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Mason Williams (otherwise known as Tailsteak) is the cartoonist who creates 1/0. 1/0 is a serial strip that follows the lives of the denizens of the comic. They are self-aware of their situation, knowing that Tailsteak created them and the comic from nothing, and as the creator/cartoonist, he has the power to be omnipresent. Each of the characters has their own personality, but they derive that personality from Tailsteak himself, as he writes their dialogue, but the thoughts and decisions are their own. Tailsteak draws each of them, and when they aren't focused, they technically don't exist, but can still do things off panel. Originally, the main character was a man by the name of Barnacle Jones, a character from the comic, Absolute Tripe. Through the process of losing characters to battles with other webcomics, losing characters through thought bubbles, and the creation and destruction of other characters, the cast has settled to as follows: Junior, a former living eye with fangs, now a ghost with telekinetic abilities; Ghanny, a former living molecule, also a ghost; Mock, formerly a golem that thought he was Tailsteak, now a shapeshifting ghost; Zadok, a woven golem made from native grass; the running gag, the actual word gag that runs around shouting catchphrases; Marcus, a living molecule; Terra, formerly a bear's tapeworm, now an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities) earthworm; and finally, Petitus, a golem created from mud and rocks. The group currently knows that Tailsteak will finish the strip at the 1000 mark, which leaves them with less than 50 to go. This raises the problem of deciding what to do with their time left, and the question of what happens to them when the strip is over.

Action Daxtion

Comic Status - Site Exists (click the link above), however the archives are here.

Aren't We Real
Case Yorke is the cartoonist who creates Aren't We Real. Aren't We Real is a serial strip that follows the life of an insecure young man named Petey Real. Petey is shy and introverted, since he does not have very pleasant experiences when he was social and also due to the fact that his mother is overprotective of him. From being sheltered from a lot of the harshness of life by his mother, Petey was unprepared for later social interactions and now has a lot of trouble even speaking to a woman, let alone finding someone to date.

Asylum On 5th Street

Jin Wicked & Cory!! Strode are the cartoonists who create Asylum on 5th Street. Asylum on 5th Street is a serial strip that follows the life of Dean Bryant, an aspiring radio personality. Dean is the type of person who focuses a little bit more on his fantasies rather than reality, because he is afraid of being denied his desires (be they work-related or personal). After graduating from college, he moved into a former asylum that was turned into a small apartment complex, and acquires a job he hates at a local republican-backed radio station. He finds that the other people who populate the apartment are a little strange, and it is almost too much for him to bear, save for when he meets the new tenant, Amelia Dickens. Amelia is a struggling actress looking for that one big break where she can show her acting skills to their fullest extent and not have to rely on her looks as the sole determiner for what jobs she gets. Unfortunately for Dean, Amelia is already attached, and Dean can only watch from afar. Dean usually confides in Bennett, a technical genius and computer guru of the apartment. While he can wire up the apartment for virtual reality, there is only so much he can do to help Dean’s romantic troubles, after all, he has to deal with the apartment’s resident evil genius, Raven Lunatique. Raven seeks to become powerful enough to control the dark arts and eventually the world itself. He could potentially do such, if Jin (representative artist character who lives in the basement) and Cory (representative writer character who lives in the attic and is a speaking monkey) didn’t thwart his schemes time and time again.

Basil Flint: Private Investigator

John Troutman is the cartoonist who creates Basil Flint: Private Investigator. Basil Flint: Private Investigator is a daily serial strip that follows the life of (you guessed it) a private eye named Basil Flint. Basil is a gruff but wisecracking individual, having gone through some rough spots in life, who jut wants to end up forgetting some of the unpleasantness and strange events that has to him (like meeting a certain spork-headed crime-fighter? See The Sporkman Chronicles for more details). After meeting a young woman named Amanda his life started to turn around some, since she was somewhat forcing him to interact with society. In return, she hopes that the detective life would be more exciting than what she was previously used to but without all of the strangeness.

