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13 Seconds
Peter Venables is the cartoonist who creates 13 Seconds. 13 Seconds is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a ram named Walter Ramsey and his friends. Wally has a fertile imagination, which can get him in trouble at times, but nevertheless he tries to recapture his youth, since life was simpler then. When his parents moved out of town, he was forced to find a place to live on his own, and had to take a job to pay for expenses, for the first time in his life. Fortunately, he was able to find an apartment with his friends; a bat named Basil and a porcupine named Duncan. Basil and Wally have been best friends since they met as toddlers, share many of the same interests, but while Walter takes off on flights of fancy, Basil is there to ground him back into reality. Walter and Basil met Duncan in college, and during that time, formed a strong bond between them. Duncan enjoys the status-quo and prefers to spend his time focusing on his pursuit of women. Duncan works at a local TV station as a cameraman for reporter who is a poodle named Shiela. Shiela just happens to be Walter's ex-fiancé and high school sweetheart, who broke off the relationship just after he proposed on Valentines Day, because she was simply no longer interested in that relationship. This irritates Shiela's friend, a panda named Marsha, because she has a crush on Walter, and has plans on marrying him. Her biggest obstacle is to get him to notice her as a woman, instead of just a friend.

21st Century Fox

Scott Kellogg is the cartoonist who creates 21st Century Fox. 21st Century Fox is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a fox named Jack. The year is 2066, when man is no longer the dominant species on earth, but is in fact, only mentioned in history. Jack, is a technician skilled in fixing machines, and also does odd jobs for people. He loves cars and enjoys working with all aspects and ages of them. He is extremely non-confrontational, preferring to work out his problems by dialogue than by action, but when he has to, he’ll jump into the fray. He spends most of the time on the road with his giraffe friend, Cecil. Cecil is the software side of the duo; he spends a lot of the time diving into the Internet on his computer glasses. Cecil is a very friendly person, and is very open and ready to express his feelings and ideas, wherein Jack can be quite shy in social situations. Having joined the duo as a technical whiz is a female fox named Jenny Curtis. Jenny is quite the intellectual, already having a PHD in physics and even owns part of an aviation school, where she is a pilot. Having recently gotten out of an abusive relationship, she does tend to be shy around males (especially those she likes). This is something she has been working on, especially since she is growing rather fond of Jack.
9th Elsewhere
Caroline Curtis and Courtney Caryl are the cartoonists who create 9th Elsewhere. 9th Elsewhere is a serial strip that follows the life of a young writer named Carmen Cinea. Carmen lost her parents at an early age, and due to this, she was inserted into the foster care system. It was in this system that deep seated trauma started to take root due to a combination of neglect and emotional abuse. Because of this, she bounced from home to home, learning to “work the system” through putting on a mask, so to speak. She learned how to act like her foster parents wanted, and to give the impression that she was happy. She feels her only outlet to her real self is through her writing, where she can be free. Unfortunately, because of the emotional abuse of put-downs, she believes her work to be sub-par and doesn’t feel that she is a very good writer at all. Fortunately (or unfortunately as this case might be) for Carmen, she has been selected by O.R.M.Y! (Organized Response Musing Yes!) to receive her very own muse to help and support her through her dreams. Carmen’s Muse, Eiji, is struggling to find himself while working in O.R.M.Y!, but his work suffers slightly because of it. Unbeknownst to Eiji, if he fails the mission to help Carmen, he will be kicked out of O.R.M.Y!, and will no longer be a working muse. Eiji just continues along trying to help Carmen out in her dreams, and despite Carmen’s initial stubbornness against it, she is finding that Eiji seems to understand her more than anyone else she has ever met. Now they are traveling through the layers of her psyche in her dreams, where Carmen can control everything (consciously or subconsciously) as Eiji helps her deal with little problems that are holding her back in writing and in life. Of course, Carmen has to be careful, for while she is unable to be harmed in this dream-state, due to the muse’s ethereal nature, Eiji is susceptible to all manner of dangers as long as he is in Carmen’s dreams!


