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LastName:Portman(grandmas maiden name
Birth:Tuesday June 9th, 1981, in Jerusalem, Israel
Height:N-E where between 5 foot to 5'3
Eyes:Brown(mmm me too!!
Languages:English Hebrew
Hobbies:Dancing (ballet, jazz, tap), reading, writing, ice-skating (which she picked up during the filming of Beautiful Girls), modeling, and of course, acting.
Addictions: Chocolate, Jolly Ranchers Candies(jolly ranchers RULE!)
Food:Natalie has been a strict vegetarian since she was 8, after seeing a demonstration of laser surgey on a chicken at a medical conference with her father. She does not eat meat of any kind but does eat eggs and drinks at least one glass of skim milk every day.
Fav Food:Pizza, chocolate, tea, ice cream, skim milk(pizza mah fav food!)
Favorite TV Shows: Friends, Ellen, Dawson's Creek, Jerry Springer (FREINDS rule!!)

Hey Dis Page UNDA HUGE CONSTRUCTION..sry but the thumbnails dont work yet ill fix them in a day or so so enjoy the rest of the site!!

Note:there will be no nude pictures fo Natalie Portman unfortunality im not sick n perverted:)Note#2:These pictures arnt origanlly mine but never the less she is FINE!

N.P Photo Shoot 2

NAtalie Portman!

N.P #3

N.P #4

N.P #5

N.P n Furr

N.P pic 2

NP will u marrie me?

N.P!! in luv

all N.P

N.P :)

Natalie Portman

N.P Teen

N.P Baby Pic

N.P School Pic

N.P Pic

N.P Photo Shoots

N.P sexyness!

N.P so fine!

N.P gotta luv it!

N.P is dat lovely r wut

Natalie Natalie Natalie!

N.P mmmm

she is too finemmmmm