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Monique's Graphics:)

Welcome to Monique's Graphics! I made tons of stuff for you to use for your own personal website and some stuff for neopets too! If you do use my graphics make sure that you don't change the code in any way and that there is always a link back here! Thanks everybody:) O if you see any image boxes with X's in them just right click on them and then go to show picture! Sometimes they don't show up!

Love Monique

05/17/03 - Holy Moly! lol! I haven't been updating my little webpage in the longest time! I'm sorry peoples! Anyways I'm gonna work on it lots today so there will be tons more stuff:) 03/10/03 - Well everybody, I wasn't on a lot today but I did add some more new stuff!! Like look over on the sidebar!! Isn't the counter SOOOO cute?? lol! Yaa, I have a questbook but I just have to make the link! I really want to hear from everybody on what ya'll think of my site! lol! I am so proud I have over 200 Kao Anis(puffs) I know how to make them but I just don't have the program you need to make them! That suck but what can you do about it! lol! OMG! I would love to be in Florida right now! All that swimming, sun, warmth and all that is just what I need:) Oh well. Some of my friends went there during the March break so there gonna have lotsa pictures to show me! lol! Well they better:) Any way I g2g, bye bye!!

03/09/03 - I have lotsa new stuff up today! Way to go team Monique! lol! There are some really cool layouts for guilds that you have to check out, and there are some backgrounds and puffs! Whew! I'll start working on the dividers and user lookups as well so there will be lotsa stuff for everybody to use:) Well have a GREAT day!

03/08/03 - Well I finally got my very own graphic site up!! Of course I don't have any graphics on it though! lol! I just manely focused on what the very front of the site would look like! I have soo much to do for this site, I just don't know where to begin! lol! I'll try and get some backgrounds and dolls made cause there the easiests! lol! I'll eventually get my very own doll maker but until then, I'll just use everybody elses:) If you want to e-mail me for any reason then heres my e-mail address!!

Monique Feels - The current mood of at

If you have your own personal web site that you would like to be advertised on my links page then send me an e-mail at! Also if you have made some graphics but don't have a site to put them on you can also e-mail them to me! Don't worry I'll put down that you made it:)

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