Bad Boys Of Computer Science

Nick Yu is the cartoonist who creates BBoCS: Bad Boys of Computer Science. BBoCS is a mix between a serial strip and a gag-a-day strip. It has the continuity found in most serial strips, but usually has the one-shots found in gag-a-day strips. BBoCS follows the lives of seven college students as they brave the college world of computer sciences. Dealing with topics from schoolwork to current events, BBoCS goes from slapstick humor to intellectual humor in a moment's notice.

Blade Of Destiny

Nick Yu is the cartoonist who creates Blade of Destiny. Blade of Destiny is a serial comic that that follows the life of Xiao Fei and her struggles in pseudo-historical medieval China. Xiao Fei, an orphan at a young age, seeks to find her place in the harsh world of medieval China. Moving from town to town like a vagabond, she seeks her destiny as she struggles to survive. She meets up with an assassin named Ting Xiang and a martial arts master named Wu Kung. Together the three of them journey to Chengdu in order to seek their destiny.

Blood Lark

Eight is the cartoonist who creates Blood Lark. Blood Lark is a serial strip that follows the life of a young girl named Straye. Straye was just a no-named girl living a simple life with her father, until one day he exclaimed that she had to go on a quest. Her father, being quite confused, has always viewed Straye as his son, and thus wants him to go out and achieve manhood, so he concocted his quest idea to get Straye started. Equipped with some supplies, pots and pans as armor, and her father's sword that she can barely life, Straye sets off into the unknown. Along the way, after killing a dag (a kind of wild dragon), she meets a little dag called The Dagon. The Dagon proves to not be very bright, but very strong when it flies off with the head of the dag Straye killed. Continuing along Straye finds that her sword is magical, reacting to anyone who attacks her, the sword severs the head of any opponent. One such opponent, an arrogant human named Tavarus, begs for his life and is spared. Straye manages to get him to join her group (thus having two members and officially being a party of adventurers) and continue onto town. At the town Straye finds that a lich sorceress named Llan is plaguing the village. Llan has taken the men and converted them into her undead army. Straye manages to kill Llan's lieutenant, Korgth, but finds out that he is immortal due to Llan's powers. Now she has to train and gain enough knowledge and skill to defeat Llan and save the town. Fortunately, she now has the help of two elves in her cause. Perhaps it will be enough for her to be able to win.


John Allison is the cartoonist who creates Bobbins. Bobbins is a weekday serial comic strip that is set in Britain, in a listings magazine called City Limit in the city of Takleford. Bobbins primarily follows the lives of Tim Jones, Shelly Winters, Fallon Young, and Rich Tweedy. With characters like Tim's creation, Unit Daisy, to former City Limit editor Len Pickering and his obsession with Drew Barrymore, the staff of City Limit have a lot of excitement in their lives. Bobbins centers around British flavored intellectual humor, mixed in with slapstick, yet covers topics from relationships to the world of international spies.

Buster Wilde

Scot Zellman is the cartoonist who creates Buster Wilde. Buster Wilde is a serial strip that follows the life of an office supply manager named Bernard Wilde. Bernard is a balding, middle-aged man who tends to be a workaholic, and it's his tendencies to work for long periods of time that caused his marriage to collapse. Bernard has another problem, however. It seems that every night, Bernard changes into a werewolf, not remembering the night before, or even that he is a werewolf, he wakes up in odd places, wondering how he got there. When he starts waking up in strange guy's beds, that's when he starts getting paranoid. Bernard is heterosexual, but his werewolf form (named Buster), Bernard, is openly gay, and there is nothing he likes better than hitting the clubs and partying. Bernard has to work with the issues of being a werewolf and denies the idea that he might be gay, so he usually just storms off muttering to himself. Buster doesn't have the usual murderous rages that plague the typical mythic werewolves. In fact, he is not bound by the lunar cycles, changing each night into a werewolf! Buster's friends feel that perhaps this because Bernard is denying a fundamental part of himself, this is probably why Buster is so rambunctious and ends up wanting to drink in everything that life has to offer. Now if only they can convince Bernard of that!

