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YWAM Osaka has entered into a new millennium with a vision to lead children, youth, young adults and families throughout Japan into a proven knowledge of God, to bring Him joy, and together make Him known to all peoples

We believe this can only come about through partnership with the local & worldwide church. The Father is calling the body of Christ into unity as one body and one mind.

There are two phrases that capture our hearts and they are:


The cry of the fatherless

 There is a desperate cry that is being heard all over the nation. It is the cry of the fatherless. Many throughout every sphere of society have been living without the kind of input growing up that produces mature, healthy, adults that are victorious and living an abundant life through Jesus Christ. The cause of the deprivation, “the fatherless”, is multifaceted and extremely disabling. They are  a broken, isolated and vulnerable people. The only cure  is a radical identification as sons and daughters of God the Father as made clear through the revelation of the Spirit of God through the Bible.


Raising the Lazarus generation

Just as Jesus took time to raise His friend Lazarus from the dead, so must we be willing and able to breathe life into this generation. They are a generation whom Jesus loves and so badly yearns to see our partnership in bringing such life. It means obedience, dying to self and grace to reach, care, disciple and mobilize the generations in a Biblical worldview. From the grave, will hear the call and live.

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