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This River

I stand on the banks of this river
Where the mountains and sky and sun
enhance its beauty and wonder
and together we seem to be one
I stand here delighting in freedom
And for places so grand I can be
My heart is as wide as this river
My heart is as wide
as the sea

This pinnacle that hangs o're the water
Is a tunnel for wind blowing strong
It washes me clean of my worries
It washes me clean of my wrong

A playground for boaters and skiers
and jetters of colors so bright
Splashing and streaming and sparkling
on waters with diamonds of light
They dance and they play with each other
They dance and and they
Play on my sight

I clutch my small pup to my chest here
Lest he would go plunging headlong
Over the edge to his ruin
And I would be left all alone
He's run and he's marked and he's greeted
His pink tongue pants heated and fast
He asks me to stay here forever
He asks me how long
Will this last

But turning to leave this pure heaven
I suddenly remember that boat
It's name and logo remind me
Of times on the Jordan afloat
I cannot remember its owner
But the name of the place there I see
No mistake I have been in its cabin
No mistake I have been
on that sea

So here once again we meet friend
500 miles from our source
10 years of reaching this shoreline
Still sailing with winds awesome force
Saluting, I leave you to mystery
As I turn my sails towards home
It was here on the banks of this river
It was here all along
we belonged

We Are Sailing, We Are Sailing...

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Rod Stewart

I am sailing, I am sailing
home again 'cross the sea.
I am sailing stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.

I am flying, I am flying
like a bird 'cross the sea.

I am flying passing high clouds,
to be near you, to be free.

Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thru' the dark night far away?
I am dying, forever trying
to be with you; who can say?

Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thru' the dark night far away?
I am dying, forever trying
to be with you; who can say?

We are sailing, we are sailing 'cross the sea.
We are sailing stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.