Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

You probably have not heard of me, since you're in a crazy go
nuts dimension and all...I am Strong Bad of
(incorrectly named) fame.

To Nakago- Good going, man. Keep on doing that evil thing.

To Tomo- Hey, you painted clown. I don't know what's up with you. The
makeup, that horrible getup...your only saving grace is being evil.

To Soi- Hiya, hotcakes. Wanna forget about that Nakago dude and come
over to MY place?

To Amiboshi- OK. You're disgusting, with that sissy flute and more like your little brother!

To Suboshi- Right on, man. I was practically cheering when you killed
that annoying Yuiren kid.

To Ashitare- Hey, quit sniffing my butt! Good job with that prissy
Nuriko guy.

To Miboshi- Thanks for slaughtering that Chiriko gir-dude, but you're
just freaky, man.

Strong Bad the Magnificent

Dear Strong Bad,

Amiboshi: A flute is not sissy!

Suboshi: Thanks!

Ashitare: It sounds like you're sniffing your own butt for me. Bravo on your flexibility.

Soi: No thanks. Cool though you are, I prefer men without malformed heads.

And you knew it was, how do you type with boxing gloves on? Ha!~


Dear Amiboshi,

what is it like being the only Seiryuu warrior still alive?


Dear ashley,


Or at least it was until I got back together with everyone. Now I'm remembering how much everyone other than Suboshi, Soi, and Ashitare annoyed me.


Dear Seiryuu seishi,

Do you believe that humans are naturally good, naturally evil,
or are we blank slates at birth and what we become depends on the lives
we live?

Lady Palindrake

Dear Lady Palindrake,

Ashitare: I didn't use to believe that humans could be intrinsically evil. Then I met Nakago.

Soi: I beleive people are naturally good, but can be warped by their circumstances. Even Nakago, despite his cruel behavior, wasn't a cruel child.

Amiboshi: I think people are basically good, but sometimes bad things happen that make them go over to the side of evil. Not that it's any excuse... it just
makes things sadder, if you think about it.

Suboshi: I think we're born blank and are turned to one side or the other based on our experiences.


Dear Suboshi,

 Hello. *bows* Hajimemashite Sakura desu. *bows* Dozo Yoroshiku
Onegaishimasu. I wanted to tell you that my brother and I have come to
terms. I'm not sure if you remember my letter. It is alright if you


Dear Sakura,

    Of course I remember you! I'm so happy to hear that you are on good terms again.


Dear Tomo,

Hi! Guess what? I was actually planning to wear make-up like
yours the first day of school, but then I realized there were 3
1.)I couldn't find any,
2.)My mom would freak out,
and 3.)It would take too long to put on. I'd have to get up at 5:00!
But the first school dance is coming up... hmmm... *evil grin* Kakaka!
Hey, I got it right! Yea!
Your astro sign is Libra, right? That means your element is Air, and
your attribute is Yang(light, positive, masculine). I'm a Cancer, which
is Water and Yin(dark, negative, feminine). I'm really into astrology,
so if you have any questions, just ask, okay?
Can I borrow your clamshell? Please? I want to teach a faker at
school a lesson. *evil grin again*
Do you mind that I hug you? Not glomp, just hug. I think all of you
need hugs. Heaven knows you've never gotten enough.
*hugs, then goes around and hugs everyone else*
Better go before someone kills me for that. Bye!


Dear Leaboshi,

    Yes, that's correct. You're quite skilled with astrology! It's impressive! I'm afraid the clamshell won't work for you, as only the Seiryuu Seishi can use it, but I can give you a hug.


Dear Miboshi,

 Glad you liked the voodoo doll. Since making moogle-voodoo
dolls were a success, I've taken up cooking classes! Now I have a new
problem. How am I going to explain a destroyed kitchen to my mom? That and
the currently burnt and knocked-out-cold cooking teacher I hired....I
hope this doesn't end up in court...aiks...

Forte who is currently in deep trouble.

Dear Forte,

    Hmm, what in the world were you cooking? It sounds great! Teach me the recipe...I'm always looking to cook up mayhem!


Dear Tomo,

HEY! i am so glad you are back. where did you go for vacation,
did u enjoy yrself? some people do not like vacation time coz they
fight more in close contact,like my friend who ended up fighting with her
family, don't you agree? did u fight with anybody?

i missed you so much when u were on holiday. so happy u are back! wat
are yr interests besides opera?


