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Face Your Fears Part 3

Part 3

Hibari nearly fell out of her chair when Usagi stirred. “Usa-chan! Daijobu?”

“Nani? Hi-chan? What happened?”

“I don’t know, but you’ve been out of it for a good 15 minutes,” Hibari said. “Mama, Papa! Usa-chan’s awake!”


“Nephrite-sama,” A young girl with red hair called out.

“Hai, Naru?”

“When should I get Usagi?”

Nephrite thought for a moment. “I think now would be as good a time as ever. It will give me time to find energy in the Stars.”

Naru nodded. “I will meet you in the park with Usagi.” Bowing, she left.

“Soon Tsukino Usagi, Sailor Moon, you will be dead!”


The Senshi, Luna, and Artemis sat waiting at Hikawa Shrine. It had been two hours since the last battle. “Where could she be?” Artemis wondered aloud.

“Right here,” Aurora said. The others turned to face her. “I have Endymion with me. His memories were returned to him once the Ginzuishou was found so he knows who all of you all. He does not, however, know who the Princess is, so don’t ask.”

The girls nodded. Minako spoke up. “Aurora-chan, how is it that you remember so much of the past and we don’t?”

“Because my parents had great memories,” she replied with wink. She left to get the Prince.

Everyone stared at one another and Luna explained to them that Queen Serenity must have left Aurora’s memories intact. “She would be the one to reunite the Prince and Princess.”

“Minna, may I present to you, Prince Endymion of Earth.”

The mouths of four girls dropped to the ground. “You’re joking!” Minako said.

“Really?” Makoto asked.

“That’s great!” Rei shouted.

“Interesting,” Ami commented.

“Well, Mamoru-san, welcome to the Senshi meeting,” Artemis said. “Finally, another guy!”


“Mercury Ice Healing... Escalation!”

As soon as the human was back to normal, the Senshi heard a familiar laugh. “Miss me?”

“Nephrite!” Jupiter hollered. “You’re still alive! What have you done with Naru?”

“No need to worry about her, Sailor Jupiter, she’s perfectly safe.” Nephrite grinned. “There seems to be one of you missing, ne? What was her name again? Moon Brat? Oh, Tsukino Usagi!” Everyone gasped. “Well, I’ll have her soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy my gift to you all. Starlight Attack!”

Suddenly, Nephrite was gone. “Is anyone hurt?” Mercury asked.

“Iie,” Venus replied looking at herself and the others. “We’re fine. I guess Nephrite’s a bit rusty, he missed us all.”

Mars was silent and Jupiter asked what was wrong. “Can you believe that baka! She left because she was afraid Nephrite would kill her. She didn’t even think about her family or her friends.”

“Sailor Mars,” Apollo said. She put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Usagi didn’t leave because she was scared she’d get hurt. She left because she didn’t want Nephrite to hurt any of you.”

“Kami-sama...” Mercury whispered.

“Nani?” Venus asked.

“Think about it, minna. Put two and two together. Usagi-chan leaves and doesn’t become Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Kamen, Mamoru-san, doesn’t transform because Usagi-chan doesn’t. He becomes Tuxedo Kamen to protect the one he loves. Usagi-chan is the Moon Princess!”

Part 4 and Epilogue
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