TI-86 Archives
Assembly (or NON-BASIC)

II v0.1b ENGINE TEST - 4/17/05 - Zilak2.zip
This is an RPG
I began
working on as a sequel to Zilak I. It is written in MLC, meaning you
need to download
it here. After installing it on your calc, you can try the game. It has
a fancy title screen, and a single make screen you can traverse. The
size limit for MLC has been reached, so I am unable to work on it too
much longer.

Out! ASM v0.7 - 4/17/05 - lightasm.zip
This is a
Lights Out game
your TI-86! It has 90 levels, SOUND, fast gameplay, and the ultimate
coordination setup. All the keys are mapped to a 5x5 box. The first
release (v0.3) of this program
was also written all on-calc, using Clem Vasseur's Z80 compiler. This
program is very small (2.1Kb) and is great because it packs 90 levels
all into one program. Read the readme and enjoy!
Version 0.4 was compiled on the computer, but the code was written
on-calc. Version 0.7 includes source code!!!
BASIC Programs

Equation Balancer v1.0 - 1/6/05
- chembal.zip
This program can balance some chemical equations, however very
slowly. However, once the user input is understood, it is
slightly easy to use. Even though I wrote it, I do not like
it. This is the first and last version.

Equation Balancer v2.1 - 1/18/05 - chembal2.zip
This is new version to the file listed above. Yes, I lied.
I did make a new version. It is the best one available as of
1-15-05 ever made for the 86. It takes 3 seconds to balance an
equation, easy input, 640 bytes (!!!) all in one program. It is
99% reliable, as oppose to the above file, which is not reliable
whatsoever, A MUST for chemistry class, or anything related to
chemical equations.

Equilibrium Solver v1.0 - 1/6/05
- equilbrm.zip
This program is one of my most useful. If you know a K value, the
balanced equation, and initial concentrations, you can determine
equilibrium concentrations. Great download. Doesn't work
well with small K values.

v1.2 - 2/16/05 - titrate.zip
This is a chemical titration calculator. It will work for any
combination of weak or strong acids or bases. It can graph your
data, and you are allowed to enter as much data as you want. It
will calculate pH and pOH for you as many times as you need for a
particular solution, with only you entering the volume of acid/base
being added. It will not only plot your data if you need, but
also save it for you. This will replace the horrible task of
doing titration calculations manually. This program takes up only
2220 bytes on calculator.

v1.0 - 2/1/05 - worldist.zip
This program can tell you the distance between any two locations on
earth, provided you know the latitude and longitude. It only takes up
667 bytes on-calc, and works very fast. The user-interface is great,
and it is quite a neat program. It uses the spherical coordinate system
to work with coordinates. I found it quite fun to use. Great download
in case you want to find relative distances between different places,
like a geography class.

Out! v0.1 - 1/10/05 - lightout.zip
This is the beginning
of a game
cloning the handheld Light's Out! game. The object is to turn off
all the lights on the screen. You can turn off or on any light,
but the lights adjacent to it also turn themselves off or on. It
is very fast and small for a BASIC game, and the game itself is quite
challenging. However, version 0.1 is not finished. There
are no levels in the game, so it starts off with a winning
screen. I will update this soon, however, I am working on an ASM
version of the same game. Levels can be easily put in, but for
now, simply mess up the screen without paying attention, then try to
make it blank again. It's fun, but I plan to clone the levels
from the handheld game, with a movement counter, save game feature,
challenge mode with highscores, and more. Look forward to this
game being updated!

I - The Land of No Return v0.5a - 1/10/05 - zilak.zip
This is a huge RPG game written in Basic for the TI-86. It has
huge overworlds, 3 game save slots, good storyline, many interesting
characters, tons of unique monsters, a wide variety of magic spells,
and a bunch of weapons and armor. You can do whatever you want,
the gameplay is non-linear (Sort-of). This was a two-year project
that I last worked on in January 2003. I touched it up, and
decided to release it. It should work fine. PLEASE EMAIL ME
BUGS! I wish to continue this, but I have school and "Light' Out!
ASM" upcoming release sometime late January 2004. This program is
really, really, really modular. There are 26 subfunctions!
Each in it's own program. It is easy to edit, hack, or do
whatever. Have fun!
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All Rights Reserved.