Dear Venus-reina,

    We just spent time in Tokyo while Tsutsuji tried to get her life in order. I didn't fight with anyone...well, no more than usual. My other interests are art, fashion, music, and theater.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 *a litle blonde girl walks up to them* I'm lost can you help me find the temple of Seiryuu?


Dear Miki,

Ashitare: Why on earth would you want to go to that horrid place? Because you realize, it is quite horrid now, thanks to Nakago's flirtations with Tenkou.

Soi: I'd like to help you, honey, but no one is allowed in there but seishi. It would hurt you to go through the barrier.


Dear Ashitare,'s been so long since I've written anything to you. Hope you don't mind. My teachers have been going in turbo mode lately. Ergh....May I ask, if you were sent to a foreign country where people were utterly disgusting, uncivilised and rude(not to mention barbaric in most ways), what would be your reaction and what would you do?


Dear Triste,

    But you see, I've already been to America and it's really not that bad. I was a little shocked at first, but one does adjust after a while as long as the
distractions are suitable. I just don't advise watching the people eat.

The tardiness of your letter is quite understandable, my dear. Your studies must take precedence. Keep working hard.


Dear Soi,

Howdy doo! ^^- Guess what? I got a hair cut finally! It's been
like forever sence I got one!
Well,anyways, I wanted to know If everyone was alright after all that
stuff that happened with the earth quake. Are you guys alright? Even if
you aren't religious, just knopw that I'm praying for all of you and
Tsutsuji! *huggles*
How bad was it growing up in Kotou?
Well, I have to go before mom blows a major gasket.
Ja ne!


Dear Kaikagurly,

    Thanks! We're fine, although Tsutsuji's house shook very hard about four times between 5 and 6 am that day, which was a very startling awakening, given she'd been in a bad quake two weeks earlier. Fortunately nothing was damaged.

Growing up in Kutou was terrible; anyone who grows up in a war is going to be scarred from it. But we became very strong because of it.


Dear Seiryuu seishi,

I've just about started playing FF7. My favorite characters
are the Turks and some of the Shinra employees. So, on with the

1) Who are your favorite FF7 characters and why?
2) Least favorite?
3) What do you think of the Shinra?

crystal tiara

Dear crystal tiara,

Nakago: I liked Sephiroth, who was very focused and strong. I liked Aeris the least; she was weak and whined. Shinra was very poorly run and without much to recommend it.

Soi: I like Cloud, because of his personality, and disliked Scarlett. I couldn't stand her! I admit, Yui and Scarlett are a bit alike.

Tomo: I like Sephiroth, because, well, look at him! Delicious. I disliked Barret the most, because of his vulgar attitude.

 Ashitare: I would have to say that my favorite character is Red XIII. Now there is a man of letters. My least favorite would be Hojo, since he reminds me
all to well of a few people I am forced to associate with. As for Shinra, it was poorly run and a pathetic excuse for a company, not to mention the utter lack of
basic humanity in its policies.

Amiboshi: I really liked Aeris; she had a very good heart, and that reminds me of Miaka. She just doesn't eat quite as much. My least favorite character was
Sephiroth - he was like Nakago with better hair. I pretty much agree with everyone about Shinra.

Suboshi: I liked Cid and Vincent; both unusual and interesting characters. I don't like Aeris (sorry, Aniki!) because she reminds me too much of Miaka.

Miboshi: I liked Hojo, hated the rest.


Dear Tomo,

Tori:I'm sorry I was mean
Sakura: There, was that so hard?
Tori:N-no..Really, I'm sorry


Dear Tori & Sakura,

    Thank you.


Dear Amiboshi,

Hiyas, Darling! This is a rather personal question but here it goes....Do you love your brother more that just a brother? I think it would be the cutest thing ever! Im a supporter of all types of yaoi....Well thats about it and i wanted to say I love you very much and dont forget it ^.~ And if you would please screw yer brother soon i would be very happy if you could....oh and for that Miaka bitch your too good for her. ^.~


Dear Nikki,

    Me...and my brother? Are you talking about incest? That's really disturbing and gross. And what does everyone have against Miaka? She's a really nice girl
and I only wish I was worthy of her!


