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Tuesday, 25 May 2004
How to Deal with friends that stab you in the Back
From my expirence there are no such things as friends that won't stab you in the back atleast once. There are good friends but never true. I have spend my years on this earth making friends and having those friends turn into enemies. I have had several friends and now a lot of them are enemies of mine. If a friend that you have stabs you in the back never be thier friend agian, they will just keep stabbing you in the back. Many people think that your friends are forever but rarely is that true. I have had the same good friend since the 9th grade. He is one of the most honest people you will come across nowadays. But still he remains unlike the rest. He will always stand out in the crowd and thats the way he entends to keep it that way. Many friends will come and go but heres a little poem I read somewhere just for your info....

False Friends
False friends are like autum leaves,
found everywhere!

True Friends
True friends are like diamonds,
presious but rare!

Friends will come and go. But the saying goes keep your friends close but your enimes closer.

Posted by al4/advicefromashley at 1:21 AM
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My advice on Boys
For many years us females have been trying and trying hard to figure out the opposite sex but we just can not seem to do it.

My Advice On Boyfriends

There are certian rules you have to follow with boyfriends here are some of them.

1. Always appear available but never be available.
2. You can look you just cant touch.
3. All most guys want is to tap that booty.
4. Never let your guard down, EVER.
5. Let them call you.
6. Don't be clingy.
7. Never leave angry.
8. Always act like your paying attention.
9. A relationship is a partnership not a demoracy.
10. Always be on top of the game.
11. Don't say "I LOVE YOU" unless you mean it.
12. If you get caught, lie until you are sure they believe you.

These are some of the things I have learned over the years. Follow them Wisely!

Posted by al4/advicefromashley at 1:07 AM
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