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Our Silent Hearts

I am tired of searching for the perfect image
for the just right music
Once upon a time there was just me
and the pencil and paper
and God flowed through my open thought
my yeilding hand

Oh, yes, those words fell upon no one else's ears
Creating no lonely echo
Only softly on this heart of mine
Which revered the divine
and revelled in the sublime

Oh why is beauty such an illusive creature
which we cannot capture
with pen or brush or music
And why is truth such a lonely animal
which we can portray
neither in book nor in equation

Oh, Why should the grandeur of life be cheapened
by my need to show some other soul
that I am an artisan?

I do not compose the music
I do not command the script
I do not convey the image

Almighty God is the hand
He who paints the rainbow
He who orchestrates the thunder
He who speaks in a still small voice

Inspires this soul of mine

It is I
who am so lazily priviledged
to hear
It is I
who am so humbly abled as his creature
to receive

I hope, not pray, but hope
that you know this, too
So that we may revel in gifts that are ours

Oh, yes, the music is still music that I hear
But when you hear with me
As we listen together
Just listen

I look deeply into your eyes and see
all that images would dimly convey
I feel your heart beat
with the rythym and sway
And we begin to dance

We hear the voices sing
The book of love opens
And we smiling, glowing, tumble in

Where no one can find us
On a high and loney hill
In the morning mist

Where the world stands still

And the hand of God touches

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