Dear Ashitare,

Yer the coolest character in the Seiryuu Seishi! You really kicked Nuriko's butt! I feel bad that Nakago wipes you. I think you should attack him. Yours faster, Quicker and cooler than he. And I got a secret for ya! I think Soi has the hots for ya.


Dear Wrestling19,

    While I am never one to turn down frank and honest praise, your letter gave me a bit of a headache. I would rather not attack Nuriko again - I didn't really
wanted to the first time around. I am a wolf of peace, you see. And I'm afraid to say, I am not nearly blonde enough for Soi.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 *bursts back into room but avoids Nakago's gaze* Hey! YP and I
just had a brainstorm...whaddya say all of you hop over to our place
for some dimsum (er...there's schu mai for...a certain someone...*cowers
under Nak's glare*) We'll make sure there's alot of fun things to do
also...lessay a more deranged version of Twister...>=D And YP will be
providing FFX moogle voodoo dolls for entertainment! (YP: I have some of
Jials hair if anyone wants to get revenge) (Jials: *stares at Nakago and
hurriedly looks away* Ahaha!! I wonder who THAT would be...-_O''')
Ah...anyway, it's in two days time, so tell us if you can make it, ne....=D
(remember to bring your weapons too...the Twister game will involve negative aspects of human nature > other words, if
someone gets in your way, just whack the shit out of him/her)

Yp and Jials

Dear Yp and Jials,

    Amiboshi: That sounds like fun! I really like dimsum. Are you going to have duck?

Nakago: Shumai? I suppose I could come for that.

Suboshi: Ryuuseisui Twister, I like the sound of that...

Ashitare: I am quite fond of the both of you but please, for the sake of my sanity, learn the proper use of the ellipses. I feel lately as if I am drowning
in a sea of them.


Dear Miboshi,

 Argh!!!! My cat is bugging me again! Anyway, do you like cats?
I actually prefer them to dogs (no offense to Ashitare) since they're
so much more evil, what with the self-centeredness and they're need for
power. Ah....mebbe I'll give my cat a treat or something ler. Or maybe
I'll just invite my friend over to torment my cat with pears.
Hmmm.......which option...which option...

Forte the 'Catty' One

Dear Forte,

    I do like cats. What kind of cat do you have?


Dear Suboshi,

Hey! I'ma a big fan of yours. *grin* You and Amiboshi rock the
whole Seiryu Seishi cast! Anyway, I have a nickname for you:
It's the Psychotic YoYo boy of love!! heehee. So, I think you are
really hat and that your Ryuusesui are the coolest things. I'll talk to
you later!! I would make dibs on you but I have Tasuki so...yeah. TaTa!

Chibi Genrou

Dear Chibi Genrou,

    That's what Mearl Dox calls me as well. I'm really "hat"? Thanks, I think. I'll tell Amiboshi about your compliment.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

I know that Nakago found all of you, but where were the rest
of you? I know Nakago was with the emporer most of the time(and became a
soldier), I know soi was in a prostitution place thingy, but what about
Miboshi, ami-suboshi and Ashitare??


Dear Erutis,

    Miboshi was in the monastery, Ashitare was in a carnival, and the twins were sold into slavery at age nine, then seperated two years later. Suboshi was sold to an assassin group, and Amiboshi lived under a bridge, playing his flute for money.


Dear Amiboshi,

Yay! After many months of nothingness, you have returned. Must be a sign, since I was flipping through the cable channels and caught an episode of FY yesterday (You were in it, by the way...)

That particular episode had to deal with identities being forgotten or remembered, and I wondered: did you keep any of that forgetfulness potion even after you headed back toward your Seishi self?

Silver, the Adept

Dear Silver, the Adept,

    Welcome back! No, I didn't keep any of the potion. Once I remembered again, there was really no going back.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

hi waz up?as always i have a question hehehe!arn't i an
inquiring mind? anyway if u were all going on a vacation to charlstown south
caolina wht would u do?theres lots of neat stuff to see and do and also
wht would u bring and who would drive down?bye bye


Dear cute,

    Excuse me, but what language are you writing in, precisely? I am quite familiar with English, and that most certainly is not it. Would it kill you to spell
check? To capitalize? To cease in your heinous abuse of punctuation? And what on earth did the word "you" do to deserve this sort of despicable treatment,

I am sick unto death of this sort of missive. What is the point, other than to sound as unintelligent as possible? Why do children these days insist on replacing letters with numbers, or deliberately spelling words incorrectly? Is it the sign of some
sort of club membership? I would guess the "Uncultured Swine Club" or perhaps the "Association of the Lazy and Terminally Inarticulate." Unless your goal is to
make everyone with a modicum of education and class immediately subtract thirty points from your IQ, you are shooting yourself in the foot.

