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Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Dreaming - 'System of a Down'
I'm bored. And I'm hungry.

I just posted the next chapter for BiS, and now that that's accomplished, I don't know what to do with myself. I don't feel like working on the next chapter. I don't feel like working on TFM. It's 12:14 at night, and I'm wide awake, listening to System of a Down. Not the type of music that induces sleeping. *starts head banging*

My brother is coming to Chicago this weekend, and I'm so excited about it. On the weekends when I'm off, I intend to go up there just to be with my family. I thank God that I got this weekend off to be with him AND my dad. Hopefully, this will be awesome, so I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe that's why I feel so restless.

Anyone know of any good places to hit in Canada? It doesn't make sense for me to be a few hours from the border and not go. Hell, maybe I could make a couple of weekends of it.

Ooohhh. There was a commercial on about oreos. Yummy.

Hmm. I don't feel like typing anymore.


Posted by Karen at 00:28 CDT
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Thursday, 26 October 2006 - 18:56 CDT

Name: Selby

*nods* oreos=yummy. Mais, oreos+milk=YUMMY! (unless you're lactose intolerant and then it's not)

Also, I read the latest chapter and am thrilled. How come I get the feeling that Zechs and Duo being on a first name basis is something of significance? Or rather, Significance? You did a great job portraying the undercurrents.

I'm a little confused on one point, though. Was Duo in such pain because he'd forgotten about keeping his shields up and accidently attempted to read Zechs? I thought his shields were mostly subconscious unless he actively /tried/ to read someone? So why would they not have been in place to begin with? Although, I suppose he wouldn't realize if they were down if he was surrounded by people he coudn't read...

Okay, so two questions:
1 - How subconscious are Duo's shields? As in, are they ALWAYS on and he has to try and take them /down/, or does he have to concentrate at keeping them active?

2 - Previously, Duo'd never been hurt by using his powers unless he was consciously trying to read one of the weres. Was he unconsciously, in his sleep, trying to read Zechs (who is so powerful as to cause that amount of pain)?

Or am I getting ahead of the plot and all will be explained in a later chapter?

Sunday, 29 October 2006 - 16:10 CDT

Name: Karen

Oh yeah, Duo and Zechs being on a first name basis is VERY significant. You can say it's the start to a complicated relationship.

Duo's shields are conscious, but it's so easy for him to lift and lower them because he has such great mind control. When he reads someone's thoughts, he has to lower the shield in order to either invade someone's thoughts, or to allow their thoughts to come to him. It works both ways for him, and one other, as we'll discover in the next book.

His shields were not in place because he felt he didn't need to have them up. Why spend the extra energy guarding his thoughts against others when he can't read them in the first place? Unfortunately, someone else's thoughts reached *him*, and they weren't human. My only hint is that it wasn't Zechs. It will also come out later why he was in such pain.


Monday, 30 October 2006 - 19:45 CST

Name: Selby

Oohhh...I forgot that maybe someone could reach out to HIM. *facepalm*

Thanks for the hint!

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