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Welcome to the AD-3 FAQ! Okay, so it's not really a FAQ. I just called it that because I couldn't think of a better name ;) Here you'll find lots of information on the American Digimon D-3 game (AD-3 for short.) Before I got my D-3, I looked all over the Internet looking for some info on it but I didn't find any. I got a D-3 anyway, and loved it. But since there were no websites out there that had info on the AD-3, I decided that I once I got the perfect score in my D-3, I would make a site of my own, since I know I'm not the only one who likes to find out about things before I buy them. ^_^ Whether you're here to determine if you want to buy an AD-3, or if you already have an AD-3 and need help, you've come to the right place! Use the buttons on the left side of the screen to go to the different areas. Basics will give you some general info on the D-3 and how it works. Evolutions is pretty self explanatory, that section lists the evolutions for all the partner Digimon. The Enemies section lists all the enemies you'll encounter. Bosses has info on all the bosses you encounter, and tips for defeating them. Digieggs has pics of the Digieggs, and info on how to get them and which Digimon can use them. Random Events will tell you about the events that happen while you're walking, and what to do about them. Battle Codes contains codes for battles in the D-Terminal.

News Saturday, September 26, 2001
I got a new e-mail addy (, but other than that, I'm afraid I can't offer an actual update this time. :( I haven't really had time lately. But then again, I've pretty much provided all the D-3 info I can, and I don't have a D-arc to give info on, so there's not much I can do anyway.

Also, I'm going to have even less free time soon, as I'm trying to get a job. But if any interesting news in the DigiWorld reaches me, I'll be sure to post it. :)

One other thing, I got a new e-mail address recently, so use the new one. The link below has the correct address.

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