You ought to be clapped in chains and chased through the street by the League of English Professors, then forced to conjugate complex compound sentences until
the rules of grammar have been burned into your mind.

Cute? Hardly.


P.S. Sorry, but we don't know anything about South Carolina. --Soi

Dear Tomo,

Hi. Gosh, I'm writing to you a lot! I hope I'm not annoying.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask if names seem to have color to you,
because they do to me. You're sort of a silvery black, Nakago is deep gold
(not because of his hair), Soi is a reddish-purpulish-brown color,
Amiboshi is bright yellow, Suboshi is emerald green, Ashitare is copper, and
Miboshi is black and a violent violet color. My three aliases all have
really different colors: Leaboshi is sparkling blue-green, Selena is
silver, and Kamisae is sort of magenta, I think.
You and Sirius from the "Harry Potter" books share a color. I think
that's really neat, because you two act A LOT alike. You don't act too
similar, though.
By the way, are there any little-known facts you and the other seishi
can tell me for a guide I'm making? It's for peole who want to be the
authority on their favorite characters.
*hugs* Bye-ya!


Dear Leaboshi,

    Very interesting. What sort of facts are you looking for? I'm not sure what to offer you.


Dear Nakago,

No, Nakago-san, of course I CAN'T trust your answers. I just
wanted to tell you that you have bad taste because you like Tomo-sama!!


Dear Seisui,

    I "like" Tomo? When did this happen?


Dear Ashitare,

Ah...well...terribly sorry if I insulted your cooking skills with that cookbook XD and sorry if you see a polar bear at the pouch of the apron...I just thought that bears would look good on you. By the way, here's a nice book I've found for you...*hands Artemis Fowl series to Ashitare* You might find the main character veerrrry interesting =D.

Jials the Whale-squishing Pervert

Dear Jials,

    It's quite all right, my dear. I will not take offense in light of your apology. Thank you very much for the books! I've been intending to read these ever since
Katsu spoke of them to me, so this will be most convenient.


Dear Tomo,

Your my favorite Seishi out of your group...but as i was
reading information about you, it said you were gay. Please tell me this
isn't true. I was also wondering, what's your favorite thing to do in
your spare time? Also, would you be interested in someone like me? I
think your the hottest person in the world!!


Dear Mel,

    It is true; I'm surprised you didn't know that. I'm interested in the theater, and of course, Nakago.


Dear Soi,

You rock Soi!!! I was just wondering when you started fully
controlling lightning, I would love a power like that!

Aya Guardian of the Moon

Dear Aya,

    Thank you. I officially began using my powers after I'd arrived at the Kutou palace, when I was about seventeen years old.


Dear Suboshi,

How did you recieve ryuuseisei (your yo-yos)? They are pretty cool.


Dear Koneko,

    I got them from the leader of my assassin troupe.


Dear Soi,

you're my favorite seiryuu seishi
just a question
how did u become a prostitute


Dear dark_valefor,

    I was sold into the brothel by my parents to pay off a debt.


Dear Tomo,

 Ah! Thank Katsu for me please. My friend was very grateful.
I'm not sure which gothic look she went with...I think she might have
mixed up two or three of them. Made a few heads turn according to her.
Thank you for your time too. I don't suppose you want a FFX moogle voodoo
doll do you? *sheepish grin*


Dear Forte,

    Sure, thank you!


Dear Tomo,

Assuming you get reborn in the "modern" world, and assuming
you still loved theatre... Well, would you turn to television, or would
you stick to the stage? Personally I think the stage would be best for
you. I can't picture you as one of those people who are like, "Cut!
That's it! I'll be in my trailer!" But that may just be me...
Oh, have you ever heard of the play Floyd Collins? Well, actually it's
a musical. It's really good but also sad. It's about this guy who gets
trapped in a cave and no one can get to him until he's already dead.
*blinks* No, I didn't just give everything away. You KNOW that'll happen
at the very beginning. The play's mostly on how people would react to a
guy having that happen to him.
Anyway, um, just a warning; beware Almighty FIPs or Tomo-no-Kakakas.
They tend to shout "Muffin" and glomp ya until you can't breathe. -_-
Especially when they're obsessed with you.
Ja ne!


