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[Tidus] He is the star Blitzball player of the Zanarkand Abes. When he gets taken away by Sin, he is in another world; 1,000 years after Zanarkand was destroyed. He meets the people of Spira and becomes one of Yuna's Guardians. He hates his dad, but is shocked when he finds out that Sin is Jecht. He eventually forgives him. When tidus finds out that Yuna is to die during the Final Summoning, he is heart broken.

[Tidus] [Yuna] [Rikku] [Lulu] [Kimahri Ronso] [Auron] [Seymour Guado] [Scenes From the Intro] [Blitzball and the Attack of Sin] [The Power of Sin] [The Wedding] [The Kiss at Lake Macalaina] [Scenes from the Ending] [Group Pictures]

[FiNaL fAnTaSy MaIn]

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