Michael McKay-Fleming is the cartoonist who creates Alice. Alice is a serial strip that follows the life of a young teenage girl named Alice. Alice is a creative and free spirit, and can be impulsive at times. Being an only child, Alice has developed an overactive imagination, often drawing her into completely imaginary realms, far removed from reality. Her flights of fancy stem from her reaction to her mother dying while she was at a young age, and she uses these fantasies as a way of escaping from a reality she thinks is boring. Often, she takes her erstwhile companion, Dot, along with her on her epic adventures, whether Dot wants to come or not. Dot tends to be grounded into reality, and she almost has to be, as Alice is constantly dreaming up new adventures and ideas, and can be hard to keep up with. Dot had to grow up with a number of older brothers, so she developed the ability to think quickly in stressful situations as well as to be able to defend herself. Dot sticks up for Alice when she has troubles, as two have grown up together as the best of friends. Dot just wishes that Alice would take some things more seriously, as Alice seemingly always has her head in the clouds, and chasing that next dream. Recently Alice has also had to deal with her father becoming romantically involved with someone new, a woman named Joan. She dislikes the idea of Joan coming to replace her mother, and thus Alice harbors an intense dislike for her. If given enough time, she could deal with the new change, and the idea of her father trying to seek his own happiness, but she finds it hard to deal with. Joan on the other hand, desperately wants Alice to like her, and seeks approval from Alice that she may never receive.

Alien Dice

Tiffany Ross is the cartoonist who creates Alien Dice. Alien Dice is a serial strip that follows the life of a Rishan named Shira Lexx. Rishan’s are a genetically engineered race that was created from the human race. Hundreds of years ago, aliens came to Earth and captured numerous women, in order to harvest their offspring. They chose Earth to be their target due to its relative obscureness in the Galactic Order. The Rishans were developed for slavery, but after people found out where they came from, they were freed. This was not the end of the exploitation of the Rishan race. Most orphaned Rishans were taken by the ADC, the Alien Dice Corporation, and trained in numerous training academies in order to become “productive members of society”, when in reality, they were screening them to see which ones would be best suited for their game. Alien Dice was originally a game that rich people played by using special dice to augment animals and have them fight one another. This, over time, became boring, as animals only had so much intelligence and unpredictability. It was only a matter of time before they started using sentient beings in their game. Lexx is one of those people, and has become one of the best players in the game. The ADC makes a lot of money through the exploitation of the players, and through contracts that the players signed as children; they are not allowed to reveal anything until they are able to fight through three sets of collecting dice. Lexx is on his third set now, and everything was going smooth for him, until he ended up having to take a human girl named Chel with him on his last set. Now everything that defined Lexx’s world is changing. Lexx finds himself torn between living the life that he so desperately wants to have, and finishing the game so he will be alive or not a slave, in order to enjoy it.


Jeremy “Z-san” Forbes is the cartoonist who creates Anti-Bishie. Anti-Bishie is a serial strip that follows the life of a disillusioned office worker named Doug. Doug, or Anti as Tira calls him, is very pessimistic about the world and the people in it. Despite his better efforts, he usually gets dragged out of his own little world and into various social situations by his friend Tira. Tira is an open, social butterfly. She loves going out amongst people and enjoying herself. When she first met Doug, she called him Anti because he was pretty much the opposite of a pretty boy, and thus it stuck. Immediately, she wanted to show Anti the world and bring him out into it again, and if he wouldn’t come willingly, then she would drag him in, kicking and screaming. To this end, she drags him along with her to those places she loves, trying to show him how great the world is. Much to Anti’s dismay, Tira decides he will be accompanying her to YaoiCon a convention that celebrates male/male relationship anime. Of course Anti doesn’t want to go, but he has long since realized that when Tira wants to do something, it’s better off for him in the long run to follow along. This doesn’t mean that he won’t struggle; after all, he would rather be left alone to his own devices.
Antihero For Hire
Mark Shallow is the cartoonist who creates Antihero For Hire. Antihero For Hire is a serial strip that is set in the year 2144 and follows the life of a vigilante named Dechs Rashart. Dechs lives in the southern city of Triumph, just outside of the now totalitarian Canadian government's jurisdiction. The advancements in technology created a unique problem for Triumph City, with the advent of power suits, causing a new breed of criminal: the super villain. Triumph's answer was instituting freelance security contractors called superheroes to help supplement the beleaguered police forces by exclusively handling the super villain threat. Dechs is a card-carrying member of the superhero's guild, and is codenamed: Shadehawk. Dechs spends the majority of his time patrolling the city and fighting various criminals as a way of repressing his guilt over the deaths of his loved ones. Dechs has former ties with the Tera Corporation and when he appropriated one of their prized objects, they chose to have him liquidated, but botched the job and killed his loved ones plus an unlucky bystander. Thinking they had dispatched the problem, Tera Corp moved on to new plans and new developments, but Dechs refined his skills in order to extract his revenge upon those who wronged him. Dechs works with a skilled hacker nicknamed Wrench (Laria Moondale) who is his coordinator and outfitter of her own unique inventions that are customized for his fighting style. Dechs's past is now starting to catch up with him, as a mysterious stranger is starting to test his skills for an unknown reason, and with executives at Tera Corp learning about his continued existence.


