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Many years have passed since Sonic the Hedgehog and the Freedom Fighters. Robotnik has been defeated after years of tyranny. Everything is at peace. But something troubles the Guardians of Angel Island, a continent floating high up in the sky, looking over Mobius. Although it has been four generations of Guardians since Knuckles helped Sonic end Robotnik's reign, something is still wrong.

Haven is now an open place for the current Guardian. Sabre is now the oldest Guardian currently at Haven. Locke and Knuckles also live at Haven. The other Guardians are Knuckles' son (Forge), his son (Wagnard), his daughter (Suka), and her son (Owin). Owin has a younger sister who also bears the Guardian mark (Lisha). Though they both have the birthmark, Owin is older and became Guardian.

The Guardians have been called to Haven for a very important meeting. What is concerns, you will soon find out. Knuckles, Forge, Wagnard, Suka, and Owin are waiting in the meeting hall.

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Wagnard: We have been waiting for hours! What is the meaning of this?!

Forge: Calm down, son. All will be explained.

Suka: I would like this to hurry up.

Locke and Sabre walk through the door.

Wagnard: What is it that is so important?!

Locke: This. (he pushes a button on the control deck. a picture of the Master Emerald appears)

Suka: It's the Master Emerald. (sarcastically) I think we have all seen it before.

Sabre: There is something important about the emerald. It seems that for the past 10 years, it's power is diminishing.

Knuckles: This is very bad. But, the island is still floating.

Locke: Yes, but it won't be for long.

All but Sabre and Locke gasp.

Wagnard: How can this be?! We must do something!

Forge: Wait, why haven't the sensors detected it until now?

Sabre: Owin was the one to found out, although he didn't know that until now.

Owin: But...what did I do? Was it the machine I found?

Sabre: Yes. That machine was a device that blocked our sensors from picking up the low power readings.

Suka: How did it get there?

Locke: We still don't know.

Wagnard: (gets out of his chair) Then what can we do?!

Locke: You can't do a thing until you know the facts, Wagnard. Now sit down. (Wagnard reluctantly sits down) Right now, Sabre and I are researching our files for anything different that has happened in the past 10 years. But that's not enough.

Forge: I think we need an investigation. Make up a team and explore the region.

Suka: I think that's a great idea.

Sabre: We need to vote on this. Forge has already motioned the idea and Suka has second that motion. All those who agree with making an investigation team, raise your hand.

Everyone raised their hand except Wagnard.

Locke: If you don't mind me asking, what do you think is the problem with that idea.

Wagnard: We need to take action. We don't know how long the island will stay afloat. Something needs to be done now!

Locke: You have a point, but how will you take action without knowing what to fight.

Wagnard: Well, it doesn't really matter what I think. I was out-voted. Go ahead with your plan.

Suka: Great! And I have a perfect candidate for the leader of the team. My son, Owin.

Owin: What?! Why me?

Forge: It makes sense. You are the current Guardian of Angel Island. It should be your responsibility.

Wagnard: I'll do it!

Suka: Sure you can, if we want you fast temper to mess up the plan.

Wagnard: That is no way to speak to your father!

Owin: I'll do it, okay! Just stop fighting.

Locke: Then it's agreed. Owin will assemble a team to go with him. The rest of us will work here. Meeting dismissed.

All are getting up from their seats and leaving. Locke stops Knuckles on the way.

Locke: What's the matter, son? What happened to Knuckles that always has an input?

Knuckles: I feel like I am not important anymore. I am not good with computers, like you and grandfather. I'm not as young and light-hearted as my grandchildren. What can I do?

Locke: Your thoughts are always important. Maybe there is a way that you can. Just think.

Forge comes running toward Locke and Knuckles.

Forge: Dad, dad! Owin needs your advice.

Knuckles: Huh? Why me?

Forge: Well, you were that last to have such an important instance happen to you while you were Guardian. You were also able to form a team that worked well together. Owin needs your help.

Locke: See, I told you you're important.

Knuckles: I guess so. I better go to Owin.

Knuckles follow Forge to where Owin and Suka are sitting.

Suka: Knuckles! Glad you're here! It seems my son needs your help.

Knuckles: What's the problem?

Owin: I just need your advice. What kind of people should I bring?

Suka: I know one...

Owin: I'm not bringing her! She's loud and annoying. She has no skills that could help.

Knuckles: Who?

Suka: His sister, Lisha.

Owin: She's not part of the team!

Knuckles: Wait, Owin. Your mother has a point. She is in the Guardian blood line. I'm sure you could work together.

Owin: I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I will bring who I want.

Suka: Hmm...he has his grandfather's arrogance.

Forge: Then, Owin. Who do you want to bring?

Owin: Umm...I don't know.

Suka: Then maybe you should listen to our advice.

Knuckles: I'll go.

Forge: What! Father, you're too old. How will you manage?

