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The Standard Dislcaimer!

OK, I feel like I must do this, seeing as many decent fanfic websites have been incapacitated due to legal reasons. And, you know, also because I've got a few morals...
The characters in these stories belong to the creaters and owners of the series Sorcerer Hunters. This means Satoru Akahori, Rei Omishi, MixxManga, Dengeki Comic Gao!, ADV Films, Tokyo Pop, and others in Japan, US, Spain, China, Italy, etc, who have rights to the series. The characters of Carrot Glace, Marron Glace, Tira Misu, Chocolate Misu, Gateau Mocha, Eclair Mocha, Big Momma, Dota, Zaha Torte, Mille Feuille, Apricot Glace, Onion Glace, Opera, as well as various villains, are used without said owners' permission. (And please excuse the fact that that was an incredibly bad run-on sentence.) The concepts/places of the Spooner Continent and the Stellar Church also belong to said creators and owners.
Other characters are the authors' own inventions, and may not be used without their permission.
This site contains fiction (and perhaps images) of an adult and/or sexual nature - that means language, and sexual attraction and sexual intercourse between two human beings (of any gender). The stories in this site are of both a homosexual and a heterosexual nature, and discrimination between the two is not made when accepting submissions. All submissions are taken, however, at the webmistress's discretion.
Background images were taken, without exception, from Lady Andromeda's Manga Illusion - Should the owner of this site desire the removale of these images from this website, please contact the webmistress, Yaeko de Nirohmy. The picture atop the Biopage was taken from TziporiLand, and are property of "Fala Tzipori" and TziporiLand, as stated below regarding all fanart. All fan art I link to is the property of their respecive artists, and based on the characters created by Akahori Satoru and Omishi Rei, and owned by those persons stated above, but Rei-chan (of BHFS) talks about that on her website.
The Bakuretsu Hunters Fan Symposium is copyright "Yaeko de Nirohmy" for 2001-2002.

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To the Explosive Karaoke Saloon!