Buttlord GT

Andy Helms and Nathan Avery are the cartoonists who create Buttlord GT. Buttlord GT is a serial strip that parodies a famous anime (Japanese animation) called Dragonball Z. Buttlord GT follows a Gayan (a race of ridiculously eccentric butt pirates from the planet Cornhole) named Buttlord (or Kevin, if you prefer his Gayan name), and his friend's struggles against the evil Snowflake. Buttlord's friends are: Mr. Huge, a powerful human who had fought against Buttlord before, only to join in their cause as it suits him; Glute, Buttlord's son who's a half-Gayan/half-human hybrid; Takashi, a regular human who's power level is far below everyone else's, but he makes up for that with his displays of homosexuality and his quasi-loyalty to Brad; Brad, an alien who died in a previous encounter, only to be brought back through the power of the Nadballs; Screw, an alien who tries to guard the Nadballs, but ends up joining with Brad in order to attempt to defeat Snowflake; King Pie, Buttlord's trainer and a guardian of the other realm. Buttlord hopes that he can defeat Snowflake before he uses the Nadballs to conquer the universe, but only if his friends are half-dead, and only if he can give his enemy plenty of chances to change his ways, despite Glute's protests. Now, only time will tell if Buttlord can triumph over Snowflake, and to see if the universe can once again be saved.
The Circle Weave
Indigo Kelleigh is the cartoonist who creates The Circle Weave. The Circle Weave is a serial strip that follows the life of a young soldier named Rowan. Rowan was born in the town of Maplehead, in the Province of Nown, and grew up to become a rider and guardsman for the town. Like many men his age, Rowan has a limited amount of patience, seeking action and glory, in order to prove himself a real man, and become a hero. Unfortunately, he was selected as the messenger for the king (as he is the swiftest rider) when Maplehead is attacked by an enchanted and seemingly unstoppable army known as The Carrion Knights. Rowan has been slowly drawn up into a series of events that was selected for him before he was born, as a dormant power lies within him that he is only slowly beginning to realize that it exists. Due to these events, Rowan wanders confused, trying to warn people as he continues towards the capital city, atop his faithful steed and constant companion, a Wolla named Springheels. Wollas are intelligent beasts of burden that are similar to a cross-breed between a horse and a large lizard. Springheels eagerly tries to please her friend, Rowan, with whom she has been able to communicate with, due to Rowan's strange ability to talk to the animal. Along the way he meets the sage Morrim, a recluse and powerful wizard, who accompanies Rowan due to the fact that he can see great potential in the boy. Morrim is far more powerful than most people believe, and seeks to help Rowan unlock his potential, but by guiding him without his knowledge.

Citizen Dog

Mark O'Hare is the cartoonist who created Citizen Dog. Citizen Dog was a daily anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that followed the life of a dog owner named Mel, and his erstwhile companion, a dog named Fergus. Mel and Fergus lived alone in Mel's house, living out their life with contentment. Fergus would follow a young girl named Maggie, to school every day, as part of his doggie duties. Fergus would verbally spar with a cat named cuddles and generally try to show Cuddles up every chance that he could, to prove that dogs are superior to cats. Citizen dog follows a wide variety of story arcs, ranging from Mel dealing with amphibious fish, to Fergus going to a human school, to even Fergus reuniting Mel with a former sweetheart.

Construction Paper Angst

Topher McCulloch is the cartoonist who creates Construction Paper Angst. Construction Paper Angst is a serial strip that follows the life of Topher McCulloch, except set in an alternate world than our own. Topher aka Myrth, is a typical teen, working his way through the blur of emotions, school, responsibilities, and restrictions that is teenage life. Topher's friends have deemed Topher the king of Angst. They would prefer that he have a better outlook, or at least stop being so melodramatic about his angst. Sonya is one of those people. Sonya originally from Iran, moved to the United States with her family to take advantage of the new life and experiences here in America. Sonya has taken to music and loves many different bands, but puts Weezer up at the top five of her list. Sonya has a few minor quirks, which helps to make her unique, one of which is her quote “Do you like Weezer?”. Topher enjoys saying the quote over and over again, and even has Sonya say it from time to time, but after saying the quote one too many times, Sonya finally had enough and now attacks anyone who says her quote. Fortunately Sonya can easily be distracted with shiny objects, which enables Topher (or anyone else for that matter) to get away.

