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BubbleGum Crisis Homepage

The Knight Sabers pages

Asagiri Priss
Stingray Silia
Yamazaki Linna
Romanova Nene
MacNicholl Leon
English lyrics to the Anime
Japanese lyrics to the Anime
More information

BubbleGum Crisis was supposed to be Marc's domain but first he did no work and now he's gone on holiday, so while I get over my wish to beat his head in repeatedly...better stop that huh?
Anyhow, he was kind enough to give me a copy of the first BubbleGum Crisis video, since it squeaks an has some small interferance (and also I suspect to make sure I write this bit), so now I feel fairly well equipped to wander into the dangerous world of the Knight Sabers.

Please please please bear in mind that all this stuff is copywrited to AnimEigo and if you want any can you please apply for it at their site and not take it from ours. Thank you.
