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is an international movement of Christians working to help make a difference in a needy world. Founded in 1960, it is now one of the largest interdenominational and international Christian ministries, with about 12,000 volunteer staff (and thousands more affiliated workers) based in over 800 locations in over 135 countries.

In addition, tens of thousands more people from scores of nations are involved on a short-term basis each year. Coming from many different backgrounds and working in a wide range of situations, YWAMers are united in their desire to be part of changing people's lives for the better. They have responded to the "Great Commission"--Jesus' command to His disciples to go into all the world and tell the Good News.

They believe the gospel of Jesus is not just about words, but also actions. So they share their faith through many different kinds of practical help--from agricultural training to running medical clinics--as well as telling about the Christian beliefs that inspire their actions.

There are three strands of ministry weaving throughout all that YWAM does:

Evangelism is an integral part of both training and mercy ministries, but also an emphasis of its own. Drama, music, performing arts and sports camps are among the creative tools YWAM staff use to share their faith in a way that makes sense to their audience--whether it be teenagers, elderly refugees, or an unreached people group.

YWAM also engages in church planting, in coordination with churches and denominations, or on its own among people groups who don't have churches among them yet.

Mercy Ministry meets some of the practical and physical needs of over 400,000 people annually. Caring for street children in South America; aiding in the recovery of drug addicts in North America and Western Europe; feeding and housing refugees and women in need in Africa and Asia, operating ocean-traversing ships demonstrating and declaring the Good News practically and verbally, are just some of the ways in which helping hands are extended.

Training - Our goal is to encourage students in developing personal character, cultivating a living relationship with God, and identifying unique gifts and callings. The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is an intensive Christian training course with 12 weeks of a teaching phase and 12 weeks of practical outreach phase. In this DTS we will focus on training, discipling, and mobilizing young people for youth and family ministry through outdoor experiential learning, community living, and core teachings of knowing God and making Him known.

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