Mohammad “Hawk” Haque and Ananth Panagariya are the cartoonists who create Applegeeks. Applegeeks is a comic in the gag-a-day format (having no overall storyline, but maintains the cast of characters) that follows the lives of a group of Maryland college students. Hawk, a computer science major, spends the vast majority of his time tinkering with various electronic devices, playing various video games, or just doodling. At times he can be a bundle of energy, bouncing off the walls as he searches for the right woman. Along the way he enjoys hanging out with his friends and making pointed comments about situations they observe, all the while fighting against PC users with his Apple™ powers. Jayce Wilder, Hawk’s roommate and foil, an undeclared major student at the college. Jayce is a PC user and usually has to tolerate Hawk’s ridicule of the superiority of Apple computers, but plots his untimely demise in secret. Jayce participates in Hawk’s little flights of fancy most of the time, if not to just end up poking fun at him. Hawk’s friend from high school and an art major, Mario “Frost” Linares, rooms just down the hall of the dorms from Jayce and Hawk. He enjoys hanging around with Jayce and Hawk, but his job in the chemistry lab tends to steal much of his time, and he usually has to come in and save them both from some bout of trouble they landed in. At times they run into Jayce’s high school friend, Alice Fox, a business major at the college. Alice is good at time management, and can manage to get her schoolwork done and manage to hang around with the guys most of the time.

Ban The Basics

Tariq De Vore is the cartoonist who creates Ban the Basics. Ban the Basics is a serial strip about a class of gifted sixth-grade students. All of the students in Ms. Walker’s class are extremely bright, and because of such, has a rich blend of varying interests and unique needs. Of course, with gifted students, you have to continue to challenge them; otherwise they will end up getting bored, and finding their own ways to amuse themselves. This is why Ms. Walker’s class always has projects to do, and considers their needs at all times, but their definition of classroom projects, is far above what would be a normal sixth-grade classroom project. She has such students to consider as: Leene, an avid web page designer, who even runs her own computer maintenance business for the neighborhood; Deetzer, a young computer programmer who programs in text editors or in Dos and views those people who program in code editors to be newbies, when he is in the sixth grade!; Freda, an avid robot enthusiast, who loves to create new an exciting machines, and believes in robot rights and the idea of cybernetic implants; Paskal, Deetzer’s co-conspirator and fellow programmer, who’s addicted to using his PDA; Walter, who enjoys playing around with new gadgets, and seeks out new ways to enhance the new things his fellow classmates make, even without knowing how they work!; and Lynne, a shy introverted girl, with a massive IQ, who enjoys doing data analysis and number crunching for fun. These students are just the tip of the iceberg for Ms. Walker’s class, and with such intelligent students under her care, she worries that she can meet their expectations as a teacher. At least she passed their background inspection and received the class consensus to just be their teacher!
Bizarre Uprising
Steve "Razlo" Bailey and Erik "Yuji 28 Go" Paul are the cartoonists who create Bizarre Uprising. Bizarre Uprising is a serial strip that follows the life of a teenager named Mitsu Onin Yamora. Mitsu is a seemingly-average high school teen, living with only his mother after his father disappeared five years earlier. Like most teens, he is keenly aware of the opposite sex, and he mostly keeps himself occupied with anime, video games, and hanging out with his friends, Toki, Kalix, and Mika. Toki is Mitsu's best friend, and the two have a little rivalry of "one-upping" the other. Toki is overweight, and perhaps indulges a little more than he should, but he uses it as a method of combating his loneliness. Kalix used to be a stereotypical nerd, thick glasses, braces, abrasive personality, but all of that changed over one summer due to a growth spurt. Now Kalix enjoys his good looks and has his way with the girls about town, but is the change a natural one or not? Mika is intelligent, enjoying her gift of scientific knowledge as well as creativity. She is somewhat of an introvert, and because of a growing crush for Mitsu, finds it difficult express her feelings to him. Recently, Mitsu has come to realize that he is not a normal kid, but is a vampire (of sorts). Now Mitsu not only has to come with terms with high school life and growing up, but the fact that he needs blood to survive.
Blue Crash Kit
Rob Hamm, Cat Glewwe, and Shannon Henry are the cartoonists who create Blue Crash Kit. Blue Crash Kit is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the lives of a superhero trio. Blue, a panther/timber wolf hybrid, is impulsive and hardheaded, but this is probably due to his particular super powers. Blue goes by the superhero name Talon and has superhuman strength, agility, stamina, regenerative powers, toughened skin, and enhanced senses. Blue is the leader of the trio and often the first into battle, but a lot of the decisions are decided as a group. He lives in a house with his two mates, Crash and Kit. Crash, a tiger/Scottish wildcat/cheetah/? hybrid, who ends up being the voice of reason for the group, and sometimes has to act as a sort of mother for Blue and Kit. Crash is a psychic superhero by the name of Firecat, who can use her telekinetic powers to manipulate objects with her mind, fly, and use her pyrokinetic powers to create fire and bend it to her will. Crash spends a lot of her time working with computers and trying to write, but usually ends up getting dragged into Blue and Kit's random antics. Kit, a artic fox, is the youngest member of the trio, and acts as such, but behind her childlike antics is a great analytical mind that is constantly working. Kit goes by a wide variety of names, and constantly changes her superhero identity so often that the media finally gave up trying to keep up with her and dubbed her Enigma. Her powers are mystically based and allow her to change into any animal that she has observed in person. She enhances her abilities with martial arts and her uncle ha started training her with further developing her mystical powers. Kit throws herself headlong into life and enjoys everything to it's fullest, and if she could focus for long enough, she could become the strongest member of the team.

