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Does she really have her driver's liscense?

These are some memorable moments from all the series that you can never forget.

"Ryoko, you really should help them out with housework sometime." -Tenchi

Sasami's work is never done!

A Ryoko and Tenchi Moment (on Yugi's decision to sleep until she awakens as a better person)

Ryoko:Doesn't that mean Yugi will be Sakuya when she wakes up?

Tenchi:I'm not sure...

Ryoko:I'm not jealous of her, you know. I'm a grown woman. I can handle things like this.

Tenchi:I'm glad you feel that way.

Ryoko:I was completely lying.

"Look, isn't this wonderful. The earth is just a tiny little speck now." -Father

"This is just great. It's all screwed up now." -Washuu

A Father and Grandpa Moment (while playing a game of chess)

Grandpa:It cultivates the mind, spirit, and the soul. And we must always cultivate the soul.


"I hate this! I hate this! I HATE THIS!" -Ryoko

A Kiyone and Mihoshi Moment

Kiyone: Come on, Mihoshi! It's time for us to go out on patrol!"

Mihoshi: Do I HAVE to go?

Kiyone:Of course you have to go! Now come on! They're calling for me!

Mihoshi:Wait up! I'm being called, too!

A Ryoko and Aeka Moment (after Tsunami reveals Sasami will look like her when she's grown up)

Ryoko:*thinks to self* Blast. I didn't think about this. Since Aeka's no competition, I thought Sasami was nothing to worry about.

Aeka:*thinks to self* I didn't plan on this. Sasami's beauty will surpass mine...

Ryoko:*aloud* Well, she's alot prettier than you are.

Aeka:And at least she's better looking than you.

Ryoko:What'd you say?!

Aeka:I'm simply stating a fact!

Tsunami:Ah hem...


Aeka:Yea, you stay outta this!

Ryoko:You never were as pretty as me, ever! You never were!

Aeka:You just try and name one advantage you have over me!


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