someone you tell them to 'prepare for trouble'.
  • You get extremely angry that clothes stores don't carry Team Rocket uniforms.
  • You actually spend time thinking of ways to capture Pikachu.
  • You officially declare yourself a member of Team Rocket.
  • You buy a stuffed Pikachu just to say Team Rocket got one:)
  • You have the Sakaki disease (You always laugh by saying "fwahahahaha!").
  • You have the Kojiro disease (You always make puns about Pokémon and rhymes.)"Things get messy when you mess with Jessie!"
  • Every time a little kid bugs you, you answer by saying "Get lost twerp!"
  • (Girls) You love to think up ways to get your hair to look like Jessie's.
  • (Guys) You love to think up ways to get your hair to look like James'.
  • You think that flash bombs and hot air balloons make an excellent combination.
  • You love both fire and water, red and blue.
  • You try to teach your purple pet snake to say, "Ekans!"
  • You call your cat Meowth and correct it when it says only "Meow".
  • You get mad because in the Pokémon games you can't say yes whan the guy asks you to become a member of Team Rocket.
  • You love red and white roses.
  • You make a website about Team Rocket :P
  • When you get to a part in the game where you meet Team Rocket, you save your game before the battle with them and turn it off afterwards so you can fight them over and over.(What?! It's fun!)
  • You refer to Giovanni as your boss, and talk about helping Jessie and James overthrow him.
  • You watch every new episode of Pokémon just to see if they show when Jessie and James get together.
  • You love to watch the end of "Holy Matrimony" over and over, but are disappointed every time because they don't kiss.
  • You train Koffing, Ekans, Lickitung, Victreebell, Growlithe, and Meowth in your Pokémon games to prove that they are worthwhile.
  • You memorize Team Rocket songs and motto in English and Japanese.
  • You love James' simple, innocent logic.( "hmmm..." "James, it sounds like you have an answer to our problem!" (Still smiling) "We're all doomed!" )
  • You understand all of the above!
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