Bruno Baldwin

Christopher Baldwin is the cartoonist who creates Bruno Baldwin. Bruno Baldwin is a serial strip that follows the life of a young woman named Bruno. Bruno is intelligent, perceptive, and enjoys philosophizing about life and its various meanings. She spends a lot of her time agonizing over her life and her decisions. Unfortunately, this slightly distances herself from her friends, but also brings them closer to her, as they want to try and help her out. This kind of relationship can be chafing, and Bruno’s insecurities about her happiness can make it harder for her to have a lasting relationship. Fortunately, she does have days where she feels better, and can be very sociable. This suggests that she suffers from depression, but doesn’t prefer to medicate herself, but to battle it on her own terms. This strategy might have failed long ago, if it wasn’t for her network of close friends. Such as her former lover Stanley, a reclusive writer whom she looks up to, as he helped inspire her to finally finish the book she was agonizing over writing. She finds solace in him and sometimes feels the need to seek him out, but realizes that due to her nature of hurting herself emotionally, ends up reflecting onto him as he knows he can’t do anything for her. So Bruno drifts from place to place, sometimes crashing at her friend’s place, and at other times at a complete stranger’s while she searches for that ever elusive thing that she feels she is lacking.
Bruno The Bandit
Ian McDonald is the cartoonist who creates Bruno the Bandit. Bruno the Bandit is a serial strip that follows the life of a bandit named Bruno Bunklyutz and his pet micro-dragon, Fiona. Bruno lives with his mother, Eunyce: Warrior Hottie, father, Ambrose, and his "bedridden" uncle (who's uncle, they don't even know), Lucius, in Suna, the capital city of Rothland. Bruno is a typical rouge in that he is constantly dreaming up new ways to get rich, but they never seem to go as planned. This is probably due to Fiona's sense of morality that tends to clash with Bruno's lack of scruples. If Bruno could, he'd happily sell his parents for pocket change, if he could make money on the deal. That's not to say that Bruno doesn't have his good qualities, but they tend to get overshadowed by his greed and lust for women. Typically he gets tricked into doing the right thing, and out of what he feels is his long-desired reward. He can be impulsive at times, but some of his plans are quite daring, if only he could successfully pull them off.
Building 12
Chris Hazelton is the cartoonist who creates Building 12. Building 12 is a serial strip that follows the life of a freshman college student named Joe. Joe is an easygoing kind of guy who lets himself be pushed around by they others, but he doesn't seem to mind it too much. Joe has recently enrolled in Atica College, and has received his building assignment. Joe has been assigned to building 12, a dorm room that is a mile away from the main campus, where the administration tends to stick the troublemakers, the crazy people, and the slackers. This is probably partially because the administration wants to make sure that the parents see only the cream of the crop walking around the campus, and partially due to their ineptitude. However it came about, now Joe lives with at least ten other students in the co-ed dorm. When Joe meet his roommate Jack, he is surprised to find that the dorm actually is under-crowded, and then unceremoniously tossed into another room to himself. Jack is the dilettante of the dorm, taking everything, but specializing in nothing (academic related that is), and spends most of his time picking up women. Jack introduces Joe to the other members of the dorm, and are as follows: Craze, a high-strung individual with a taste for guns and violence, a philosophy and military history major; Sarah, a dabbler in the arcane arts who enjoys pushing Craze's buttons almost as much as he likes pushing hers, a parapsychology and invertebrate biology major; Brian, a would-be scientist who makes an assortment of gadgets from various materials that are around the dorms; Iron, a video game addict who doubles as a test pilot for Brian's inventions; Alex, the only real studious one in the lot, and even manages to make it to classes; Gurney, a tv addict who can't break away from his shows for even a conversation; Yuki, a girl who sometimes takes innocent questions the wrong way and responds with violence. With roommates like this, who knows what's in store for Joe in the future?
Casey and Andy
Andy Weir is the cartoonist who creates Casey and Andy. Casey and Andy is a serial strip that follows the lives of four roommates, Casey Grimm, Mary MacTavish, Satan, and Andy Weir. Casey is a genius of an inventor who leads a double life as the evil Professor X who frequently tries to take over the world with his various devices. If it wasn't for Andy's interference or blunders, he would be successful in his efforts, but he has been able to retain control of France. From his birth, Andy was destined for doing such great evil acts and supernaturally blessed, that Satan herself (as Satan can take on many forms and was once sexless as an arch-angel) took notice. Due to Andy's constant dabbling into blasphemous secrets of the occult, he has become very insane, and prone to erratic behavior. Like Casey, he also dabbles in mad science, which was what brought them together as friends, but also causes friction between the two of them. In addition, Casey's girlfriend and roommate, Mary, is another source of friction, as Andy has an irrational hatred for her that has become mutual. Mary strives for a normal, pun-free household, but finds it difficult when Casey and Andy are constantly fighting amongst themselves, going on wacky adventures, creating destructive gadgets, or when she tries to talk "girl talk" with Satan. Satan is the biblical figure, who was cast out of heaven by God, and rules the underworld. Having watched Andy from birth, Satan grew to love Andy for all of his sinful deeds and lack of remorse, but is still Satan, and can be a handful at times. Rounding out the house is Cujo, Andy's cat, who has a complete disregard for everyone and everything, but still shows his affection, in his own way.


