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Clan 110] Members

Reasons to become a member:



Dictator: Runs clan.
General: Acts as co leader, runs clans when Dicator is not present. High Council Member
Commanding Officer: Keeps Control over Channel. Must be online at least 1 hour a day or more. High Council Member.
Officer: Works with the Commanding officer to keep control over channel. Low Council Member.
Sergant: Recurits and teachs about the Clan.
Foot Man: Learns how clan is run.
Recurit: Stays recurit until a General says its ok to move up, MUST BE ONE FOR AT LEAST 2 DAYS.

Special Jobs:

Royal Warrior: Loads 10 bots or more. Talk to Pakis about joining.

Tourney Maker: Holds tourneys. Talk to Hershey about joining.

Anything special on D2 Talk to Godfather

24/7 ops holder. Show up at a meeting and tell generals and leader you have 24/7 ops.

Web Designer: we are in dier need of one. if you can do it please tell a general or leader quickly. must show work of what has been done in the past. SHOW US A SITE U DESIGNED.