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Usagi's New Life Part 9

Muriko eyed his remaining youma. This was not going as planned. True, he had three of the Senshi in stone, but he wanted them all. "Youma Aino, Youma no Hakai, and Youma no Kaze, come forward."

The youma bowed and waited for their instructions. "I want you all to surprise the Senshi. See if you can't approach them alone. If you do not succeed, you will be killed if they do not take care of you themselves."

"Now go, take care of the Senshi." As soon as the youma had gone, Muriko smiled evilly. "Endymion, you will pay!"


Usagi slowly opened her eyes. There was no one in the room with her. She wondered how long she had been in the nightmarish dream world. "Too long..." she whispered with a shiver.


"Nani!" It was that voice again! Usagi looked around the room. "Who's there!"

Suddenly, smoke billowed in the corner of the room. A few minutes later, a man, who almost looked like Mamoru, appeared in front of her. "Princess Serenity, it's good to see you again."

"Wh-who are you?"

"You don't remember?" he asked, faking disappointment.

"You look so familiar, but I can't place you," Usagi responded. "Perhaps I know you from the Silver Millennium?"

Muriko smiled. "Ah, you do remember. I am Endymion's brother, Muriko."



"Muriko-san!" Serenity called. "Have you seen Endymion?"

The look of joy Muriko had when Serenity said his name vanished at the mention of his younger brother. "Uh... yeah, he's outside with Kunzite."

"Arigatou!" In a blur of yellow, the Princess was gone.


"What are you doing in this century?"

Muriko walked over to the edge of the bed. "I came for the Golden Crystal... and you!" He grabbed Usagi by the arm and dragged her out the door.

"Let me go!" Usagi cried. "Muriko, let me go!"

"You can struggle all you want, Serenity, but I'm too strong for you!" Usagi took the advantage of Muriko stopping a moment to bite his arm. "Kuso!" he said, slapping her across the face. "Don't do that again, do you understand!"

"Iie, you'd better not lay another had on the Princess!" Muriko turned to see three angry Senshi. Uranus, Jupiter, and a little one. *Who is she??*

"Chibimoon!" Usagi cried. "What are you doing here?"

"Baka Usagi, this is no time for that!" Chibimoon replied. She looked up at Muriko. "Hey, let go of my mama or I'll kick your butt!"

Muriko was confused. *Mama??* He looked from Chibimoon to Usagi and back to Chibimoon. Before he could say a word, Uranus sent two swift kicks his way and Jupiter grabbed Usagi.

"Usagi-chan, daijobu?"

"Un..." Usagi got up and transformed. "Moon Eternal, Make Up!"


Mamoru stopped in his tracks. He had taken a walk with Hotaru, Ami, and Minako. "Mamoru-san, daijobu?" Hotaru asked.

"I felt Usa-ko transform..."

"Nani?" Minako said in shock. Before anyone else said a word, he had transformed and was off. "Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Saturn Planet Power, Make Up!"


"So we're going to play like that, are we?" Muriko said, holding his side. "I just want you to know that you're probably going to lose two more Senshi in about five minutes..."

"N-nani?" Usagi gasped. "Jupiter, Uranus, go find them!"

"But, Sailor Moon!" Uranus responded. "We can't leave you alone with him. Besides, they wouldn't come after us either."

Usagi's face grew red. "I said go! If won't listen to me as a friend, then listen to me as your Princess, iie, future Queen!"

The Senshi stared at Sailor Moon for another moment before running out the door, Chibimoon followed. As soon as they were gone, Usagi looked at Muriko. "What you're doing is wrong, can't you see that? Didn't you love your parents? Your brother? Your KINGDOM? How can you betray your kingdom? If you love them all so much, why are you doing this?"

"Serenity, do you not know what it's like to have your title stripped away from you because your younger sibling is "more worthy"? No, you don't!"

"You're right," Sailor Moon said, "I don't know what it's like. I was the one who got the title of Princess when my older sister died in an accident. When she was on her way to Earth to meet you..."

It dawned on Muriko what she was saying. "You- you mean to tell me that your sister was with my parents when they... when I..." She nodded. "Kami-sama!" Muriko sank to his knees. "Princess, forgive me! I know I don't deserve it after I hurt so many people, but can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Sailor Moon smiled. "Hai, I can, Muriko. If you truly mean it, I can help you."


"Ginzuishou," she called. Suddenly, she was Princess Serenity. "Moon Healing, Escalation!"

Before the healing could take affect, Muriko tackled the girl to the ground, seizing the crystal!

Uh oh! Coming up, Part 9 (in about 4 parts ^^;;)

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