Jennifer Boeke is the cartoonist who creates Catharsis. Catharsis is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a woman named Gwenivere Ivy Dahlgren and her strange collection of roommates. Gwen was originally in a relationship with a guy for whom she moved away from the big city, to a quiet suburban town. Not long after she moved, she ends up being dumped by the very same person who she moved to be with. This didn’t really leave her alone, as she always was with her stalwart companion, a Labrador-sized dragon named Rremly. Rremly was the runt of a clutch of dragons that was hatched over 400 years ago, and not long after he hatched, he was sent off to live in a castle, as it was the custom at the time. Rremly wasn’t so much used for his dragon prowess as he was more used as a playmate for the princess. Rremly grew up with the princess, and developed his loyal and carefree personality, which he maintains to this day. He continues to act silly and impulsively for the amusement of Gwen, as she is easily in touch with her inner child and can romp with Rremly whenever real life doesn’t intrude on their time together. On a whim, Rremly “adopted” a squirrel named Baxter, who continually puts up a sour front, in spite of which has come to care for his newfound friends, even if he doesn’t show it often. Of course Baxter has to be careful of random biting attacks from three sentient balls of dust named Romulus, Remus, and Bitey, or from stealthy ninja attacks from the newly acquired kitten named Aya.

Chopping Block

Lee Adam Harold is the cartoonist who creates Chopping Block. Chopping Block is a gag-a-day strip that follows the life and thoughts of a serial killer named Butch. Chopping Block hops around from time to time to look at various points of Butch’s life, allowing the reader to understand that Butch was never an innocent little child, and that he just naturally was evil. Wearing his traditional hockey mask, Butch finds humor in the dark aspect of human nature. Chopping Block is for mature readers, since it's dark-humored aspect and depictions of blood and gore might offend some people.

