Furrypop's WIP

Furrypop's WIP

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Welcome to F.Pop Esq's humble sketch pad.

If you've stumbled upon this page, you're probably blown away by the page design and everything. Don't worry yourself unduly, I learnt everything I know about HTML from here.

That's David Lloyd George on the left, by the way. I like to flatter myself that he is my main sartorial influence.

Drawing Pin

F.Pop Esq's latest persona. Once he develops a distinct style, he'll let you know.

2002 Resurrected for the nicest man in the world, Chris Pace. Remastered by the wonderful Doof.
Last Practice Just a sketch, not remotely complete (pun intended) - yes, we know, it sounds like a poor man's Cure
Triangle Song Work-in-progress, all created from one sample of a two year-old's triangle, a single keyboard patch and a Wayne Kramer sample.


F.Pop Esq used to play guitar in the top quality rock band "remote". For five long years they terrorised patrons of London's premier venues with loud rock music. Here is a sample from their third demo "Colourless".


Among the last few albums to have a turn on the Pop stereo were:-

You can contact F.Pop Esq via furry pop all one word at yahoo dot com.