Cool Cat Studio

Giséle Lagacé and T Campbell are the cartoonists who create Cool Cat Studio. Cool Cat Studio is a serial comic strip that follows the lives of the employees of a graphic design studio called Cool Cat Studio. The staff of Cool Cat Studio are as follows: Belinda Finlay, the co-owner and graphic artist; Jeremy Lawson, co-owner and computer tech; Liz (Elizabeth) Adams, a graphic artist and singer; Sophia Busby, the office manager; and Michael Wallace the newest graphic designer who is learning the trade. The comic itself deals with topics ranging from kidnapping to being manipulated by a creature only found in ancient myths.


Matt Bourque is the cartoonist who created Delinquents. Delinquents was a serial strip that followed the life of Wes McGrath. Wes is in his early twenties and is a guitarist and lead singer of his band, STD. Wes lives in an apartment complex with his two roommates, Gerry and Darren. Wes usually adopts a sarcastic attitude with most people, giving that cool aloofness that many people enjoy, but toward those close to him, he is quite friendly. By standing back a little, socially, he has a perspective on people's problems, and ends up helping out his friends, even if it gets him in trouble. He tends to be at odds with his boss, Lloyd Girly, and more recently, his ex-girlfriend, Katrina Davis. When not practicing with his band, working at the Cheap-Mart, or hanging out with his friends, Wes is usually with his girlfriend, Kelly Simmons. Kelly is a little slow at times, but she means well and has a bubbly, cheerful attitude about everything.

Diary of a Crazed Mimbanite

Al MacDonald is the cartoonist who creates Diary of a Crazed Mimbanite. Diary of a Crazed Mimbanite is a strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters for the strip) that parodies Star Wars. Diary of a Crazed Mimbanite bounces around the series, adding characters like: Cliff, a young nerfherder, learns of his destiny to be a Jedi; Oobi-Doo, a Jedi master in some strips and in others a padawan; Dark Dingus, Cliff's father, and dark Jedi; the emperor, the leader of the Imperials and a dark Jedi master; Darth Gnaw, the Emperor's first apprentice who was killed by Oobi-Doo; WD-40 a astromech droid; Hal, a scoundrel with a heart of gold; Yogi, a Jedi master and former head of the Jedi council; the Princess Yoohoo, an ambassador to her people, who resists the Emperor and her attraction to Hal; Burgga the King, a hutt who takes after Elvis; and many more!

Dr. Lobster

Jeff Lofvers and Michael Buonauro are the cartoonists that create Dr. Lobster. Dr. Lobster is a gag-a-day strip that follows the quips of two characters named Jeff and Michael. Dr. Lobster has had many different names in the past. It started with Dr. Lobster & Steve, which was changed to Dr. Lobster (Steve Died), then moved to Lobster Sweeties, and now finally to Dr. Lobster & Steve Hate you. One key premise about Dr. Lobster is that most of the jokes are for the cartoonist's benefit and they have played numerous jokes on the readers in the past. They pretended to sell their comic, then made a new one while making up the person who supposedly bought the comic. So the whole time they were laughing at the readers for believing the joke, but found that it was even more amusing when the readers started laughing along with them. Who knows what next they have in store for the readers, but they will probably enjoy themselves.

Ein Stück Natur

Ein Stück Natur was a serial strip that followed the lives of the inhabitants of the land of Broken Dishes. Ein Stück Natur has memorable characters such as Polygon Man, Raptor, and Death to name a few. Ein Stück Natur even has interesting political positions for it's various lands: Taco Supreme and Vice Taco Supreme.

Exploitation Now

Michael Poe is the cartoonist that creates Exploitation Now. Exploitation Now is a serial strip that follows the lives of the lives of Bimbo Moneymaker, Ralph Givememore, and Jordan Kennedy. Bimbo and Ralph end up renting an apartment from the sixteen-year-old super-genius/landlady, Jordan. They've had to find a new place now that Jordan blew up the apartment building due to running from the FBI. Exploitation Now deals with a variety of topics ranging from shootouts with FBI agents, to a relationship-seeking immortal assassin, to paying the rent by making porn.
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Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource and website are Copyright 2000-2006, David Zelasco. All comics are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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