Clan Of The Cats

Jamie Robertson is the cartoonist who creates Clan of the Cats. Clan of the Cats is a serial strip that follows the life of a witch named Chelsea Urania Kate Chattan. Chelsea has always been a little bit uncomfortable about being different from her friends, but was able to take such things in stride. It was difficult for her to deal with the fact that she had another side to herself, her were-panther form. Chelsea comes from a long line of witches and lycanthropes from her mother’s side. Only female members of her family carry the trait and curse (such like her sister), but sometimes it skips generations. She is a natural lycanthrope, so for the most part, she can manage her bestial side, but sometimes that can be very difficult. Fortunately, she has her family and longtime friend and romantic interest, Alexander Jubal McRae. Jubal (as he prefers to be called) works at a local radio station as a DJ, and has been in love with Chelsea for a long time. He understood that she had some reluctance to date him, and with some of the unusual happenings that seem to surround her and her family, he can understand why. It takes a lot of phase Jubal, so when he finds out that Chelsea is a were-panther and a witch, it doesn’t matter to him, as all he can see if the woman who he loves. Chelsea finds that strange events start to occur more and more frequently to her, as she unravels more information about the curse and her ultimate destiny.

College Roomies From Hell

Maritza Campos-Rebolledo is the cartoonist who creates College Roomies From Hell. College Roomies From Hell is a serial strip that follows the lives of six friends who all go to the same college together. Michael Redford Green, Roger Pepitone, and Dave Jones met during freshman orientation and due to a room shortage they ended up rooming together in the same apartment. Mike is the dominant roommate, a trait he inherited from his parents, as he is the son of two wealthy and neurotic entrepreneurs. He dislikes people in general, and usually takes joy in making others lives miserable, much to the dismay of Roger and Dave. Roger, a were-coyote, is the most laid back of the three roommates, and enjoys going off in fits of nonsense (or perhaps rants that only make sense to himself and his twin sister). Dave is the kind of guy who feels that he can’t succeed in life, that his luck in general is horrible, and that the world is out to get him (something that he feels is reinforced over and over again). A similar room situation took place for Marsha Hart, Margaret B. Browning, and April Sommers, the other three friends, and they ended up in the same apartment building as Mike, Roger, and Dave. Marsha has learned to get by based on her good looks (if she uses them too often, she ends up attracting wildlife like a modern day Snow White), but has a savage temper if she feels that the object of her affections is potentially cheating on her, and does not hesitate to use near-lethal force to express her displeasure. Margaret has grown up with misfortune, having found that the Devil wants to make her his bride for the end times, she has developed her fighting prowess to a keen edge. She tends to be melancholy at times, since she feels that she cannot escape her fate, so she throws everything she has behind the single desire to live, by any means necessary. April from a family of circus entertainers, and she was brought up with high moral standards which sometimes rub her roommates the wrong way. She was the most naïve member of the group, but soon comes to see the world in a bitter light due to her experiences in college, feeling that good girls finish last, and changes her viewpoint appropriately.

Combustible Orange

Frank Gibson, Eric Vinyard, Becky Dreistadt, and Ben Frisch are the cartoonists who create Combustible Orange. Combustible Orange is a serial strip that follows the lives of two struggling cartoonists named Jack Datsun and Vinny Martini. Jack and Vinny create Barky the Bark Bark Cat’s Big Adventure in Washington, with Jack as the writer and Vinny as the artist. Their comic features the aforementioned Barky, a former children’s television show host, an angel named Harvey the Magical Fag, and a buffed up, alcoholic version of Jesus Christ nicknamed Super(hero) Demolition Christ. Once the comic idea was created, Jack and Vinny begin their trek to try and get the comic’s first printing rights sold to a comic publishing firm, such as Marvel, Image, DC, or anyone who will give them the time of day. Jack brims with creative ideas, but he tends to let his impulses get the better of him, and tends to act before he thinks. Vinny, a perfectionist by nature, tends to get very engrossed in his work, so much so, that he completely forgot he worked at a comic shop. Vinny usually has to stop Jack from doing too many of his over-the-top ideas, but sometimes needs Jack’s unrelenting push to spur him on to get the comic strip generating money. Like many of the cartoonists out there, Jack and Vinny are willing to compromise their artistic integrity in order to make a buck, as they try to search for new and fresh ideas to allow them to burst into the industry and make a lot of money.
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Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource and website are Copyright 2000-2006, David Zelasco. All comics are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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