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Team Diary

Well today, I, Kachi managed to write anelfire instead of Angelfire, and when I told Marc (who is sat beside me) he almost fell off his chair with laughing...he is so easily amused...
On the upside, we adopted him two Neopets...
I'm now going to work on the Grandia section with any luck...

Today I saw some six episodes of Gundam Wing (videod by my dear beloved sister!), and it's safe to say...I love it!! Guess that's the next thing on my agenda - below pretty much everything else tho... - to do. For the record I HAVE done some work, it's just yet to materialise on the site. Hence the fact i'm writing this. I found out the size of some of the Grandia 2 pictures, so it'll be the first part of the site that has thumbnails (with any luck), although you'd be amazed at what Paint doesn't like. Me, for one...
Speaking of Grandia, I was on SimplyGames today, checking, as is my habit, to see if Grandia 2 was there. Lo and behold, it was! So I ordered it, to be reminded somewhat sharply my Mum that I have almost no cash - so she lent it me after I almost did a circuit of the walls. I'm sure it's so she knows she'll get peace when I'm at home...
So, my list of priorities reads: get Marc to do some work (any work, just as long as he does some -_-() ), get the Grandia pics up, then work on a Gundam Wing site. This should be good, I have to do the relevant banners at school. Joy...

I started work on the Zechs Merquise shrine! I've done some 30 links to pics. I thought about doing it Grandia 2 style, but then went 'Naah' because it would take about three years to load a quarter of them, probably. So I stuck with garbled text links. I have to say, I think Zechs is one of the most kawaii Gundam characters...*sigh* he's lovely. Hence the amount of pics I have. I've tried to avoid duplications, but if I get one, then please e-mail me and tell me, 'cause I'll be mortified! I've tried really hard to avoid duplications since I've found that many sites on the 'net say 'Over 100 pics of Zechs' and I find that many of them have duplicated about 10 or more pics! *sigh*
I'm gonna go and do more, and I'm gonna deal with the Gundam GIFS that're hanging about. Wish me luck!

Oh my Gods (or, if you're Marc with his latest favourite, Aa Megami-sama!) it's been ages since I did the diary...and worse, it's been ages since I updated! *shock horror* wow, I really must do some work, I think Marc is having a bad effect on me.
I mean, wow!
Umm...I thought I'd better sign, and say: this is the reason I've not been updating. I've been doing other stuff for you wonderful anime and manga fans. Check out Bloody Sakura, my X/1999 site, Sharon Apple Unofficial, my, somewhat unsurprisingly, Sharon Apple site and also Bittersweet Fantasies. The last one has nothing really to do with anime, but it' sort of sci-fi/fantasy short fiction written by me, and it does sort of have underlying anime themes, because that's pretty much all I think about.
Well, that's all I can think of to say...

