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Welcome to the start page of my Elton John tribute. I don't have a snazzy intro or a long story to tell you before you enter my site. What can I say? His music is awesome. That sums it up. Elton John has amazed people with his music and performances for years, and will for years to come.

A while back I was checking out some Elton John sites and I noticed there weren't many pictures in some of the ones I visited, so I decided to put mainly photo galleries on my site. I'll also include some great links and other things. So sit back, relax, and enjoy seeing the pics and listening to some of Elton's greatest tunes!

Sincerely, a Rocket Fan

Are you an Elton fan? Do you like my page? Tell me about it! E mail me or sign my guestbook!

Have you ever met Elton, or do you have a story you'd like to share about him? I want to put together a FAN PAGE with fan's memories, pics and stories in it. But it's left up to YOU! E mail me at the above addy :-)

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This is the face you'll get from Elton when he finds out you didn't sign my guestbook!

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Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three
Gallery Four
Elton's Solo Tour
Tribute to Princess Diana