Knuckles: I'm a Guardian. I can hold my own. And right now, it looks like I'm the only one who will go.

Suka: Owin, see what you've done. Making an old man go on YOUR quest.

Owin: Umm...okay, I'll take my sister.

Forge: You might need more than three.

Suka: What about Lisha's friends?

Owin: I can take my sister's stupidity, but not her friends'. They're not going.

Knuckles: I guess I'm still going.

Suka: No Knuckles, you can't go. You're too old.

Knuckles: I have to. Two people aren't enough. Three isn't much better, but it will have to do.

Forge: Please father!

Owin: Why are you doing this? Grr...OKAY! I'll take her friends. You don't have to go, Grandfather.

Knuckles: Well, it seems you have your team. You should assemble them and tell them the plan.

Owin: Okay. It will be miserable, but it's my duty. Good day, everyone.

Suka: So long! (Owin leaves the room) worked.

Forge: What did?

Suka: The plan.

Forge: What plan?

Suka: What, did you think Grandfather was actually going? It was all a plan to make Owin take his sister and her friends.

Forge: Huh? Wait, Father, did you know about this?

Knuckles: Heh...maybe I did...

Knuckles leaves the room.

Forge: Well, you fooled me, too. Oh well.

Forge leaves the room, followed by Suka. Meanwhile, in Echidnaopolis, Lisha goes along her day as usual.

Lisha walks into a grocery store.

Lisha: Hi Mr. Neally!

Mr. Neally: Hey, Lisha! How are you today?

Lisha: I'm doing good. How about you?

Mr. Neally: I'm okay. Do you need any help?

Lisha: Nope, just the usual stuff.

Mr. Neally: Oh, I remembered! Rykal stopped by. She was looking for you.

Lisha: Really?! She's been gone for 3 weeks on vacation. She's finally back! I'll just get what I need.

Mr. Neally: If you don't mind me saying, I don't know if I would trust her. You know her history.

Lisha: Well, I do mind. She's been my friend for years.

Mr. Neally: You do know about her family.

Lisha: Actually, no. She doesn't like to talk about things like that. What's the problem with her family?

Mr. Neally: Well, her great-grandfather was the bounty hunter Nack. A famous back-stabber in his time.

Lisha: Yeah, but that doesn't mean Rykal is like that.

Mr. Neally: Well, it seems to run in the family.

Lisha: I don't like you talking about my friend like that. I'll be leaving.

Mr. Neally: I'm sorry, Lisha. I should have never acted like that.

Lisha: Well, I guess I'll forgive you. Just let me get my shopping done.

A little later, Lisha walks out of the store and saw Kayana and Motrix across the street at the arcade. She walks across the street to meet them.

Lisha: Hey guys!

Kayana: Hey Lisha.

Lisha: What are you guys doing.

Kayana: I'm just watching Motrix getting beaten at Street Combat.

Motrix: At least I'm better than you at it.

Kayana: That's because I don't care about video games.

Lisha: Have you guys heard? Rykal is back!

Kayana: Yeah, I heard. I'm sure you're happy.

Lisha: I wish you two could get along. Then we would all be friends.

Kayana: Well, you can't change things.

Motrix: I don't know what your problem is with her, Kayana. I think she's nice.

Kayana: My problem with her is that she's a theif.

Motrix: That was 3 years ago!

Kayana: Yeah, and she still denies that she did it. You saw her steal it yourself, Motrix, and she still denies it.

Motrix: I think you should let it go. You can't change the past. Just forget about it and go on with you life.

Kayana: Yeah, and while you were yapping, you were killed by a fireball. Heh...those machines are a waste of money.

Motrix: Well, this is the closest thing to action I can get around here.

Lisha: I'll see you guys later. I've got to get these groceries home.

Kayana: See ya.

Motrix:(puts another quarter in the arcade machine)Yeah, see ya.

Lisha walks home from the arcade. Lisha lives with her father in an apartment building on the east end of Echidnaopolis. Her father is divorced from Suka, as are most of the spouses of Guardians. She has to help out a lot, being that it's just her father and her.

Lisha: Dad! I'm home. Dad? Why is it so dark?

A figure in a chair in the living room is all she sees.

Voice: Hello Lisha.

Lisha drops the groceries.

Lisha: W-who are you? Where's my father?

Voice: Don't tell me you don't reconize my voice?

Lisha: Wait...Rykal?

Rykal: It took you long enough. How have you been?

Lisha: Rykal! I've been good. did you get in?

Rykal: The door was unlocked.

Lisha: (starts to pick up the groceries) did it again. He always forgets to lock the door when he leaves. I wonder where he went. Oh, Rykal, how was your vacation?

Rykal: It was great! I really needed the rest. I have another surprise for you. I'm not the only one here to see you.

Lisha: Huh? What do you mean? Who's there?

Owin walks out of the shadows.

Owin: I need your help, sis.

End of Chapter 1
