The Winners' Booty

Awards for: Spring 2003 | Winter 2002 | Spring 2002 | Winter 2001
Best Suspense
Follow The Lights


Overall, I enjoyed the fic. The story may have been about Duo and Quatre, but it was great how Wufei stumbled onto them and got the ball rolling.
Best Surprise
Murder and a Music Box


Very entertaining! All of the characters were fantastic, and all of the clues Duo turned up made my head spin with the possibilities. And the ending…talk about surprised!
Best Villain
Darkside Tales


Duo being what he was didn’t surprise me. But learning what my favorite Justice boy was up to shocked the living @#*% outta me.
Best Overall
Darkside Tales


I selected 'Darkside Tales' for this award because, although Duo was a great villain, Wufei complimented Duo very well in his role. It's jarring, but I wouldn't want it written any other way.

~ Webmistress

Here's the participation banner for all of you brave souls that wrote/judged or just came to visit! Thank you all!