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What Is Truth?

Like so many of you, I have been searching for truth. Rummaging through the rubble of contradiction and beneath the ruins of my own experiences. I was tossed about on this raging sea of confusion and turmoil for so very long.

What is truth?

I came to the realization that truth, upon my hearing, must resonate within me as something familiar, gentle, comforting. I have no need for harsh realities nor sheer fantasies. I needed for truth to be more than just a collection of facts or fairy tales.

So I asked of Beauty and Music, those graceful sisters of Truth, to show me that most elusive of all their kin.

And Beauty spoke to me first. I am not mere images. I only appear to you as an image. I exist in a higher form. Of all the images you see, I am the arrangement which pleases most. My colours are harmonious, my depth is multi-dimensional. I am light and shadow and motion, and joy. You view me not with just the eye, for I am more.

You have never beheld my pure form, but have seen glimpses of me in the setting sun across the water, or the clouds drifting across a clear blue sky. or the sunlight dancing on the leaves of the majestic tree wet with freshly fallen rain. My gift to you was imagination when earthly images failed you. I am the source of your inspiration and creativity. A tear rolled down my cheek, blurring my vision, as Beauty I beheld.

And then Music spoke. Yes, I, too, am more. More than a collection of sound. Though I come to you in sound, I am not noise. Of all the sounds you hear, I am the arrangement which pleases most. My tone is pure, my harmony is perfection, my range will carry you to greater depths than you have ever known and upon my strains you shall soar to heights of joy. Your life will pulse with my rhythm and your body will dance to my motion.

Man has never invented the instruments upon which I may be fully expressed. Not just your ears, but every cell of your being may be filled with me. My gift to you was song. I have often heard my song burst forth from your lips and lungs and the sound you make is music to me. A haunting melody played upon my heart's strings as Music I heard.

And there in the midst of Beauty and Music, Truth appeared and spoke to me. I am no Mystery. Neither am I a collection of facts. My words may be found in the highest imagination and the loveliest of songs. I am the greatest collection of knowing. Yes, knowing, not knowledge. For knowledge is dead. I live and breathe.

I am the knowing of your heart where there are no facts to substantiate it. I am the feeling you have that has no external source. I am a tapestry of words that poets weave and the song which the mystic whispers upon the wind. And where language fails you, I will not fail. My gift to you is reflection. I reflect your heart. Without me you could not know your own sweet self. I have heard your thoughts and they are precious to me. You need never fear Truth. I will never harm you.

Man may not come to us here. Yet we may come to man and often do in some measure. To see and hear and drink of us fully, you must be blind and deaf and thirsty. This world is a place of unmade dreams and harsh realities. A place which needs us, yet does not want us. Do you not believe that we would have come to man had he honored us? Some great souls have honored us and they have left priceless treasures scattered here and there on this scarred earth. Yet if man does not honor these treasures, how can he honor us?

'What is Truth?' I am what you want me to be. From the deepest pools of your heart I spring to give life to you. In this dark world where Beauty and Music and Truth are rejected, we have heard your cry and your earnest plea.

But dry your eyes, for we are here now.

And in such a wondrous moment
did Truth become my trusted friend
calming my fears
being nothing less than my highest ideal
which I now had the power to fully believe
I no longer need fantasy or reality
I have something greater

I See

I Hear


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