Dear Songwind,

    I think I would stick to the stage; I feel it has more...validity as an art. I haven't heard of that play but I will look for it. And thank you for the warning.


Dear Nakago,

 this is gonna sound really crappy but here it goes...
I have an army, and I'm really weak got any advice on being stronger?

it would be soo cool if you could join my army....

By the way, you are very cool ^_^(It seems like a lot of people make
little internet faces, so I think I;ll make one too....)


Dear materiahunter,

   Just steady and constant training, and devotion to your goals. Do your best.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Help!, Do you guys know any female anime characters with black
hair? I asked the Suzaku Seishi and they gave me some characters from
Inuyasha but that didn't help to much, See I'm cosplaying for the 1st
time and I'm trying to find someone to cosplay as. I can't aford to buy
an outfit so my friends are gonna help me make one *gulp* ^_^; Wish me

Evil Koryu

Dear Evil Koryu,

    Ashitare: I'd suggest just finding a good anime picture gallery and paging through it.

Amiboshi: I know there's a girl with black hair in "X," and most of the women in "Rurouni Kenshin" have black hair. Does that help?

Suboshi: Hmm...some of the lesser characters from Fushigi Yuugi also have long black hair...Reirei, Touka, etc.

Soi: How about Ceres from "Ayashi no Ceres?" Or also you could look at chacters from video games.


Dear Nakago,

*walks into room timidly* *horse with purple afro
trots up to Nakago* I'll just be running along now.....and read the
note!! *walks out from room*
Horse: *spits soggy note into Nakago's hand* -_-'
Note: Yo! I know you asked me not to give you anymore presents, but I
especially made sure that this horse doesn't enjoy chomping off other
people's appendages. And don't worry about the afro. It's removable, but
this feller gets low self-esteem if you do. His name is Blimp (hey, I
tried.) and he enjoys the company of blonde, evil generals, so both of
you will get along just fine. And....sorry about the finger, ne.=P

Ps. By the way, some dude spilt hydrochloric acid onto my finger in
Science, so we're pretty much equal now, eh?

Jials The Apologetic Pervert

Dear Jials,

    A horse with an afro named Blimp? I'd be the laughingstock of the entire Kutou army! Is your finger all right?


Dear Soi,

Ne Soi-san, if you hadn't met Nakago until he called all the
seishi together would you still like him at all? Or would you just think
he was a good-for-nothing jerk who had a really hot body and face?


Dear Erutis,

    I don't know, but I think I'd still admire him.


Dear Nakago,

Jials told me about incident. Just
wondering, how's coming along? Hope it isn't too serious,
ignoring the fact that it got bitten off and everything.


Dear YP,

    It's healed, but I'm not feeling very charitable toward her right now...


Dear Nakago,

Ever thought of starting an "I want to rule the world" club?
I'm sure if you had enough smart member you could have a really good


Dear Stine,

    Not a bad idea, but too many leaders get in the way.


Dear Tomo,

Tori: Why do you wear so much makeup? What're you a clown?
Sakura:Tori! Don't be rude. *Bows to Tomo* i'm very sorry. he's never
seen the show.
Tori: So what if I'm deprived? Why does he wear so much makeup?
Sakura: *sighs* Because....If you don't mind answering the question,
would you please? *bows*


Dear Sakura and Tori,

    It's opera makeup! Why is this so hard for everyone to grasp?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 What would you do if you were to meet the Genbu 7

Priestess Takiko

Dear Priestess Takiko,

Ashitare and Soi: Invite them in for tea, I should imagine.

Amisboshi: I'm with Soi and Ashitare on this one. Maybe one of them would be interested in music.

Suboshi: Ehhh...I don't really care.

Nakago: I have no interest in meeting them.

Tomo: Invite them in for a play.

Miboshi: I'm sure they'd make excellent demon food.


Dear Tomo,

First of all, I would like to say that you are very good
looking with or without face paint. Second, I was wondering...What did you
see in Nakago in the first place? He's so mean! Also...Can I be your
disciple?! I'll do whatever you say! Please, please, please, please?!


