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Domain of Cephiro


Magic Knight


In the land of Cephiro, sistahs are doin' it for themselves. And I am all for women being placed im positions of authority, but Umi, Fuu, and Hikaru are just not workin' as a team these days. The girls are as close as sisters, and they argue like sisters, but they are everything but sisterly. Each Magic Knight is different in her own way, and one can really see the differences in Umi, Fuu, and Hikaru. Umi: Self-centered. Fuu: Quiet, thoughtful. Hikaru: Tomboy-ish. And it looked as though I arrived just in time, because the girls were having a fight so bad, they needed a mediator. There may have been peace for the people of Cephiro, but not for the Magic Knights.

Me: "Hello, girls, can I have a word with you? I come from your world and I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I know you don't know me, and therefor, don't owe me any favors; but I traveled all this way and I would really appreciate any help that you could give me."
Fuu: "I would be more than happy to help, as would Umi and Hikaru."
Hikaru: "I would love to help."
Umi: "Now wait a minute..."
Hikaru: "Oh come on Umi, it will be good for us."
Umi: "Not. I've already been through enough as it is and I'm kinda busy with saving Cephiro and all that junk. I'm exausted."
Hikaru: "First of all, it would be nice to do someone a favor, and second of all, as I recall, it was all of us together that saved Cephiro; not just you."
Umi: "Why you little..."
Fuu: "Please you two, we have a guest, you should be ashamed of this behavior. In the words of the great philosopher Plato: "
Umi and Hikaru: "SHUT UP FUU!"
Fuu: "All I was going to say is that we need to work together. As a team."

::hikaru and umi looked at each other and some sort of recognition passed between them. they knew fuu was right and with that tiny glance in each others direction, they agreed to work together::
Me: "So you'll help then?"

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All Magic Knight Rayearth characters are © someone other than me, I don't own any of the characters
so please don't sue me, you won't get anything out of it anyway.