Time to Meet the twisted mind behind this site

Hi, it's just little old me, Ahrianna Lee.

Well in case you're interested I'm a crazy little otaku that fell hard for Gundam Wing about six months ago now. I was taken by the art and drama and haven't been able to stop writing and drawing since. I'm an ameture ficwriter and I like to think of myself as at least a decent artist, it's the one thing I do well. Most of my art is really the fine arts kind but since I first saw Gundam Wing my anime has improved greatly, as well as the number of anime drawings I have. My mediums are for the most part pencil and watecolor with some prismacolor in there and one day I'll try CG, someday, eventually... when I get a decent program. Occasionally I'll have a bout of total insanity but just ignore that, it's not contagious.

Duo:Yes it is.
Ahri: Like you had much to loose.
Duo: Well, yes... wait a minute, Hey!
Ahri: To quote a good friend, "Shut up Duo."
Duo: -_-

I don't do it often but when I do that stuff can get strange and is a sure sign I've lost my mind, again besides it's soo much fun!

Umm... hmm... something you might want to know about me... I'm thinking... think, think, think... Oh well, how 'bout my fav G-boy! ...I really don't have a favorite, though Duo's the one I talk to the most simply because he talks.

Duo: Thanks...

And I'm not a very picky person really. I like them all, in all lights and every pairing possible, each for their own reasons though I do have a tendency to favor the more uncommon ones... and write the classics- wonder why that is?

Duo: Easier that way.

Ahri: Hmm... yup, that's probably it ^_~

So now back to me.

I have AIM the name's Ahriannale if you'd like to talk to me

And e-mail

if you'd like to e-mail me for whatever reason.

I now belong to a few Ml's GWML being
the largest and one I'm most active on,
go check it out at egroup's GWML

That's pretty much all I can think of for now...

Duo: Tittles...

Oh yes, thanx Death Boy. Things I've been doubbed by various people

Duo: You forgot Hentai

Oh yes can't leave that one out now can we... Shut up Duo.

So to summerize... I'm me and then sometimes I'm somebody else, but mostly me and when I'm not me I'm nobody, but then I'm always somebody cause everybody's gotta be somebody sometimes and even if they don't know it yet they are cause if they weren't then they would be nobody and nobody doesn't exist realy cause everybody's somebody but then I'm nobody so if they were nobody then they'd be me and there's only one of Me!

Duo: Come on Ahri, just follow me, it's Ok you can be whoever you want be... Heero get the straightjacket!

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Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.