Dear Hollee,

    He is powerful and brilliant, as well as beautiful. If you like, be my guest. I always welcome new disciples.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Okay, thank you all for your suggestions on my last movie.
It's too bad Nakago and Tomo weren't around for the first screening
(Nakago must have been busy with his maps and Tomo...never mind, I don't want
to know what he was doing.) Anyway, maybe they made it to this
screening. But let's try this again. By the way, I want to retitle the tape
because of the modifications, but I'm not sure what to call it. Any ideas?

*puts tape in VCR and hits "Play"* Again, here we go.

THE SETTING: Same as last time.


THE DIALOGUE: Oh for crying out loud! You know what they're going to

THE PLOT: (Okay here we go with the revised edition.) The "good" me and
her money-grubbing boy toy are on their bench making out like a couple
of rabbits in season. Suddenly, a Hazmat truck carrying medical waste
products backs up and drops a bunch of dirty needles on them, causing
them to bleed and scream. As the two "lovebirds" shriek and try to get
out of the pile o'pain, the ground collapses under their feet and both of
them fall into a pit of scorpions.

*camera angle changes to bottom of pit* Still bleeding, the pair try to
salvage their date (much to the irritation of the scorpions, who start
vomiting and leave the pit.) All of a sudden, a wall of the pit
collapses and hot lava starts pouring in, burning the pair. *End tape*

Well, how was that? Again, the previous title doesn't seem to fit. Any
and all comments (compliments, criticisms, etc.) are welcome.

I hope Nakago and Tomo made it to the screening this time. I was
thinking of submitting this tape to the Kotou Film Festival (whenever that
is, if there is such a thing). Think it would win?

Akaim (Mirror twin of the Suzaku no Baka)

Dear Akaim,

Amiboshi: I really don't like these. Miaka and Tamahome don't deserve this sort of treatment.

Ashitare: That was quite gross.

Suboshi: *snickers* Well, I liked it.

Miboshi: What, no demons?


Dear Suboshi,

Aw Suboshi!! I'm sorry! See, I didnt know this place was back
up so I asked Chichiri to be my Brother =( You can still be my brother
if you want to =D It'll be fun having you and Amiboshi as brothers!
Both of you are so hott! If Tasuki heard me say this, He'll be mad >.>
Bye!! *Hugs*


Dear TasukiCutie09,

    *sighs* okay. I think you should tell Tasuki though. It'd be funny.


Dear Suboshi,

Will you be my aniki? Have you learned any tricks with your ryuseisui?


Dear Tarake,

    Sure, I suppose I could be. I've learned a few new things, mostly just learning to control it when it's out of my hands.


Dear Amiboshi,

Hey Amiboshi! I think I hurt Suboshi's feelings for asking Chichiri to be my brother before him.. Aw! Tell him I'm sorry ^.^ Could you please play your flute? It sounds so pretty ^.^ ...Do you like being...Kaika? He just seems nothing like you >.> That doesnt really sound right but oh well. Thanks for yer time!! ^.^ *Hugs*


Dear TasukiCutie09,

    If you want to apologize, you should probably tell Suboshi directly. I can definitely play my flute for you. I enjoyed being Kaika, but I missed Suboshi.
Still, it was nice to not have to fight and be in the middle of war for a little while. It allowed me to be the gentle person I wish I was.


Dear Tomo,

Oh, thank you!!! I'm so happy!!! As for your question, I've
been doing plays since I was five, and I usually do fairy tales and
things like that. I'd rather do someting more adult, though. Plus, I'm
in Drama class in school, and we're going to do a play during the year.
What kind of stuff do you do? I apologize for being so ignorant, but
I've only read up to book 8, and you haven't been introduced yet. Do
you read the manga?
*hugs* Have a nice day!


Dear Leaboshi,

    Your plays sound great; keep it up. I do Chinese opera (Peking opera) There are some links on our links page if you'd like to listen to some. We have read the manga, both original and special edition, and all of the novels. Are you enjoying the story so far?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

^^- That's always good to hear! What if you absolutely loathed
this job? Well...everyone other then Nakago-kun. I see that the twins
went to a water park.^^ Fun! Me wanna' go!!! Did anyone else go?

Guess what? I'm going to a *cough*extremely stupid*cough* homecomiong
dance tonight. *big sigh* I don't have anyone to go with either...Those
mean baka's... - -'' That means that I'm probably gonna' be stuck to
the wall while everyone else there dances. I f you don't have a date at
our dances, then you don't get to dance.

Soi? How come Nakago didn't ever say he loved you in the series? He's
just being down right rude to do that! *nod nod* He needs to get out of
that persnickity little way of his!

Oh! Can I talk to you too Tsutsuji? I haven't gotten to talk to you all
that much on IM and..Well...*takes big breth* My dad was in a very bad
mood the other morning and said he would take my AIM out that evening
for no real reason; I was just sitting there in the car riding to school
when all this happened minding my own dad gum buisness and he flares up
at me and I just said 'yessir's' and 'no sir's' and hadn't really done
anything mean to him so now it's pulled out and I can't talk to you
anymore. *breaths*

^^'''''''''' I started my own website! Is it alright if I borrow the
twins? I wanna' make a ask thing. Pwease? *puppy dog eyed* I still have internet
use and all with the exception of AIM so...*sigh*

Sorry for such a long letter!^^'' Well, I have to go now!

~Ja ne minna!~


Dear Kaikagurly,

    How was the dance? We hope it went well.

Soi: that's just his way. I don't mind.

Tsutsuji: Sorry to hear about your IM. Hopefully that'll clear up soon. By "borrow" the twins, what exactly do you mean? You're welcome to make an ask site if you like, just please don't use our codes.

Seishi and Tsutsuji

Dear Amiboshi,

The only time my sister, Sakura (I don't know if you remember her writing to you), ever wrote to you, it was to complain about me. I'm Tori. Since that letter, Sakura have made up, and do not argue so violently amymore.


Dear Tori,

    I'm very glad that you're getting along better now. It's sometimes very hard to get along with your siblings, but it's worth it. Ganbatte!


Dear Soi,

how do u keep such a nice figure?? ;P


Dear ienergy+deb,

    A healthy diet and lots of exercise!


Dear Tomo,

I so totally agree that you're the best of the seishi You are
such a hottie! i love you with or without your make-up! I just totally adore you!!! Ya know, there're some people in my life that really deserve a good "lesson", if you
know what I mean(BEAT'EM UP! BEAT'EM UP!). ^.^
And could you show me how to work that illusion clam magic you have?
I think it's totally Sugoi!!

Anyway, DAISUKI!DAISUKI!DAISUKI!!(don't worry, I'm not demented!)


Dear Erutis,

    Unfortunately, the shell only works for seishi. And thank you for your compliments.


Dear Seiryuu seishi,

I was wondering who some of you like. I am really confused
because some people on the internet like Nakago/Soi; Nakago/Tomo;
Amiboshi/Suboshi; Suboshi/Yui; Amiboshi/Miaka. It seems like Ashitare and
Miboshi are never paired up with anyone. Also, I want to know if Nakago
really did kiss Tamahome in the anime. It looked really weird 'cause they
hate eachother.


Dear Neko-chan,

    Amiboshi: I don't like my brother that way! That's very disturbing. The person I like is Miaka, even though I know I can never be with her.

Suboshi: I love Aniki, but that's disgusting! Now the Yui pairing I like. And yes, Nakago did kiss Tamahome but it asn't romantic in any way.

Ashitare: I'm a lone wolf, and considering the sort of things people out there will do to a relationship, I am quite content to stay that way.

Miboshi: I don't have the time or the interest for a relationship.

Nakago: Only Soi. I have no interest in Tomo, Tamahome or anyone else.


Dear Tomo,

Why won't you take of your make up?! PLEASE!!! I think your
make up rocks but you are soooo dead on gorgeous without it, not that
your not with it on but I gotta see your face! *sigs* can I at least have
a hug?

Aya Guardian of the Moon

Dear Aya,

    No, but I will give you a hug, just don't touch the feathers; they're sharp.


Dear Suboshi,

I love you and your twin so much. Would you like to live in my realm?


Dear Swen,

    Thanks! We'd love to, but we can't...


Dear Tomo,

Hi.I was wondering if you like just about any cute men or is
it just Nakago? I think you and Nakago would make the cutest couple.
You can definetly win his heart...Soi doesnt stand a chance agenst you!
Go get 'em Tomo darlin'!


Dear Nikki,

    Right now, just Nakago, though many others do catch my eye. Thank you!


Dear Tomo,

Hey, Tomo-sama! I forgot to ask which anime series you liked.
Don't stop being the wonderful self you are! *glomps*


Dear Seisui,

    I am very partial to WeiB Kreuz.


Dear Nakago,

hey nakago,my name is mia and i have to ask you some thing do
you have the time? ok ammmm i have a gift for you out of my pink bag i
pull a small gold boxs and on it was a big goldend hart then i put a
golend chain around his neak and kiss him and tell him too open the boxs
and nakago opens the box and say`s wha....what is this andpulls out a
small golend keythen i pull out a golend locket and say now you have the
only key to my hart and then kiss`s him agian and then (starts
crying)and says i love you and faints


Dear mia,

    Nakago: ...okay.

Soi: Let's chi blast her before she wakes up....


Dear Nakago,

Do u really hate Soi that much that you only use her? I think
that is so wrong. (because my character is Soi)


Dear Pirica,

    I don't hate her at all.


Dear Miboshi,

Do you have any pity at all for any of your victims, since so
many of them were little kids? Were you hot before you ever took any
one else's body? And do you like anyone???


Dear Erutis,

    No. I needed a body and they were there. I don't care who they were before. I don't really remember what my first body looked like. I didn't pay much attention. And no, I don't like anyone. I haven't met anyone evil enough for my tastes.


Dear Suboshi,

 I kind of just wrote you a letter, but I forgot to add
AM I THE ONLY PERSON OUT THERE WHO THINKS YOU DID THE RIGHT THING BY BRUTALLY SLAUGHTERING TAMAHOME'S FAMILY???? I hat that guy sooooo much! You were really upset (as is imaginable) and you had every right to go and kill that idiot's stupid family! *fumes* soo...that was all I had to say. Thanks for listening.

Chibi Genrou

Dear Chibi Genrou,

    I don't think you're the only one, but you're in the minority. I feel guilty about it, even though no one believes me.


Dear Amiboshi,

*Runs over to you* YOU ARE SO HOT!! (Nearly nocks you over). I can make you forget about Miaka!! *kiss* *Hug*. You are one of my favoret charactors. Your so sweet and kind hearted. You play the fluet so well *drool*.


Dear NakagoGirl5,

    Ummm... do I know you?


Dear Nakago,

Your hair is pretty can I put it into a bunch of braids? :)


Dear :),

    In a word, No.


Dear Nakago,

I used to kind o despise you cuz you're the one responsible for so many
of the suzaku seishi's deaths. But now that I've seen the last episode,
.... OH , MAN!! That's like the saddest thing ever!!! Now that i saw
what you've been through, I so don't hate you! I even understand why
you're so evil. Most of the villans I know are just plain sick! but you
have the best reason for doing what you did! GOMEN!!!!
By the way, DAISUKI!!


Dear Erutis,

    Thank you for understanding.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,


Aya Guardian of the Moon

Dear Aya,

Nakago: I know I didn't. I can't stand the stuff.

Tomo: Me neither. Soda is bad for your teeth.

Soi: Are you sure you didn't? I know I didn't drink it.

Miboshi: I can assure you I didn't.

Amiboshi and Suboshi: We didn't, honest!

Ashitare: Why would I have any desire to partake in radioactive bear urine?


Dear Soi,

Have no fear, I don't want *coughthatliarcough* Nakago-san
anyway. Aside from that, I just wanted to say that I think you and
Tomo-sama would make really good friends, if you both put your feelings for
Nakago-san aside. Face it, he doesn't deserve you both anyway (and he
hates Tomo-sama because he has BAD TASTE!!! KAKAKA!!!) Sorry about that,
Soi-sama, I'm just feeling a little hyper.


Dear Seisui,

    Well...thanks, but I have no interest in a friendship with Tomo.


Dear Nakago,

Hi! Can I ask you a question? Do you like Siothat much?
Did my friend ever tell you I do too? Now maybe you do?

Will I have to go I hope to see at least one letter of yours. Will bye. And Thanks!!

Neriza Primero

Dear Neriza Primero,

    I do like Soi, and I don't understand the second question.


Dear Suboshi,

 Do you really love Yui?


Dear Sona,



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